Although it is implicit in
@egellings apt comments, a knock-on benefit of the simplicity and 'staging' of (most) vacuum tube audio amplifiers makes 'em easy to troubleshoot, too. That, and the ready availability of (most, many, or in some cases
all) parts as new production* makes 'em about as
future proof as any "technology" can be**.
EDIT: Oh, that
lethal voltages thing.
Many things that nominally normal folks do all the time are
extremely hazardous unless one is
very careful. Driving an automobile fairly leaps to mind.
* E.g., the 2A3 direct heated (EDIT) high transconductance power triode, as far as I can tell, has been in
continuous production (somewhere in the world) since RCA introduced the single-plate 2A3 in 1933.
** OK, mechanical clocks and watches, too -- I
think the parallels 'twixt vacuum tube audio components and mechanical timepieces in terms of
why they still exist and hold fascination for some folks are substantial & significant.