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Tekton M-Lore Speaker Measurement Update

It does not NEED to change.
And the snowflake in question, is already out of the question. :) So forget about that.
However, in the hope of continuous improvements, suggestions were made, Suggestions!
If Amir does not see fit, then that's it, I can only imagine the complexity of work that goes into doing the reviews at this scale and uploading them, so nobody is/should be Telling Amir what to do. We all love ASR for the free service it provides, so if one believes there maybe room for improvement, he can suggest something.
Sillier suggestions have been made, like "it is so, that nobody steals the results!" There are far more efficient ways of limiting that, but as someone else had pointed out, one can always photoshop it! These are just suggestions, no one should be circled because their suggestion may not be agreeable to some others.
Don't Freedom of Speech apply here ? :p
Freedom of speech applies and wasn't restricted but freedom of rejecting an idea applies too ;) Making a mountain out of a molehill...
You are referencing the Bose 901 review, that resulted in the famous litigation? I don't think the FR was the main issue, although CR did comment on that. I'm not even sure the loudspeaker was measured (I don't have a copy of the original review, though).
That was part of a thread...see #54 and #87 above.
Yeah, but of all review threads, it's discussed here, not anywhere else (at least not for pages and pages).
Well it takes two to tango!
It goes pages after pages, because of replies, and replies to replies, just as I am doing now :facepalm: :rolleyes:.
This non-issue triggered the suggestion idea. The issue itself is already decided upon as being a non-issue.
Threads sometimes divert to a life of their own. Freedom of Speech got discussed, stealing of data and all sorts, however, I believe, it started innocently enough, as a suggestion that some agreed and some didn't.
At any rate, enough said, I retire.
Screenshot at 2024-04-22 07-57-01.png
It's simple to me though a life lesson that gets relearned all too often.... Folks who talk in circles are a waste of time. Folks who support the person who talk in circles as well are a waste of time. Unfortunately that is 40% or more of the overall population of whatever the subject is.

Lou Reed said it best... You have to have a good BS detector. Talking in circles is a BSer.
OK guys, sheath your swords and cool down. We are all like family here. We all joined to support the general goals of ASR. Try to find commonality with each other and put this behind us. Take any further back and forth to PM if you must. We all appreciate the passion many of us bring and we understand that this positive energy can sometimes go the wrong direction. It’s my job to nudge you back on course. Consider this a friendly nudge. :)

Thank you for your cooperation and support. This job would be impossible without your assistance and support and we very much value and appreciate that. :cool:
People, just writing 'in my opinion' on a post does not automatically mean the courts will decide the post is mere opinion.
I suspect that's common knowledge to anyone in business. My remarks address this specific situation alone. All the best.
OK guys, sheath your swords and cool down. We are all like family here. We all joined to support the general goals of ASR. Try to find commonality with each other and put this behind us. Take any further back and forth to PM if you must. We all appreciate the passion many of us bring and we understand that this positive energy can sometimes go the wrong direction. It’s my job to nudge you back on course. Consider this a friendly nudge. :)

Thank you for your cooperation and support. This job would be impossible without your assistance and support and we very much value and appreciate that. :cool:

I saw the thread title on the homepage under "What's new" and went directly to the most recent comment and didn't read back through the thread so I'm not sure what the topic started out as but I KNOW SOMETHING AND I'M GOING TO SHOEHORN IT INTO THIS THREAD AND THEN I'M NEVER GOING TO GIVE IN BECAUSE PRINCIPLES AND DID I MENTION THAT I KNOW SOMETHING!!!!! (or at least I'm under the impression that I know something)

I won't go in details, or go back to past events (I don't link this story to other ones).
For me the behaviour of this brand is clearly not acceptable. A brand has the right to answer and exchange opinions to defend the quality of their products. Here, it was the case.
That's why, for me, this brand is blacklisted.
Just a band of golden road audiophiles pushing tubes onto an unsuspecting public. Don't believe me? Look at the 5 pairs of blue rectangles in the gear.

Yeah, but -3 db at ~25 hz and 0 db at ~32 hz is impressive if able to keep it up at high levels! For live 2 track recordings in a large room, they probably sound great. The extra bass at 100 hz might make sense if they are designed to play in free space, without back wall reinforcement.

I don't know why people are so down on Tekton speakers, they actually seem fairly decent for overall performance.

Of course, when one spends so much money on something like audio gear, it also matters what kind of company one is doing business with.

As was mentioned more than once, cannot rely on that graph I reposted from Stereophile. I later found this in another Tekton thread...

Am waiting to see if I can get better clarification but will likely retract some or all of my post. My intent was less about the graph than the fact that Tekton's owner did not threaten Stereophile for what appears to be a much uglier measurement issue than Amir and Erin's reviews had.:oops:

p.s. clarified earlier post
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As was mentioned once, cannot rely on that graph I reposted from Stereophile. I later found this in another Tekton thread...

Am waiting to see if I can get better clarification but will likely retract some or all of my post. My intent was less about the graph than the fact that Tekton's owner did not threaten Stereophile for what appears to be a much uglier measurement issue than Amir and Erin's reviews had.:oops:

Looks like SP had the "approvel" to do a review, while Amir and Erin where so "bold" to just do it without. ;)
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Looks like SP had the "approvel" to do a review, while Amir and Erin where so "bold" to just do it without. ;)

Could be but seems rather shortsighted. His permission is more important than accurate representation of the speaker's performance?

Does not play well legally and likely worse in the court of public opinion.:oops:
Could be but seems rather shortsighted. His permission is more important than accurate representation of the speaker's performance?

Does not play well legally and likely worse in the court of public opinion.:oops:

Sry but have you seen any logic in this behaviour since this debacle started? Iam not, but who am i? From my point of of view there was from the beginning a completly unlogic aggression in the behaviour.
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Could be but seems rather shortsighted. His permission is more important than accurate representation of the speaker's performance?

Does not play well legally and likely worse in the court of public opinion.:oops:

It seems to me that what he claims is important is whatever principle can be invoked ad hoc to try to retroactively fit the contradictory facts of the situation and his behavior.
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On a broader perspective do those with the means look at forums when buying a +$10,000 loudspeaker system.
Only the smart ones (and the only forum they look at is ASR) :)
Where is the sense in spending $100,000 in a Klippel Scanner to measure a $1,000 loudspeaker?
One of the top 2 phone makers uses Klippel to measure the tiny speakers in their phone. You think they should not bother either?

If I pull a muscle, I may have to take an MRI on a machine which costs half a million dollars. Your logic says it should only be used for life and death situations?

The answer is there isn’t unless you’re deeply invested in becoming an industry disrupter.
No, the answer is that I follow national and industry standards ANSI/CTA-2034 which stipulate anechoic measurements. You can do that manually through a ton of effort, or spend the money with Klippel and generate results much faster. Given the fact that I have managed to test 250 speakers in 2-3 years, proves that efficacy point.

I think you are confusing thinking Klippel provides high-accuracy. While that is true, that is not its main purpose. Its main purpose is to provide anechoic measurements with very high signal to noise ratio which up to now, required a super expensive anechoic chamber. So don't make it sound I am using a micrometer to check dimensions of the tire. The tool costs so much because the company knows how much more expensive an anechoic chamber is to build.
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