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SVS SB-2000 Pro vs SB-3000 Subwoofer Review


Major Contributor
Jul 18, 2019
North Alabama
Full review can be found on my site here:

SVS SB-2000 Pro vs SB-3000 Subwoofer Shootout
  • Tuesday, Mar 16, 2021

Foreword / YouTube Video Review
The review on this website is a brief overview and summary of the objective performance of this speaker. It is not intended to be a deep dive. More so, this is information for those who prefer “just the facts” and prefer to have the data without the filler.

However, for those who want more - a more detailed explanation of the objective performance, and my subjective evaluation (what I heard, what I liked, etc) - please watch the below video where I go more in-depth. Additionally, my CEA-2010 test results can be viewed directly via my Google Sheet here.

Information and Photos

Both the SVS SB-2000 Pro and SB-3000 subwoofers are relatively compact subwoofers with serious output.

The SB-2000 Pro features a 12-inch driver with 550 Watts RMS, 1,500+ Watts peak power Sledge amplifier with fully discrete MOSFET output, and SVS subwoofer DSP smartphone app in a compact cabinet measuring roughly 15-inches on all sides.

The SB-3000 features an all-new first ever 13-inch high-excursion SVS driver and 800 watts RMS, 2,500+ watts peak power Sledge amplifier with fully discrete MOSFET output. Its deep and thunderous low frequency output with revealing clarity and flawless tonal accuracy delights hardcore audiophiles and home theater fans alike. Measuring just over 15-inches cubed, the SB-3000 outperforms much larger subwoofers and takes command of a room sonically without taking over visually.

They both feature SVS’ built-in DSP with Bluetooth integration. This feature allows you to use an app from your phone - from the comfort of your seated position - to control volume, adjust settings such as high-pass filter, phase, 3-bands of Parametric EQ and other features. I really, really love this feature and it is, in my humble opinion, something that sets the SVS line apart from other subwoofers.

Another “feature” about SVS is their longstanding customer service marks, 5-year warranty and 45-day return “risk-free in-home trial”.

The price for each varies depending on finish. I tested the gloss white SB-2000 Pro and the gloss black SB-3000. I have listed the prices (as of this review) below:
  • SB-2000 Pro: $799 (black ash), $899 (gloss)
  • SB-3000: $999 (black ash), $1099 (gloss)



Here are some photos of the Bluetooth application:

Test Setup/Conditions:

For test setup and conditions please view my discussion on this page.

Frequency Response
The below frequency responses were taken with all DSP options disabled, volume at maximum and 0.05v RMS input in to the LFE channel. You can see the SB-2000 Pro has a more linear frequency response while the SB-3000 has a rise in the higher-frequency response until approximately 160Hz where both subwoofers begin to trail off.


Group Delay


“Room Gain Compensation”

The below provides an idea of how the integrated DSP’s “room gain compensation” feature works. As you can see, depending on the chosen frequency, the low-frequency response is rolled off earlier than the subwoofer naturally rolls off. This might be ideal for those who have a very small room and get exaggerated bass or have neighbors who they do not want to bother with very low frequency effects.

CEA-2010 Test Results

CEA-2010-A vs CEA-2010-B Foreword:

CEA-2010-A and CEA-2010-B are completely different tests with different distortion thresholds and therefore should only be compared to other like tests (A vs A, B vs B). To date, I am the only independent outlet providing -B tests so no worries there. Comparisons between my own -A and -B tests should only be made for educational purposes.

-A specification uses only frequencies from 20Hz to 63H in 1/3-Octave steps (20/25/31.5/40 Hz). Distortion thresholds are the same for each frequency. Other outlets have taken the liberty to use those same thresholds and apply them to frequencies above/below the -A standard. To provide a comparison, I have also done the same. However, note these frequencies below 20Hz and above 63Hz are not part of the CEA-2010-A specification.
-B specification uses frequencies 12.5/16/20/25/31.5/40/60/80/100/120/160 Hz with varying distortion thresholds per frequency. More can be read about this in the CTA-2010-B specification. Peak values are obtained, then weighted per the spec. Maximum SPL values are provided for each frequency. A final “broadband” Peak SPL value is provided based on each frequency’s max SPL. While I have chosen to provide “extended” frequency results for -A (those tones above and below the specification’s called out frequencies), I am not doing so for -B because there is no reasonable way to determine what the threshold for those values should be. I believe those who wrote the spec to be smarter than me and I do not take liberties in adjusting specifications at will. You can download a copy of the -B specification here. The CEA-2010-A standard is not free and thus I have no freely available link.

All the following data is from my spreadsheet which can viewed directly here.



In both test standards the SB-3000 provides more output. Per the CEA-2010-A spec, Above 31.5Hz the difference is approximately 5dB higher with the SB-3000. Below this, there is approximately 3dB difference. Per the CEA-2010-B spec, the difference follows the same trends. Both subwoofers display a lot of clean output potential.

Yes, my results for the SB-3000 are quite different from the results shown on Audioholics but curiously only below about 40Hz (IIRC). I can't explain why there is a difference here. I tested this speaker 3 times on 3 different days, once even completely wiping all the settings to make sure nothing was left over. My data stands.

