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Tekton M-Lore Speaker Measurement Update

Ken, you need to stop. The issue was decided a long time ago in Bose Corp. v. Consumers Union 466 U.S. 485 (1984) by our Supreme Court. Unless Eric Alexander can prove “actual malice” he will not recover any damages.

And yes, organizations can “hide behind freedom of speech” as a defense. Amir and ASR are limited purpose public figures in the audio world.
Proving actual malice in an opinion piece is near impossible.

f you can persuade a jury that these reviews are less opinion (speaker sounds bad), but rather scientific description (speaker is bad because it measures in this or that manner), then a plaintiff's lawyer has a target.
I don't know why people are so down on Tekton speakers, they actually seem fairly decent for overall performance.
The owner is the issue. Erin said that one he tested was average from his experience and the one Amir tested doesn't seem to be like the others with the tweeter arrays. ASR will test more if the opportunity arises so no hate there towards the tech. Prices seem good on many.
Your stance harkens to days that it was hard to annotate measurements. While there is some effort today, it is far more feasible in a world where measurements are all electronic. Here is a graph from Sean Olive AES paper:

View attachment 365162

Clearly he could have put those annotations in the figure caption below but he choose to label them as I do. It is far more efficient for a reader to see the notes right next to the measurements as opposed to constantly going back and forth from graph to text. I hate this in stereophile measurements. You have to even hunt to know where in the text the description is as the info is not in the caption.

If you look around the web, you see that more and more people are annotating their measurements like I do. One critical reason is that when you "hot link" to the graph from other sites, all the relevant information comes with it. I routinely do this myself and am able to fully convey the meaning of the measurement that way.

Not suggesting you change your style or that you don't know your audience, but I'm with @KSTR on this. Crude markup on the figures/graphs themselves generally looks shite. Careful markup to highlight an otherwise illegible detail can be excused. Poor Sean has forgotten how to use headings/labels? Yep I blame the engineers. And the yoof. And the internets. And preservatives. And drugs.
Not suggesting you change your style or that you don't know your audience, but I'm with @KSTR on this. Crude markup on the figures/graphs themselves generally looks shite. Careful markup to highlight an otherwise illegible detail can be excused. Poor Sean has forgotten how to use headings? Yep I blame the engineers. And the yoof. And the internets. And preservatives. And drugs.

I want more coloured arrows, inconsistent labelling, spelling errors and stuff that covers the graphs. Otherwise what have we got to complain about?

And AP need to make their watermark logo really huge, like the giant car badges these days. I saw a mercedes the other day with a badge the size of a dinner plate. There's an arms war going on with car badges, I'm telling you.
Not suggesting you change your style or that you don't know your audience, but I'm with @KSTR on this. Crude markup on the figures/graphs themselves generally looks shite. Careful markup to highlight an otherwise illegible detail can be excused. Poor Sean has forgotten how to use headings? Yep I blame the engineers. And the yoof. And the internets. And preservatives. And drugs.
Had to look up yoof. Thought it was an Aussie thing, but I guess not. :D
I want more coloured arrows, inconsistent labelling, spelling errors and stuff that covers the graphs. Otherwise what have we got to complain about?

And AP need to make their watermark logo really huge, like the giant car badges these days. I saw a mercedes the other day with a badge the size of a dinner plate. There's an arms war going on with car badges, I'm telling you.

Ahhh yes all the things, but I forgot about watermarks ... :facepalm:

Had to look up yoof. Thought it was an Aussie thing, but I guess not. :D

And I thought it was US, but looks like it came from UK. Complaining about the yoofs makes me feel older and wiser. :)
I want more coloured arrows, inconsistent labelling, spelling errors and stuff that covers the graphs. Otherwise what have we got to complain about?

And AP need to make their watermark logo really huge, like the giant car badges these days. I saw a mercedes the other day with a badge the size of a dinner plate. There's an arms war going on with car badges, I'm telling you.

Admit it - you’d forgive all that if Amir added a giant analogue VU meter logo to every graph. :)
I don’t appreciate what this gentleman from Tekton has done.

I value his concerns but at the same time feel like he’s just covering his buns in hopes to mitigate results.

I think people who don’t understand objective measurements may see this as bad or good, clearly if you don’t know what the measurements mean it can go both ways.

Guy thinks people are canceling orders for his speakers because of these measurements posted by Amir and Erin. It’s kind of really strange overall. I absolutely don’t know what to say and the guy has now tarnished his own reputation. Measurements are out the window.

Why else would he not provide his measurements or take any steps outside of trying to stop or remove these reviews from public eyes.

