Doesn't look like any anechoic GD graph I've ever seen, which always look like f(x)=1/x.
Yep, they do. FR also looks nice when measured in anechoic chamber, phase graph as well. Just remember you're not listening in anechoic chamber and that your room will generate so many reflections, it will have modes, SBIR effectw will occur - and the resulting GD is what I just showed you.
I'm just wondering if some measurements could help make those reports more exhaustive, nothing else.
You were just voicing your opinion, right? Well, problem has become with this forum that ratio of usefull/total posts is rapidly rushing to 0 because folks like you are voicing opinions although they have no or very little idea what they are talking about.
Did it occur to you that it is ok NOT to have an opinion about things that are out of your competence?
How about some reading and learning before voicing your opinion?
P.S. Nothing personal mate, I'm just voicing an opinion.