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HEDD Type 20 MK2 Monitor Review

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  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 22 8.4%
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    Votes: 150 57.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 86 32.7%

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Staff Member
CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
Feb 13, 2016
Seattle Area
This is a review and detailed measurements of the HEDD Audio Type 20 MK2 DSP studio monitor (active speaker). It was sent to me by the company and costs US $2,399 (each):
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Studio Monitor Speaker Review.jpg

As you see, this is a ported 3-way design using an AMT tweeter. You also get the option to close the port using an extremely tight fitting insert and flipping the CoP control in the back to that configuration:

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Studio Monitor Speaker back panel DSP AES Input Review.jpg

Being a DSP speaker, you also get nice features like AES digital input and pass through. You also have a choice of activating the FIR filter using the "Lineariser" control.

Speaker is incredibly heavy and stout for its size, imparting a feeling of quality.

I guess at the reference point (from memory, a point between the three drivers). I tested the speaker twice: once in open configuration and then closed. The former is complete measurements and latter is limited to frequency response and directivity.

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Open Port Measurements
As usual, we start with our family of anechoic frequency response measurements and directivity indices: (actual playback level 86 dBSPL)
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Frequency Response Measurements.png

Other than a hump around 40 to 50 Hz, the response is basically flat with some localized variations. Some of that is likely due to small amount of port/cabinet interference:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Driver Frequency Response Measurements.png

Nice early window directivity index (blue above) foretells that early window response is going to be good and it is:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Early Window Frequency Response Measurements.png

This results in predicted (simulated) far-field room response to be smooth and close to ideal:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Predicted In-room Frequency Response Measurements.png

With respect to distortion, performance is very good at 86 dBSPL but suffers some at 96:

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port THD Distortion Measurements.png

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Relative THD Distortion Measurements.png

Beamwidth is generally wider than other pro monitors which is good:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Horizontal Beamwidth Measurements.png

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Horizontal directivity Measurements.png

Vertically you want to stay at or slightly below the bottom of the tweeter:

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Vertical directivity Measurements.png

And here is the step and CSD/waterfall responses:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port CSD Waterfall Measurements.png

HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port THD Step Response Measurements.png

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Measurements
I did my best to close the port but I don't think I quite got there. There was a tiny bit of air leak still but I could not muster more energy to push the plug in farther:
HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Frequency Response.png

I had to run this sweep at much lower level as there was strong audible response close to start of the sweep. Company warns about this in the manual. Still, I was surprised that for its weight and size, it couldn't handle 86 dBSPL.

EDIT: here is a comparison of closed vs open port at 96 dBSPL:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port THD Distortion Open vs Closed Port Measurements.png

Elimination of the port reduces the slight jaggedness in the 300 to 700 Hz region. This shows up as smoother beam width in the same region:
HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Horizontal Directivity.png

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Horizontal Directivity 2.png

We also have slight less bass emphasis now:
HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port early window Frequency Response.png

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Predicted in-room Frequency Response.png

Vertical directivity did not change:
HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Vertical Directivity 2.png

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Listening Tests & Equalization
I started listening with the port closed as that was where I left off in measurements. My first female track sounded stunningly good! Not only was the tonality on the mark, it has a level of detail and presence which was a delight. I switched the linearizer on and off and the latter effect definitely diminished with it off.

As good as the sound was, there was not a lot of volume to be had. It was easy to get both the tweeter and woofer to distort, if not the mid-range as well. Sub-bass response was poor as a result. Even solo guitar would distort at sufficiently high levels. So I took the port out.

Now I could get more volume but I lost some of that delightful response I hade with it closed. Mind you, the sound was still very good and tonality on the mark. Just that once you listened to the closed port version, the open port results were half to full step down. I took at shot at improving the situation with a quick filter for the bass boost:
HEDD TYPE 20 MK2 Open Port Equalization.png

The immediate effect was quite positive. Level of distortion went down and the sound become more open. I did not miss the extra bass either. The bass hump is intentional by the company and as a result of their listening tests. Would be good to perform some blind tests across multiple listeners to verify its efficacy. Alas, it may be hard to do as the room response heavily impacts this region so the results will not translate well to other situations. Fortunately dialing that one filter is simple enough.

