Hi guys, I'm pleased to share my experience to the community.
I have 2 ZA3 in mono mode for a couple a weeks now. Here is my feedback :
- switching from stereo to 2 mono gives 2 steps of improvements, not just 1, but really "2 steps". Seems incredible.
- removing all the opamp, expect the right channel, gave an additinal real step of improvement. All seems better, with the same tonality, but all better (precision, space, reality). At this point result is just astonishing, sound is so high quality, so real, giving me goosebumps.
- then I changed the original opamp with the SS3602 (around 200€ for 2). Additinal improvement is there, but more tricky. There is more precision, but it changes the tonality, giving more (too much ?) upper mi-range that gave me fatigue . I had to change RCA cable for a more nutral one to calm this disorder. And now I am happy
For info, my source is Eversolo DMP6 Master Ed. + LPSA6, speackers : Buchard S400 Mk2
If needed , I could share my experience of the Eversolo and change of power supplier LPSA6,
Happy to share listening to anyone arround Rennes, Britany, France
Thanks everyone for all your sharings