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Multi-Channel, Multi-Amplifier Audio System Using Software Crossover and Multichannel-DAC

Hello Doodski,

Would you please give me your screenshot of this post with your black background?

The color of this line is HEX #141414 (default color?, shown in almost black on my screen).

The color of this line is HEX #000000 (intentionally "black").

The color of this line is HEX #2969B0.

The color of this line is HEX #B8312F.

The color of this line is HEX #FFFFFF.

Thanks in advance....in HEX #141414.
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Very impressive and meticulously documented system. I think your OKTO DAC deserves an 8- or 10-channel DIY modern amplifier, but it is very clear your love your older amps!
@dualazmak Did you think about about building your very own speakers? With your enthusiasm, know how and diligence I bet you could start a well running hand made speaker company.
Very impressive and meticulously documented system. I think your OKTO DAC deserves an 8- or 10-channel DIY modern amplifier, but it is very clear your love your older amps!

@jae, thank you for your kind attention on this thread.

Yes, I actually had intensive and long amplifier exploration, and as fully summarized in my post #311, I finally selected four "integrated amplifiers" in my present system.

I wrote there that;
Furthermore, throughout my amplifier exploration, I well experienced and learnt that we should never exclude high quality Hi-Fi "integrated amplifiers" to be possibly implemented in this type of multichannel multi-amplifier project.
In my case, one of the important "must" conditions (specifications) is that the amplifier should be capable of XRL balanced input from OKTO DAC8PRO.

As you know, usually all of the "integrated amplifiers" and "power amplifiers" are reviewed and measured in full range operation, i.e. ca. 20 Hz to 30 kHz. In this kind of multichannel multi-way system, however, each of the amplifiers would cover only the limited Fq range for sub-woofers, woofers, midrange squakers, tweeters, super-tweeters. Consequently, we should be very much careful about the selections of amplifiers through our actual intensive listening tests/sessions in our own listening environment/room.

Throughout my intensive amplifier exploration, I well experienced that high quality Hi-Fi "integrated amplifiers" are as good as, or often considerably better than, the modern class-D multichannel amplifiers.

The possible, hopefully domestic, repair service availability and enough warranty are also important factors for the selection of amplifiers, especially under the present COVID-19 pandemic all over the planet...

I would highly appreciate if you could read through my long journey of amplifier exploration shared in this thread.
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@dualazmak Did you think about about building your very own speakers? With your enthusiasm, know how and diligence I bet you could start a well running hand made speaker company.

Hello @anphex,

Thank you for your kind attention and encouraging words.

At least in this thread, I have been fully restricting myself on SP drivers of Yamaha NS-1000 plus sub-woofer YST-SW1000 plus super-tweeter Fostex T925A. In case I would further move on to other SP drivers and/or SP system, either DIY or from HiFi audio industry, I will start new thread in this ASR forum or other places.

In this regards and just for your reference, you would please read through our very nice communication with @mikessi and @gene_stl held in my/our posts #331 through #351...
Updated Startup (Ignition) Sequences and Shutdown Sequences of the Multichannel Multi-amplifier System

Hello friends,

Having the latest system configuration shared in my post #416, this post is intending to update my previous post #322.

One of my dear ASR friends PMed me asking about my standard startup (ignition) sequences and shutdown sequences of the multichannel multi-amplifier system together with JRiver MC (or Roon) and software crossover EKIO running on Windows 10 PC.

He was a little bit concerned about the maximum protection of speaker drivers from possible unexpected accidental pop damage, and I fully understand his worries even though I have the protection capacitors for midrange Be-squawkers, Be-tweeters and super-tweeters.

Although I daily perform these very familiar sequences almost unconsciously, I believe it would be worthwhile sharing the sequences with all of you visiting this thread.

As shared in my post #416, the latest multichannel multi-amplifier system configuration can be summarized in these four diagrams;

(For the details of these diagrams, you would please visit my post #416 where you can find the larger ones.)

The L & R sub-woofers YAMAHA YST-SW1000 are now usually fed with the RCA unbalanced input from DAC8PRO's "headphone out" (CH1 & CH2) which is under its volume/gain control, as shared here in my post #162.