With the port closed, the Type 20 MK2 brings a delightful experience to the party. Not only is it tonally accurate, it also sounds "pretty" and "hi fi" for lack of a better word. There is extra resolution, detail and openness that I can't explain but enjoyed having. Yes, I know, you want a third measurement with that active vs not. But there is only so much time I have to test a single speaker so you have to settle for my subjective impressions. :)

The heft and size of the monitor makes you think it can play very loud but it cannot. Its main woofer is not that large and other drivers are also not too happy to play along. As a person who values dynamics a lot, I had no choice but to deduct a point especially in closed mode which is my favorite mode of listening to this speaker.

I should say the support from the company has been incredible. They reached out to me to offer the speaker for testing -- something that I have yet to see other companies do. And I was give full access to designer and other staff. I couldn't have asked for more.

I am happy to put the HEDD Type 20 MK2 on my recommended studio monito list.

As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.

Any donations are much appreciated using: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-support-audio-science-review.8150/


  • HEDD Type 20 MK II Open Port.zip
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  • HEDD Type 20 MKII Closed Port.zip
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nice and really surprising objective performance from HEDD, I love their look and it objectively dont seem much to dislike, so top rated from me.

@amirm, when you close the port I think you use their supplied port plug, did you set the back setting to closed rather than ported also? I think there's something to be done in their internal DSP?
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Fantastic to see a speaker manufacturer reaching out to support measurements based reviews. Seems like a good speaker for nearfield listening and low volume/small room listening.
@amirm, when you close the port I think you use their supplied port plug, did you set the back setting to closed rather than ported also?
Of course. Strangely, if you set the CoP control to closed, you get the distortion at higher playback levels. But if you leave it in the open setting, it can play much louder.
What Genelec model is closest to this? 8340 or 8350 maybe?
Of course. Strangely, if you set the CoP control to closed, you get the distortion at higher playback levels. But if you leave it in the open setting, it can play much louder.
Right, I was thinking the opposite, if so maybe it’s kind of protection? Like limiting heat generation by amp coz airflow and cooling is less with port closed?
Of course. Strangely, if you set the CoP control to closed, you get the distortion at higher playback levels. But if you leave it in the open setting, it can play much louder.

This is the nature of the ported alignment.
Lower extension, lower distortion but higher group delay.

This is the trade-off that speaker designers have had to make…

We’ve always had to trade one for the other
This is a review and detailed measurements of the HEDD Audio Type 20 MK2 DSP studio monitor (active speaker). It was sent to me by the company and costs US $2,399 (each):
View attachment 260763
As you see, this is a ported 3-way design using an AMT tweeter. You also get the option to close the port using an extremely tight fitting insert and flipping the CoP control in the back to that configuration:

View attachment 260764

Being a DSP speaker, you also get nice features like AES digital input and pass through. You also have a choice of activating the FIR filter using the "Lineariser" control.

Speaker is incredibly heavy and stout for its size, imparting a feeling of quality.

I guess at the reference point (from memory, a point between the three drivers). I tested the speaker twice: once in open configuration and then closed. The former is complete measurements and latter is limited to frequency response and directivity.

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Open Port Measurements
As usual, we start with our family of anechoic frequency response measurements and directivity indices: (actual playback level 86 dBSPL)
View attachment 260765

Other than a hump around 40 to 50 Hz, the response is basically flat with some localized variations. Some of that is likely due to small amount of port/cabinet interference:
View attachment 260766

Nice early window directivity index (blue above) foretells that early window response is going to be good and it is:
View attachment 260767

This results in predicted (simulated) far-field room response to be smooth and close to ideal:
View attachment 260768

With respect to distortion, performance is very good at 86 dBSPL but suffers some at 96:

View attachment 260769

View attachment 260770

Beamwidth is generally wider than other pro monitors which is good:
View attachment 260771
View attachment 260772

Vertically you want to stay at or slightly below the bottom of the tweeter:

