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Tekton M-Lore Speaker Review

Rate this speaker:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 294 59.5%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 178 36.0%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 15 3.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 7 1.4%

  • Total voters
I still love the "night club" which is a middle school gym, lol.


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Has anyone taken the opportunity to see how EA is getting on at AXPONA? I imagine a few other small manufacturers who use a heavy dressing of snake oil and vitriol towards pesky measurements/science will be commiserating with him.
I checked and it is still there. I am not too much into facebook. Do people have the ability to delete other people's commetns?
I see it again now. So I will go back to correct my comment.

However, in Facebook, the admin of a group can delete any comments and ban anyone from the group.
Hehe looks like there are not that much followers in the science department. ;)

that's putting it mildly. Having perused Eric's latest bit of propaganda before work it sure seems a lot of his supporters fall into a handful of undesirable social stereotypes.
But EA probably has his MTGA (Make Tekton Great Again) followers who blindly believe what he says.
I originally liked this comment, because this parody is pretty funny, then I realized some people may take offense to it and it walks the fine line of being a political statement.

I don't think it's in our best interest here to upset anyone who would take offense to a political parody.
I know some feel this thread has run its course and should be shut down, but the Tekton owner unbelievably keeps posting FUD and misrepresentations about the ASR M-Lore speaker review across other internet sites. I think this thread would eventually stop and slow down if the Tekton owner would just stop with his posting of nonsense. It appears he has stopped posting here, likely because he has no control over this site.

I think this thread should continue as it documents all the things that are wrong with Tekton in my opinion, and will serve as a warning and evidence to consider for anyone contemplating buying speakers from Tekton in the future.

I made a mistake about 17 years ago in buying AV123 Rocket speakers on the internet. There was a lot of hype about them at the time, and they seemed like a good buy, but there were no detailed measurements in reviews of them for me to consider. I got them and they were Ok, but there were some things with it's sound I did not like. Then things came to light with how the AV123 owner operated the company, and other fraudulent and criminal activity by him, and the company went under. I felt no pride at all in owning those speakers and having supported that company. While Tekton has not done anything criminal here, I see enough red flags with the owner and the speakers themselves that I think prospective buyers should have all this information available to them to consider before ordering any Tekton speakers.
Let's be clear: @Eric Alexander * has posted on the Tekton Design FB page that @amirm "tolerates and fuels... hate speech." Given that this is obviously and easily disprovable, the assertion is clearly defamatory and therefore in my opinion legally actionable.

(* I believe it is reasonable to assume that Eric Alexander is the one who is writing the posts on the Tekton Design FB page.)
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If you think Amir can’t be subjective as well as objective one only needs to look at his review of the Wilson Audio TuneTot.

He caught a lot of flack for that one. IKEA speaker review also comes to mind.

Of course he can be subjective and objective - because objective and subjective have different meanings. You can't reasonably disagree with his objective measurements unless you can establish a clear error of measurement procedure or data interpretation. By contrast, you can reasonably disagree with a subjective impression if you simply have a different impression or experience yourself.
It seems appropriate to just ignore him at this point. The damage to tekton he earned I think will be durable. At first I was astounded and intrigued by the absurdity of his creative interpretation of the facts. Now it just seems a bit sad, I am reminded of the saying. "never wrestle a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it".
I would implore Amir and Erin to not engage with Eric any more. The only people who are going to remain at Eric's side are people who will offer unwavering support. There is nothing more to be gained, but there is possibly some to be lost.
So this just happened apparently View attachment 364102

So Eric expects Amir to remeasure the speakers for a difference of about 1dB in the low end, that's what Erin found, while he himself isn't probably even capable of measuring the low end of his speakers with that accuracy and isn't even convinced measurements are that important. Strange to say the least.

Edit. For the legal archive ;-) Erin's measurements with and without the feet:

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Counting the sim claim, that's deflection #6 or so? Am losing track of his empty promises...

Have you seen the Tekton flagship speaker? The 1812 looks like a bad DIY project and does not even utilize his likely fraudulent patented array design.

Reminds me of the ole "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.":rolleyes:
Yeah, the 1812 seems to have several big flaws, the most obvious being that if you are going to use a line array to cancel out the radiation pattern of the neighboring drivers then you have to carry the array nearly to the edges of the space. In other words, in a typical room with 8~9' ceilings you need an array 6' high or more. Instead he has "half an array", which to me would seem to be the worst of both worlds. But since his other speakers all measure badly in the vertical axis it would seem realities like this don't matter to him. Then let's not even get into the dual vertical banks of mids on each side, because now we're trashing the horizontal projection as well. Like wtf? I pity the person that buys his high end solutions. Ugly and uneven sound.
I would implore Amir and Erin to not engage with Eric any more. The only people who are going to remain at Eric's side are people who will offer unwavering support. There is nothing more to be gained, but there is possibly some to be lost.

I think they would stop if they could but he still seems to be regularly emailing them.

Imo what he is doing at this point is harassment. And harassment is something you almost don't need a layer for. Not to mention Utah where Eric lives and Tekton is based, recently put electronic harassment laws in place.

(a) Electronic communication harassment is a class B misdemeanor.
(b) A second or subsequent offense of electronic communication harassment is a class A misdemeanor.

Consider we know he it actively contracting @amirm & Erin, he could be charged with a class A misdemeanor. In Utah that can get you up to 364 days in jail and a $2500 fine!
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