The "how much power are people using/how loud are they really listening" discussion has been endlessly brought up. I simply put it out there as a worst case and I knew it was going to be considered "implausible" so I don't appreciate the condescending tone. But just for the fun of it I drove my vintage Snell C/V speakers with my Hypex 502MP with a watt meter on the power inlet. I tested them playing Azalea Banks' "212", a bass-heavy hip hop song. The Snell's were measured by Atkinson at a ~87 dB/W/m efficiency. At levels I considered the maximum level I might be willing to drive the speakers before fearing I was damaging them (well beyond safe or even tolerable listening volumes), I was only at about 50 watts continuous from the meter. Assuming no losses in the amp that's about 104 dB continuous. One more doubling in average input power would get me to 107 dB SPL levels (all averages here, not real of course). Who knows if I would roast one of the Snell's drivers at this volume although their 90's vintage specs claim "200 watt power handling". Fwiw, they were showing no signs of stress at those volume but it was only ~3 minutes, and the amp's case was of course not even warm to the touch (VTV with just raw Hypex card in a case, never does get warm really). So would I ever run this amp at 100 watts continuous? Unsurprisingly no with these speakers in this house, but if I had had these speakers in college I definitely would have run them at 50 W continuous for some house parties, haha.