View attachment 260773

And here is the step and CSD/waterfall responses:
View attachment 260774

View attachment 260775

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Measurements
I did my best to close the port but I don't think I quite got there. There was a tiny bit of air leak still but I could not muster more energy to push the plug in farther:
View attachment 260776
I had to run this sweep at much lower level as there was strong audible response close to start of the sweep. Company warns about this in the manual. Still, I was surprised that for its weight and size, it couldn't handle 86 dBSPL. Elimination of the port reduces the slight jaggedness in the 300 to 700 Hz region. This shows up as smoother beam width in the same region:
View attachment 260777
View attachment 260778

We also have slight less bass emphasis now:
View attachment 260779
View attachment 260780

Vertical directivity did not change:
View attachment 260781

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Listening Tests & Equalization
I started listening with the port closed as that was where I left off in measurements. My first female track sounded stunningly good! Not only was the tonality on the mark, it has a level of detail and presence which was a delight. I switched the linearizer on and off and the latter effect definitely diminished with it off.

As good as the sound was, there was not a lot of volume to be had. It was easy to get both the tweeter and woofer to distort, if not the mid-range as well. Sub-bass response was poor as a result. Even solo guitar would distort at sufficiently high levels. So I took the port out.

Now I could get more volume but I lost some of that delightful response I hade with it closed. Mind you, the sound was still very good and tonality on the mark. Just that once you listened to the closed port version, the open port results were half to full step down. I took at shot at improving the situation with a quick filter for the bass boost:
View attachment 260782
The immediate effect was quite positive. Level of distortion went down and the sound become more open. I did not miss the extra bass either. The bass hump is intentional by the company and as a result of their listening tests. Would be good to perform some blind tests across multiple listeners to verify its efficacy. Alas, it may be hard to do as the room response heavily impacts this region so the results will not translate well to other situations. Fortunately dialing that one filter is simple enough.

With the port closed, the Type 20 MK2 brings a delightful experience to the party. Not only is it tonally accurate, it also sounds "pretty" and "hi fi" for lack of a better word. There is extra resolution, detail and openness that I can't explain but enjoyed having. Yes, I know, you want a third measurement with that active vs not. But there is only so much time I have to test a single speaker so you have to settle for my subjective impressions. :)

The heft and size of the monitor makes you think it can play very loud but it cannot. Its main woofer is not that large and other drivers are also not too happy to play along. As a person who values dynamics a lot, I had no choice but to deduct a point especially in closed mode which is my favorite mode of listening to this speaker.

I should say the support from the company has been incredible. They reached out to me to offer the speaker for testing -- something that I have yet to see other companies do. And I was give full access to designer and other staff. I couldn't have asked for more.

I am happy to put the HEDD Type 20 MK2 on my recommended studio monito list.

As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.

Any donations are much appreciated using: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-support-audio-science-review.8150/

Here is my take on the EQ.
Please report your findings, positive or negative!

The following EQs are “anechoic” EQs to get the speaker right before room integration. If you able to implement these EQs you must add EQ at LF for room integration, that is usually not optional… see hints there: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...helf-speaker-review.11144/page-26#post-800725

The raw data with corrected ER and PIR:
HEDD 20 MKII Closed No EQ Spinorma.png

Score no EQ: 6.4
With Sub: 7.8

Spinorama with no EQ:
  • LF Not as Flat as but should be swapped with room influence, tune on site...
Better stay at tweeter height
Horizontally, better toe-in the speakers by 00/10deg and have the axis crossing in front of the listening location
HEDD 20 MKII Closed 2D surface Directivity Contour Only Data.png
HEDD 20 MKII Closed LW better data.png

EQ design:

I have generated one EQ. The APO config file is attached.
  • The first one, labelled, LW is targeted at making the LW flat
  • The second, labelled Score, starts with the first one and adds the score as an optimization variable.
  • The EQs are designed in the context of regular stereo use i.e. domestic environment, no warranty is provided for a near field use in a studio environment although the LW might be better suited for this purpose.
  • In this case the LW EQ is almots teh same as the score EQ

Score EQ Score: 6.9
with sub: 8.2

HEDD 20 MKII Closed APO EQ Score 96000Hz

Preamp: -2.1 dB

Filter 1: ON PK Fc 212.61,    1.57,    3.02
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 282.28,    -1.15,    0.41
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1370.68,    -0.64,    2.88
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 2407.93,    -1.62,    6.51
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 3287.41,    -1.00,    5.13
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 16517.15,    2.01,    1.66

HEDD 20 MKII Closed EQ Design.png

Spinorama EQ Score
HEDD 20 MKII Closed Score EQ Spinorma.png

HEDD 20 MKII Closed Zoom.png

Regression - Tonal
HEDD 20 MKII Closed Regression - Tonal.png

Radar no EQ vs EQ score
No improvements? Probably no need for EQ
HEDD 20 MKII Closed Radar.png

The rest of the plots is attached.


