Sorry this is not entirely correct. It should be said quite clearly that the BR port is a faulty design and that no DSP can correct this. You can correct the FR which reduces the audibility of the BR port noise, but it does not solve the problem.
Especially when used as a monitor, the BR port resonances will be audible - with DSP (less) or without (clearly).
If one realizes that the near-field measurement of the BR port is not baffle-step corrected and roughly draws in the correction (blue line), it becomes clear that JBL absolutely has to improve it - IMO.
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I don't entirely disagree but the argument can be made that port resonance is a legitimate design tradeoff when you are making a very small speaker with significant bass extension. In this form factor, passive radiators are not possible, so if you want a deep tuning in a high SPL speaker you are going to end up with an undersized port, and no amount of sculpting is going to help that. I would bet it is even worse than in the 705, but these port resonance issues are almost ubiquitous with two-way speakers, especially front ported monitors (and remember why they front port them to begin with - portability).
If this was a size-is-no-object design it would be shameful, but in a speaker with this kind of SPL and bass capability in this size it is expected.
I do agree that DSP is not the proper tool for mitigation as well, and this is especially problematic in a hybrid speaker that cannot equalize the woofer in that region without also equalizing the tweeter.