I believe it would be better firstly to share the standard "Shutdown Sequences" as follows;

Standard "Shutdown Sequences":
01. Stop playing JRiver MC (or Roon)
02. Volume-down the "Master Volume" of JRiver to less than 5% (-77.5 dB)
03. Stop playing software crossover EKIO
04. Volume-down OKTO DAC8PRO to less than -75 dB
05. Volume-down YAMAHA A-S301 to -infinity dB (no sound)
06. Volume-down SONY TA-A1ES to -infinity dB (no sound)
07. Volume-down ACCUPHASE E-460 to -infinity dB (no sound)
08. Volume-down YAMAHA A-S3000 to -infinity dB (no sound)
09. Power-off A-S301
10. Power-off TA-A1ES
11. Power-off E-460
12. Power-off A-S3000
13. Power-off L and R active sub-woofers YAMAHA YST-SW1000 by remote controller
14. Exit/Shutdown EKIO
15. Exit/Shutdown JRiver MC
16. Shutdown Windows 10 11 Pro PC with the shift-key pressed (hard shutdown)
17. Soft-shutdown (Mute-off) DAC8PRO by remote controller
18. Down the AC Circuit Breaker (if needed for long shutdown; longer than a week or so)

The standard "Startup (Ignition) Sequences" are as follows;

Standard "Startup (Ignition) Sequences":
01. Wake-up the AC Circuit Breaker (if it has been shut down)
02. Power-on YAMAHA A-S3000; make sure the volume is at -infinity dB (no sound)
03. Power-on ACCUPHASE E-460; make sure the volume is at -infinity dB (no sound)
04. Power-on SONY TA-A1ES; make sure the volume is at -infinity dB (no sound)
05. Power-on YAMAHA A-S301; make sure the volume is at -infinity dB (no sound)
06. Power-on L&R sub-woofers YAMAHA YST-SW1000 by remote controller (preset volume 14:00 o'clock)
07. Power-on OKTO DAC8PRO; make sure the volume is less than -75 dB
08. Power-on Windows 10 11 Pro PC
09. Check & confirm wake-up and running of ASIO BRIDGE at taskbar
10. Check & confirm wake-up and ready of DIYINHK ASIO at taskbar
11. Check & confirm all of the Window's sound I/Os (KERNEL, WASAPI, WMD, Mic, etc.) are muted-off
12. Launch JRiver MC (or Roon); make sure the master volume is at about 5 % (-77.5 dB)
13. Start playing JRiver the first track of my music sampler playlist (harp solo)
14. Slightly volume-up JRiver to around 10 % (-55.0 dB); check the JRiver's small VU-EQ meter is moving
15. Launch software crossover EKIO
16. Open/load the EKIO's standard configuration file into EKIO
17. Start playing EKIO
18. Check and confirm all of the EKIO's I/O VU meter bars are properly moving in small volume
19. Volume-up A-S3000 to 11:55 o'clock (-18 dB)
20. Volume-up E-460 to -17.0 dB
21. Volume-up TA-A1ES to -17.0 dB
22. Volume-up A-S301 to 10:30 o'clock (ca. -19 dB)
23. Volume-up DAC8PRO to -4 dB; check to properly hear the sound in very small volume
24. Carefully and slowly volume-up JRiver MC (as master volume) to usual listening volume using mouse wheel

Although these may look somewhat complicated at your first glance, I usually complete the shutdown sequences in less than one minute, and I complete the startup (ignition) sequences in less than two minutes...

As for two of my DIY built audio dedicated Windows 10 PC, i.e. completely silent fan-less spindle-less PCs, please refer to my post here.
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As I also shared here, one of my audio enthu friends kindly suggested this wonderful recording to be added in my audio sampler play list, and I fully agree with him;
Connie Evingson - Close Your Eyes
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On my old system at the old house I had all the program sources and the crossover upstairs in the living room with the speakers.
All four power amps were in the basement. This made it convenient to run a dedicated 10/3 circuit to them. Since it was in the basement I had a large airconditioner two conductor contactor to switch them on and off with. The energizing coil on this was powerful enough that I operated it with a solid state relay. This relay was energized by a small gauge wire pair that led to a wall wart on the back of the preamp or crossover. When the latter turned on it started the power amps which amusingly did dim the lights for an instant.

I have moved and my newer set up will all be in one room and will be sequenced by an FSR 20 amp power sequencer. This fell into my lap along with ten of its remote/sub units. So I will be able to sequence the setup regardless of how crazy it becomes. Each FSR unit can handle the full 20 amps and has extensive EMI and overvoltage protection.
FSR power strip
But like Dualazmak, when it is off it will be disconnected from the AC line, by a large clunky overrated motor-rated switch.:rolleyes:
Oh my god!
So when did the wife leave you?

Hello KenTajalli,

Welcome and thank you for your visiting this thread.

Very fortunately, my wife is still fine and acting as CFO of my private medical/pharmaceutical consulting firm and our home operation including the expense in my audio project! She is also our CICO (Chief Interior Coordination Officer) in our home; this means I need her consensus and approval in new audio gear purchase and its physical layout at our living/listening room, as you can find in my post #309 and #311.