  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed Raw Directivity data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed Raw Directivity data.png
    480.1 KB · Views: 75
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed Reflexion data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed Reflexion data.png
    131.6 KB · Views: 109
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed Vertical 3D Directivity data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed Vertical 3D Directivity data.png
    530.5 KB · Views: 91
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed Normalized Directivity data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed Normalized Directivity data.png
    305.5 KB · Views: 95
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed LW data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed LW data.png
    156.5 KB · Views: 69
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed 3D surface Vertical Directivity Data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed 3D surface Vertical Directivity Data.png
    450.4 KB · Views: 101
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed 3D surface Horizontal Directivity Data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed 3D surface Horizontal Directivity Data.png
    447 KB · Views: 91
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed 2D surface Directivity Contour Data.png
    HEDD 20 MKII Closed 2D surface Directivity Contour Data.png
    291.6 KB · Views: 113
  • HEDD 20 MKII Closed APO EQ Score 96000Hz.txt
    353 bytes · Views: 70
Small and compact 3-way nearfields.
Only this can tell us why this monitor have distortion peaks in midrange and up at 96 db/m level.

Besides this, they are nice.
  • Like
Reactions: 617
This is the nature of the ported alignment.
Lower extension, lower distortion but higher group delay.

This is the trade-off that speaker designers have had to make…

We’ve always had to trade one for the other
Except that they didn’t make that trade-off really. Clearly the closed settings boosts the bass to bring it back in level comparable to the reflex settings. This boost will also negate most of the group delay advantage.

The compromis made is clearly in power handling and max-SPL.
I’m not sure what you’re responding to.

I’m responding to the distortion comment

Strangely, if you set the CoP control to closed, you get the distortion at higher playback levels. But if you leave it in the open setting, it can play much louder.

It would be interesting to see measurements if the lineariser also reduces the excess group delay due to the bass boost, but I wasn’t commenting on that.
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Of course. Strangely, if you set the CoP control to closed, you get the distortion at higher playback levels. But if you leave it in the open setting, it can play much louder.
Looking at the FR this is to be expected. Closing the port leads to higher f3 with a bump. Reducing the bump spares power and hence reduces HD but extending f3 down to where it is requires much more power than spared before so eventually HD rises.

Do you think you can compare your subjective listening experiences of the Hedd and the similarly built KH310?
Thanks, I was wondering about this one. Solid performance, however seeing that it is more expensive and somewhat less performant than the KH310 and still can‘t play louder I‘m not too convinced.

There are other horizontal 3-way monitors similar to these that might also be interesting:
Adam A8H (ca. 1550€)
Dynaudio LYD 48 (1000€)
Focal Trio6 (vertical or horizontal, 2300€)
KSDigital C88 (coax but similar overall layout, 1500€)
Abacus Mirra 14 (1400€)
PSI A23-M (vertical or horizontal, 4500€)
Eve SC3070 (1400€)
KSD A200mkII (2400€)

Reviewed so far:
Dynaudio Core 47
Neumann KH310

This layout seems to be a very German affair overall.
There is quite a bit of variation in price and size here, but overall this design seems to produce some well performing monitors.
Last edited:
Thanks Amir

Nice to see those reviewed.
I didnt know them.

They are acrually quite small, with a 7" (18cm) woofer...

Did they offer the type 30 for testing as well ?
Thanks, I was wondering about this one. Solid performance, however seeing that it is more expensive and somewhat less performant than the KH310 and still can‘t play louder I‘m not too convinced.

