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    • amirm
      amirm reacted to Haskil's post in the thread Danny Richie's latest... with Like Like.
      My God, on ASR you also have to confront the annoying people who want to be right and force you to argue constantly... but they don't...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      Testing with more than one speaker strongly pulls in room effects. This renders the results meaningless to others with different rooms...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      They are not so. We have no reference for what is correct. That only comes from multi-way comparison of a few speakers. If you were...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      He clearly cares to convince us he is right. If all he wants to do is enjoy music, he should do that instead of posting lay opinions...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      It is the music itself which brings musical enjoyment. To confuse hardware's job is the ultimate sin in audio. Anyway, since you are...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      You have to remember that your sighted, subjective listening, with no formal training, especially if done in stereo, has no probative...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      Accurate speakers sound remarkably similar. I know because I have listened to countless ones. That aside, component choices dictate...
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Danny Richie's latest....
      Again, you are speaking as a layman as opposed to someone who has studied the research. A speaker that does well mono, will also do...
    • amirm
      amirm reacted to GWolfman's post in the thread BobWire XLR1 XLR and RCA Switcher Review with Like Like.
      This is definitely on my list should I ever need this functionality. Thanks!
    • amirm
      amirm reacted to DonH56's post in the thread FTC Cracks Down on Reviewers with Like Like.
      Rats, that is the actual FTC article I thought I had linked, copy/paste error. Thanks Amir!
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread FTC Cracks Down on Reviewers.
      The article is misleading in that the ruling has nothing specific for audio or audiophiles. But does provide those broad protections...
    • amirm
      amirm reacted to Steven Holt's post in the thread Now this is winter hardiness!!! with Like Like.
      Amir, it's best to think of us as your misguided children....
    • amirm
      amirm replied to the thread Now this is winter hardiness!!!.
      Her videography skills are excellent with multi camera shoots. Her outdoor clips really bring a sense of calmness that the uncrowded...
    • amirm
      amirm reacted to Doodski's post in the thread Now this is winter hardiness!!! with Like Like.
      It's a ASMR video... Supposed to be relaxing and interesting in a calm manner. I watch them sometimes. "In 2015, the first peer-reviewed...
    • amirm
      This one by ABBA slips slightly over the 40 year limit, but certainly qualifies as beautful:
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