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    • 3ll3d00d
      Apparently because it follows the same design principles as (for instance) the Danley SM60, using a coaxial to seamlessly combine both...
    • 3ll3d00d
      Sorry, I missed the link to the other model which shows the taps, makes more sense now
    • 3ll3d00d
      Which bit exactly answers my question? Just saying "it's a mini synergy horn" doesn't make it into a synergy horn
    • 3ll3d00d
      Why does it get described as a synergy horn when it's a coax with a woofer underneath?
    • 3ll3d00d
      It literally means it radiates as a monopole
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      I have to really really crank it to make the structure complain where "really crank it" is in the region of cinema reference level (so...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      I'd say you need to go quite a bit below that to provoke the structure of your house. My subs are quite big and numerous so they reach...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d reacted to gnarly's post in the thread Keith_W DSP system with Like Like.
      Yes, i feel certain you are correct on both loud and construction. All anecdotal here.. one pair of speakers has been with me for...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      I hadn't done anything like a compression sweep for ages so gave it a quick go today, can confirm 95dB sweeps are rather loud...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      I guess it depends how loud you go and how the room is constructed, certainly I've gone v loud in my room (until the door frame groans...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      It's certainly true that you can introduce new sources of distortion but that's a different situation, I was talking about modal...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      band limited pink noise (500-2000Hz) is commonly used for this purpose so probably it's rather louder than you think then (another...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      Better to use rew for this sort of thing, avoid having to translate dBFS to SPL manually and then you can easily see spl at every...
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      you wouldn't expect a room issue to have a non linear response to volume changes
    • 3ll3d00d
      3ll3d00d replied to the thread Keith_W DSP system.
      4*12" drivers that have 18mm xmax really should not collapse so drastically at just 86dB
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