Senior Member
I actually think it looks pretty appealing, but that's a matter of taste of course.Looks like an air purifier
My bluetooth speaker of choice is a LG Xboom 360. The product name already is ridiculous, I simply call it "bluetooth miner's lamp" due to its looks. It does have fancy light effects though. It cost 170 Euros and is good enough for background music.
A friend of mine has (due to his wife's veto) no option to get a proper dedicated stereo system. Instead he frequently tries out new wireless speakers and owns a range of them in different price classes and sizes, also a Naim Muso Qb 2. To me it looks really cool but the sound is meeh. So far I have never been impressed by the sound of these "smart speakers" regardless of their pricing.- This thing makes a Naim Muso look cheap (YIKES!!!!!) and if it's available in the US, I'd like one of these (either type) properly tested if possible after the dealer-hype we've been subjected to - they look and the control 'feels' nice as well and well up to the feel of 'Beoproducts' of old.