Okay, there were some statements in the last posts that I can't understand - could partly be due to the translation.
Therefore I would like to show in a simplified way what is possible by changing the baffle,
with unchanged cabinet dimensions -
similar to the Philharmonic-BMR.
To keep my effort low, I use chassis simulations that are already on my hard disk. As woofer I use the
SB17NAC35 and as tweeter the
Seas-DXT, because the tweeter of the Encore also has a small waveguide. The cabinet dimensions are the same as in the Encore kit.
The fact that cancellations occur around the crossover frequency in the vertical radiation of vertically stacked drivers no longer needs to be explained, therefore the horizontal radiation is mainly considered.
If not stated otherwise, the normalized horizontal radiation pattern up to 90° is shown in 15° steps. To save computing time, the simulation is only reliable up to 7-8kHz.
First, let's have a look at the radiation pattern with a dome without wave guide -
only the tweeter simulated:
A certain similarity to the complete loudspeaker measured by
@amirm cannot be denied:
its pretty much accepted generally on the gr forum at audiocircle a 3/8 roundover is necessary.
Then the next thing we'll look at is what happens with a 3/8'' rounding -
only the tweeter simulated:
This is certainly an improvement and should possibly work without adjusting the crossover.
Next consideration now would be to shift edge-diffraction most far to high frequencies, because then
a) the crossover remains free of interference
b) by using the small waveguide the radiation at high frequencies is still controlled and the edge diffraction is lower
First of all we lead the rounding as close as possible to the tweeter. The drivers have been moved upwards while maintaining their spacing (would have to be simulated in detail to see if this is really advantageous) -
only the tweeter simulated:
That looks pretty good, the crossover-region at 1.8kHz is now completely interference-free in the radiation and the radiation of the woofer should not cause any problems anyway.
The edge-diffraction now causes us problems around 5kHz.
Our small waveguide (here the Seas-DXT instead of the T26SG used in the kit) should help us and tame the interference a little bit -
only the tweeter simulated:
The optimization of the Encore kit is finished - it is as simple as that - please donate to
@amirm , he needs a new handyman
But while we're at it, how would a
complete loudspeaker with the SB17NAC plus Seas DXT as a tweeter simulate/measure with these dimensions?
Therefore we roughly simulate a crossover with
[email protected]:
... and look at simulated end results:
Horizontal normalized sonogramm +-180°
Vertical normalized sonogramm +-180°
...and there goes the forum speaker