Even on audioholics who doesn’t own a klipel could make accurate measurements using proper testing methodology. But because it’s big names in the business who got eyes on reviews it must be flawed.

Edit: or he just has GR research measurements on his products so in his mind all his equipment is fantastic

Honestly if this guy were to ever sue me I would file a massive lawsuit against him for liable and defamation on my character. He thinks this is a one way street and it’s not.
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1. I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice.

2. I've worked as a paralegal since 1996 including direct involvement of some very large complex litigations, including the government investigation of Columbia/HCA Healthcare that resulted in a 1.7 billion dollar recovery by the US Gov. (They wanted 5 billion by it was negotiated down to 1.7).

3. If I were the original reviewer I would, if you haven't already, contact several different civil defense attorneys at several different law firms for free advice. They will all do a free consultation. If they won't do a free consultation that is a red flag and you should avoid them ever after.

4. In hiring an attorney DO NOT listen to anyone who tells you that you will be rich (no one can promise that) from the litigation and DO NOT hire any attorney that you wouldn't trust to watch your kids or walk your dog.

5. Mr. Tekton has no case because he has no damages or cause of action, in my opinion. This would likely be confirmed by a free consultation with a licensed civil defense attorney.

6. Yes, you can file a lawsuit against anyone, if you are willing to pay the fees and hire the attys. However it doesn't mean you will get past the first hearing and it doesn't mean you will win.

7. Mr. Tekton doesn't have the money to pay for a litigation like this that is likely to fail and is likely using the threat of litigation as a social engineering tactic to get the review that he want out of Mr. Reviewer (*and a follow up review according to the requirements of Mr. Tekton would completely defeat any attempt on his part to file some sort of lawsuit.* - it would also show how reasonable Mr. Reviewer is and Judges tend to look favorably on people who are reasonable). To me this whole threatened litigation smacks more of internet scammery than anything else. And I say that as someone who really looked forward to hearing the Tektons at RMAF and when I did I was unimpressed. Disappointed even.

8. I encourage Mr. Reviewer to continue publishing honest reviews of whatever strikes his fancy. The 1st Amendment is still a thing.

9. Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and none of the above shall be construed as legal advice.
Proving actual malice in an opinion piece is near impossible.

f you can persuade a jury that these reviews are less opinion (speaker sounds bad), but rather scientific description (speaker is bad because it measures in this or that manner), then a plaintiff's lawyer has a target.
Sorry the motion to dismiss will write itself on that scenario.
Sorry the motion to dismiss will write itself on that scenario.
One would hope so. There are bad laws, bad legal concepts, bad lawyers and bad judges.

A police officer found stealing during the execution of a search warrant was found to be protected by qualified immunity since the courts have never ruled on the legality of the police stealing during the execution of a search warrant.
The type of people that would do what I suggested, Are too lazy for such things.
Certainly, and if you want to add something you can always add ”Source: ASR” and an ASR logotype, if you want to put comments in text

As I mentioned ASR is not a journal and there is no need to follow journal style rules. Amir produces text and video reports that are presentations of test reults on the web. Thus, again there is no need to follow journal styles.
As I mentioned ASR is not a journal and there is no need to follow journal style rules. Amir produces text and video reports that are presentations of test reults on the web. Thus, again there is no need to follow journal styles.
It's funny how now suddenly after hundreds of reviews, the way information is presented needs to change because one snowflake has a few objections and threatens litigation. The people that are familiar with the format know exactly what to expect.
It's funny how now suddenly after hundreds of reviews, the way information is presented needs to change because one snowflake has a few objections and threatens litigation. The people that are familiar with the format know exactly what to expect.
Absolutely... further, I don't recall Amir asking for unsolicited advice on how to run his own site. ;)

It's funny how now suddenly after hundreds of reviews, the way information is presented needs to change because one snowflake has a few objections and threatens litigation. The people that are familiar with the format know exactly what to expect.
It does not NEED to change.
And the snowflake in question, is already out of the question. :) So forget about that.
However, in the hope of continuous improvements, suggestions were made, Suggestions!
If Amir does not see fit, then that's it, I can only imagine the complexity of work that goes into doing the reviews at this scale and uploading them, so nobody is/should be Telling Amir what to do. We all love ASR for the free service it provides, so if one believes there maybe room for improvement, he can suggest something.
Sillier suggestions have been made, like "it is so, that nobody steals the results!" There are far more efficient ways of limiting that, but as someone else had pointed out, one can always photoshop it! These are just suggestions, no one should be circled because their suggestion may not be agreeable to some others.
Don't Freedom of Speech apply here ? :p
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