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Nobody talks about the db4s yet it offers incredible linearity. With a pair of libraries (2.1) it seems an excellent choice, no?
Nobody talks about the db4s yet it offers incredible linearity. With a pair of libraries (2.1) it seems an excellent choice, no?
Do you mean DB4S? Do you have it at home? I want to buy two pieces, but I'm afraid that 20Hz has 87dB regardless of the input voltage, and also 25Hz and 31Hz rise non-linearly, which I think will affect the timbre of the sound as the volume increases. What is your experience with it?
Is there a way to easily compare the results? I find it difficult looking at one subwoofer and then having to scroll around to look at another...
Is there a way to easily compare the results? I find it difficult looking at one subwoofer and then having to scroll around to look at another...
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Are there any measurements available for the legacy Arendal 1723 1 and 2 subs?
Here in Germany the used 1723 1 subs are sold for 6-700EUR and I could get 2 for the price of a new 1S/1V (with the leftover warranty), but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
Thank you. Which one do you recommend to go with Q Acoustics 3000i 5.0 Speakers @Nuyes
Got the Monitor Audio MRW10, accurate tight bass that blends with movies. Happy with it.
Clearly the best sub out of all measured, group delay is excellent even with DSP, so is deep end, the best for music, but price is crazy.
Did you hear it with your own ears? They gave me a 30% discount, so I bought 2 pieces and plan to plug them in after the New Year. All other 5.2.4 equipment also has BW.
Did you hear it with your own ears? They gave me a 30% discount, so I bought 2 pieces and plan to plug them in after the New Year. All other 5.2.4 equipment also has BW.
If I may ask, where did you buy them with such a good discount? I ordered the DB4S a while ago, will probably receive it in January. Only thing I'm hesitant about is the lack of physical controls (and people seem a bit mixed about the app's performance). I've read comments in various threads where people were knocking the DB4S in favor of more sub-focused brands, but the graphs here show that criticism may be unwarranted.
Only thing I'm hesitant about is the lack of physical controls (and people seem a bit mixed about the app's performance).
I have nothing to complain about. Once set up, you can leave it as it is. No need for physical controls.
App is fine and responsive. All I use it for is to switch between Music setting and Custom setting when watching an action movie.
I've read comments in various threads where people were knocking the DB4S in favor of more sub-focused brands, but the graphs here show that criticism may be unwarranted.
A friend of mine has two DB3D. So, I've heard how fabulous they are and wanted one for myself. But, for the moment I cannot accommodate a double side-firing sub, so I purchased the DB4S. My decision was backed up by the measurements in this review. Never regretted this purchase and with 1.000 W it can play really loud without distortion.
If I may ask, where did you buy them with such a good discount? I ordered the DB4S a while ago, will probably receive it in January. Only thing I'm hesitant about is the lack of physical controls (and people seem a bit mixed about the app's performance). I've read comments in various threads where people were knocking the DB4S in favor of more sub-focused brands, but the graphs here show that criticism may be unwarranted.
If you are from Europe, enter idealo.de and choose a supplier. I'm from Slovakia and in my town they gave me the same price as on the internet.
Hi All,
Is there a newbie manual how to read this data ?

For example I want to compare SB-1000 Pro and SB-3000 micro and I don't know what to look at.
Last edited:
Hi All,
Is there a newbie manual how to read this data ?

For example I want to compare SB-1000 Pro and SB-3000 micro and I don't know what to look at.
Here's the most important takeaway:
Hi All,
Is there a newbie manual how to read this data ?

For example I want to compare SB-1000 Pro and SB-3000 micro and I don't know what to look at.
Look how it holds starting at 40 Hz not max SPL. Neumann probably whose a model for a DIY but as its not disclosed how much whose done DSP-ing it (Neumann is a same story regarding DSP-ing) nor price there is that and I would prase it's time domain. SVS SB-2000 paired with serious speakers (80~90 Hz high pass) if you are into useful SPL max to 40 Hz. Would rather go with pair of 10" rather then one 12~13" placed in corners if it's a really big room same but with more potent 12" (SVS-SB2000) for a max SPL.
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