Of course, she always enjoys wonderful music together with me using our multichannel audio system!
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Hello friends,

Just for your reference, on the thread entitled "Class A vs AB -- Do They Really Sound Different?", again(!) very interesting and suggestive discussions are going on after @KenTajalli's nice post #186 there; I am learning a lot, (and participating a little bit), in the really intensive discussions, as I have (subjectively through actual intensive listening tests) selected quasi class-A Sony TA-A1ES to directly (eliminating LC network) drive highly efficient Be-tweeters (and metal horn super tweeters) in my latest system configuration.

You would please visit my posts #265 through #311 on this thread for my selection of quasi class-A TA-A1ES in my case/system.
Hello friends,

Also very interesting and suggestive discussions just started on the thread entitled "Mains related hum and noise in power amplifiers" by @pma.

I feel that the discussion there would support and validate my selection of "separate/individual well designed HiFi integrated amplifiers" to dedicatedly and directly drive the SP drivers (eliminating LC network) in my sensitive and efficient multichannel multi-driver system, as I posted here, and @pma kindly replied favorably here.
Hello friends,

As I just posted here,,,

A few days ago, one of my dear ASR Forum friends informed me that Greg Timbers, past designer/engineer for JBL, is/was DIY-building similar "fully active 4-way" multichannel multi-way "stereo" system using JBL Everest DD67000;

It is really interesting for me to know that he uses rather small (and reasonably priced) Pioneer Elite A-20 for UHF compression drivers (super tweeters); as shared here, similarly I use rather small (and reasonably priced) Yamaha A-S301 driving my metal horn super tweeters, Fostex T925A.
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Hello friends,

Another interesting discussion is going-on on the thread entitled "Stereo Bass using subwoofers" for our reference, and I am partly participating there as an intensive user of L & R rather large subwoofers, Yamaha YST-SW1000, in multichannel multi-driver multi-way multi-amplifier "stereo" audio system.
Hello friends,

Two months have passed since I decided my latest system configurations shared in my post #413 and #416.

Yesterday, one of my audio enthusiast friends came to my home, and we fully enjoyed our listening session for 8 hours with my present audio system.

He is really a serious enthusiastic jazz fanatic, and his home has a room dedicated to audio, where he enjoys jazz by passively driven JBL's fairly large speakers (I can understand this!) with his own DIY built amp. For some while, he has been anxious to listen to his favorite jazz music using my fully active multi-way system. Of course, he brought his favorite jazz sources in a USB memory.

On the other hand, even though I personally often enjoy wonderful recordings of Karel Boehlee Trio, I rather prefer classical music, and the current system have been fine tuned based on my preference.

First of all, we listened to some music, including classical and jazz, with my current fine-tuned configurations. He was very much impressed with the amazing S/N, extremely low distortion, 3D sound localization, almost complete SP disappearance, and rich bass reproduction of my multi-way multi-amplifier system.

Then, while listening to his favorite various jazz music, I allowed him flexibly adjusting relative gains to the five SP drivers using the volume (gain) controllers of the five amplifiers dedicatedly and directly driving the sub-woofers, woofers, Be-midrange-drivers, Be-tweeters and metal-horn-super-tweeters; the software digital crossover/DSP EKIO's configuration remained unchanged, and the master volume was controlled in the headwaters JRiver MC28;

He was, and also for me too, really surprised and impressed that he could quite easily fine tune the total sound so that it best fit for his taste of jazz listening; he said that he even could adjust the total sound really nicely simulating his own JBL SP system with mainly boosting (gain up), 3 dB to 8 dB, of the Be-midrange by Accuphase E-460 dedicatedly and directly driving it. Of course, he also fine adjusted the gains for other SP drivers.

Using the tracks of Sony Super Audio Check CD, we (in same age) also found that our age-depending hearing decline above 7 kHz were a little bit different with each other, and this could be also easily adjusted or compensated for each of us by the relative gains for Be-tweeters (by TA-A1ES) and metal-horn-super-tweeters (by A-S301).

He was greatly impressed by the utilization of HiFi "integrated" amplifiers, instead of power amplifiers, in this type of multi-way HiFi stereo audio project.

Of course(!), I did not allow him doing the "ignition sequences" and "shutdown sequences"...

In any way, we fully agreed and confirmed the very flexible on-the-fly fine tuning capabilities of my present multichannel multi-driver (multi-way) multi-amplifier HiFi "stereo" audio system.

Edit to add:
We also agreed that the Yamaha's JA-0801 8.8 cm Beryllium dome midrange driver covering wide range of 500 Hz - 6000 Hz would be still the best one in HiFi audio scene.
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