Parting / Random Thoughts
I encourage you to watch my YouTube review for more details but a quick few notes:
  • At only $200 more, the SB-3000 represents the better value, in my humble opinion. It isn’t much larger than the SB-2000 Pro and it has considerably more output capability. However, the SB-3000 might be overkill for most. My living room (which is where I demoed these subwoofers) is about 20x20 feet but is open to the kitchen, the dining room and the hallway. So, effectively, my living room is considerably larger than the dimensions indicate. Still, I found the SB-2000 Pro to be ample for music listening in my room, as there is a room mode that boosts the response about 6dB at 30Hz. For movies with LFE below 25Hz, though, the SB-3000 proved more useful. So, it really is up to you as to what makes the most sense. If you do want very LFE and/or you don’t have the benefit of room gain (large room or bad placement), then the SB-3000 is the better option. If you have a smaller room and/or you don’t need very low frequency output then the SB-2000 Pro will be just fine. And, remember, 2 subs are always better than one. So, it might even make more sense to purchase two of the SB-2000 Pro (if it is within your budget).
  • Listening to these in my living room, they paired great with a variety of speakers. From the Kef R3 to the JBL HDI-3800.
  • With the variety of DSP features in these subwoofers, there really is no reason why someone could not get a very nice response in their listening position. I highly recommend you taking the time to download Room EQ Wizard and using the MiniDSP UMIK-1 (or UMIK-2) in order to help you match the subwoofer(s) to the main speakers.
  • The built-in Bluetooth of these subwoofers in conjunction with the BT app (for iPhone and Android) makes it incredibly easy to dial in the sound to your liking. Even from the comfort of your couch. Which means no getting up from your seat and going back and forth between the amp and your seat to get the sound just right. This is a feature that is incredibly useful. That said, some users may prefer to use a room correction program such as Dirac Live which then diminishes the need for the built-in DSP of the SVS subwoofers.
  • There was no audible mechanical resonance and no indication of this in the data.
  • I was quite impressed with both subwoofers and would recommend them to anyone in the market for a subwoofer with plenty of output down to 30Hz. And with room gain, these should be able to satisfy most listener’s needs. If you need ultrasonic output, though, then you may want to consider a larger woofer and/or ported design.
As stated in the Foreword, this written review is purposely a cliff’s notes version. For more details about the performance (objectively and subjectively) please watch the YouTube video.

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If you like what you see here and want to help me keep it going, please consider donating via the PayPal Contribute button located below. Donations help me pay for new items to test, hardware, miscellaneous items and costs of the site’s server space and bandwidth. All of which I otherwise pay out of pocket. So, if you can help chip in a few bucks, know that it’s very much appreciated.

Wait... the SVS SB-3000 has a 20hz 106.5dB CEA-2010(2m peak)?!!? Isn't that like... an absurdly high number for the size of that sealed sub? It's only 3dB less than the MUCH larger, ported Monoprice THX 12(THX EQ) @ 109.3dB.

Audioholics reported the SVS SB-3000 2m RMS as 93.6 which would be 96.6 2m peak, no? They reported the Monolith 12 at a comparable 106dB(which would convert to 109dB peak).
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Wait... the SVS SB-3000 has a 20hz 106.5dB CEA-2010(2m peak)?!!? Isn't that like... an absurdly high number for the size of that sealed sub? It's only 3dB less than the MUCH larger, ported Monoprice THX 12(THX EQ) @ 109.3dB.

Audioholics reported the SVS SB-3000 2m RMS as 93.6 which would be 96.6 2m peak, no? They reported the Monolith 12 at a comparable 106dB(which would convert to 109dB peak).

Yup. Like I said in the review...
Yes, my results for the SB-3000 are quite different from the results shown on Audioholics but curiously only below about 40Hz (IIRC). I can't explain why there is a difference here. I tested this speaker 3 times on 3 different days, once even completely wiping all the settings to make sure nothing was left over. My data stands.

This thing has a lot of output. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it at first. That's why I tested it three times on different days. And I even verified the mic calibration of my Earthworks mic with that of my Klippel mic. If you look at the results of AH and mine above about 40Hz, though, you'll see they're practically identical, IIRC.

Edit: I'm not sure what the discrepancy could be between mine and the dataset shown by Audioholics but since this is the only time I've had such a difference and it has been shown in a later post that AH's test was conducted on a day with 43°F temperature - which is not conducive to LF tests - I will leave my data up. If I do find an issue has occurred with my tests then I will make the appropriate updates/retractions. But, as of this moment I see no evidence to tell me the numbers acquired were not real.
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Great review, @hardisj . Any noteworthy hiss? I have a pair of SB-2000 notPro, and both emit an audible "shhhhhhhhhhhh..." at a listening distance of ~8'. SVS support told me it is normal, but I can hear it clearly during quiet passages and between songs, which causes me to listen to music without subs most of the time.
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Yup. Like I said in the review...

