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    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Insane: Denon DP-3000NE.
      no I haven't..and won't have access to my equipment for a while..but I'm also going against the grain because I've moved away from...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Insane: Denon DP-3000NE.
      with a little care the values seem accessible to even unregulated "ac" belts.. (but as in the case of my old vpi mk4 "90s ", 0.04-0.05...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Insane: Denon DP-3000NE.
      Like you, I don't understand this variation in speed...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Insane: Denon DP-3000NE.
      this is what I emphasized in the case of sliding...but with preliminary time, I don't understand how that explains it....with a dd...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Insane: Denon DP-3000NE.
      the overall slippage on the denon is surprisingly strange...the acquisition, telephone position, or if a slightly "light" realization on...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      chip ess of 2016... (first measurements on the wiim forum)
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      this is also the place where a lot of people concentrate on pre-ordering etc... and but as you say "sold is not delivered"... the...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      we only come across one on the wiim forum... (and its pcb ver 2 corresponds to the machines that were circulating among beta testers...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      there is clearly a certain blackout around the wiim ultra, machines circulating for a while, with practically no serious feedback, just...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Frequency Response Test Records.
      my point is just a way with these contactless captures to be able to consider an approach to try to more closely observe these test...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Frequency Response Test Records.
      a precise observation of these discs tested with laser turntables etc. will perhaps allow us to form a more accurate idea.... ( i try...
    • morillon
      morillon reacted to Purité Audio's post in the thread Eversolo DMP-A8 Announced with Like Like.
      State of the art for £1800, but of course state of the art streaming is available for a great deal less, the A-8 is an almost perfect...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      it's a big mess and it seems to me that we can hardly hope before the latest case announced by certain large distributors, namely at the...
    • morillon
      morillon replied to the thread Fun with vinyl measurements.
      it shows an important thing....that your disc is really very well done....
    • morillon
      (this behringer ?)
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