This thing has a lot of output. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it at first. That's why I tested it three times on different days. And I even verified the mic calibration of my Earthworks mic with that of my Klippel mic. If you look at the results of AH and mine above about 40Hz, though, you'll see they're practically identical, IIRC.

So, yea... my results stand. ;)

Understood. Thanks for testing it so thoroughly. I admit I'm pretty puzzled. If the test is correct(and I'm certainly not saying anything bad about your testing, I know it's EXTREMELY thorough lol) that would mean the SB-3000 has comparable 20hz output to the MUCH larger Rythmik F18, and far higher output than any other sealed sub in its size class that I've ever heard of.
Great review, @hardisj . An noteworthy hiss? I have a pair of SB-2000 notPro, and both emit an audible "shhhhhhhhhhhh..." at a listening distance of ~8'. SVS support told me it is normal, but I can hear it clearly during quiet passages, which causes me to listen to music without subs most of the time.

No. To the point of I literally thought to myself "did he think I was testing monitors?" when I saw your reply because it didn't make sense to me. LOL

Nope. No noise that I noticed. At least not at my listening position of about 11 feet (subwoofer to me).
Understood. Thanks for testing it so thoroughly. I admit I'm pretty puzzled. If the test is correct(and I'm certainly not saying anything bad about your testing, I know it's EXTREMELY thorough lol) that would mean the SB-3000 has comparable 20hz output to the MUCH larger Rythmik F18, and far higher output than any other sealed sub in its size class that I've ever heard of.

I get it, man. I'd question it, too. I mean, I did question it. But, three different tests on different days with completely different settings.

Here's the time stamp where I talked about this exact thing:
I have a pair of the SB 2000 Pro with some nice Monitor Audio PL200s. I haven't been able to listen to them for months as I moved to a different city for work and left them behind as they are all going into another home that I will hopefully be taking over in late May. If that happens I will finally have my speaker rig back. Sigh, I miss them.
Great review, @hardisj . An noteworthy hiss? I have a pair of SB-2000 notPro, and both emit an audible "shhhhhhhhhhhh..." at a listening distance of ~8'. SVS support told me it is normal, but I can hear it clearly during quiet passages, which causes me to listen to music without subs most of the time.
That's very weird, I have the older SVS SB12-NSD less than a meter from me and I can't hear it at all when nothing is playing(I don't have its volume at max, though).
Excellent review Erin. Very informative.
Awesome preformance from smallish sealed boxes. There's no way I could be trusted with these things :D
Thanks for the reveiw , svs are really well thought out subs it seems.
Sorry to be That guy. In the last bullet point you say "ultrasonic output" , think you ment infrasonic.
Yes, I really enjoyed the review as well. It makes me wish that I could have afforded a pair of SB3000 Pro, but for listening to music only I suspect the SB2000 Pro is more than adequate.
Awesome preformance from smallish sealed boxes. There's no way I could be trusted with these things :D
Thanks for the reveiw , svs are really well thought out subs it seems.
Sorry to be That guy. In the last bullet point you say "ultrasonic output" , think you ment infrasonic.

1. Thanks
2. You misspelled "performance", "review" and "meant".

Take that, Mr. Perfect speller!


(all in good fun, in case that isn't clear in this text)
Yes, I really enjoyed the review as well. It makes me wish that I could have afforded a pair of SB3000 Pro, but for listening to music only I suspect the SB2000 Pro is more than adequate.

I think so. I have a pretty good sized living room but it is open to pretty much the rest of the house. I was mostly satisfied with the SB-2000 Pro for most stuff. Now, if I were going to watch movies at high output and needed <30Hz then I'd look elsewhere.
Isn't there some formula you can plot for acceptable group delay vs frequency? Is it possible to add that to the group delay plot?

Awesome review :)
I have a pair of the SB 2000 Pro with some nice Monitor Audio PL200s. I haven't been able to listen to them for months as I moved to a different city for work and left them behind as they are all going into another home that I will hopefully be taking over in late May. If that happens I will finally have my speaker rig back. Sigh, I miss them.
View attachment 118609

True audiophiles do not let simple drawer furniture get in the way of sub placement.
Great review, @hardisj . An noteworthy hiss? I have a pair of SB-2000 notPro, and both emit an audible "shhhhhhhhhhhh..." at a listening distance of ~8'. SVS support told me it is normal, but I can hear it clearly during quiet passages, which causes me to listen to music without subs most of the time.

I have 3 SB2000's in a decently soundproofed and extensively treated media room and they are dead silent, completely inaudible @~50% gain even with your ear inches from the woofer. How high do you have the gain? Sounds like a ground loop issue between your system and the sub, fault or loose termination on your cable, or a faulty amp. Ground loop and faulty connector noise is indeed a common complaint with subs, but pretty easy to diagnose. They make both an in-line filter for the sub's RCA feed (Bluejean cable sold one last I saw), as well as a wall outlet filter (one product I'm aware of is the EBtech HUM-X). I had to use a HUM X on my old MFW-15, it definitely works, your issue may be different though. If a new cable, line filter, or plug filter don't work, I'd guess it's the sub's amp that's borked.
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