There are other horizontal 3-way monitors similar to these that might also be interesting:
Adam A8H (ca. 1550€)
Dynaudio LYD 48 (1000€)
Focal Trio6 (2300€)
KSDigital C88 (coax but similar overall layout, 1500€)
Abacus Mirra 14 (1400€)

Reviewed so far:
Dynaudio Core 47
Neumann KH310

This layout seems to be a very German affair overall.
I would add the Abacus Mirra 14 to your list:
This is a review and detailed measurements of the HEDD Audio Type 20 MK2 DSP studio monitor (active speaker). It was sent to me by the company and costs US $2,399 (each):
View attachment 260763
As you see, this is a ported 3-way design using an AMT tweeter. You also get the option to close the port using an extremely tight fitting insert and flipping the CoP control in the back to that configuration:

View attachment 260764

Being a DSP speaker, you also get nice features like AES digital input and pass through. You also have a choice of activating the FIR filter using the "Lineariser" control.

Speaker is incredibly heavy and stout for its size, imparting a feeling of quality.

I guess at the reference point (from memory, a point between the three drivers). I tested the speaker twice: once in open configuration and then closed. The former is complete measurements and latter is limited to frequency response and directivity.

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Open Port Measurements
As usual, we start with our family of anechoic frequency response measurements and directivity indices: (actual playback level 86 dBSPL)
View attachment 260765

Other than a hump around 40 to 50 Hz, the response is basically flat with some localized variations. Some of that is likely due to small amount of port/cabinet interference:
View attachment 260766

Nice early window directivity index (blue above) foretells that early window response is going to be good and it is:
View attachment 260767

This results in predicted (simulated) far-field room response to be smooth and close to ideal:
View attachment 260768

With respect to distortion, performance is very good at 86 dBSPL but suffers some at 96:

View attachment 260769

View attachment 260770

Beamwidth is generally wider than other pro monitors which is good:
View attachment 260771
View attachment 260772

Vertically you want to stay at or slightly below the bottom of the tweeter:

View attachment 260773

And here is the step and CSD/waterfall responses:
View attachment 260774

View attachment 260775

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Closed Port Measurements
I did my best to close the port but I don't think I quite got there. There was a tiny bit of air leak still but I could not muster more energy to push the plug in farther:
View attachment 260776
I had to run this sweep at much lower level as there was strong audible response close to start of the sweep. Company warns about this in the manual. Still, I was surprised that for its weight and size, it couldn't handle 86 dBSPL. Elimination of the port reduces the slight jaggedness in the 300 to 700 Hz region. This shows up as smoother beam width in the same region:
View attachment 260777
View attachment 260778

We also have slight less bass emphasis now:
View attachment 260779
View attachment 260780

Vertical directivity did not change:
View attachment 260781

HEDD Type 20 MK2 Listening Tests & Equalization
I started listening with the port closed as that was where I left off in measurements. My first female track sounded stunningly good! Not only was the tonality on the mark, it has a level of detail and presence which was a delight. I switched the linearizer on and off and the latter effect definitely diminished with it off.

As good as the sound was, there was not a lot of volume to be had. It was easy to get both the tweeter and woofer to distort, if not the mid-range as well. Sub-bass response was poor as a result. Even solo guitar would distort at sufficiently high levels. So I took the port out.

Now I could get more volume but I lost some of that delightful response I hade with it closed. Mind you, the sound was still very good and tonality on the mark. Just that once you listened to the closed port version, the open port results were half to full step down. I took at shot at improving the situation with a quick filter for the bass boost:
View attachment 260782
The immediate effect was quite positive. Level of distortion went down and the sound become more open. I did not miss the extra bass either. The bass hump is intentional by the company and as a result of their listening tests. Would be good to perform some blind tests across multiple listeners to verify its efficacy. Alas, it may be hard to do as the room response heavily impacts this region so the results will not translate well to other situations. Fortunately dialing that one filter is simple enough.

With the port closed, the Type 20 MK2 brings a delightful experience to the party. Not only is it tonally accurate, it also sounds "pretty" and "hi fi" for lack of a better word. There is extra resolution, detail and openness that I can't explain but enjoyed having. Yes, I know, you want a third measurement with that active vs not. But there is only so much time I have to test a single speaker so you have to settle for my subjective impressions. :)

The heft and size of the monitor makes you think it can play very loud but it cannot. Its main woofer is not that large and other drivers are also not too happy to play along. As a person who values dynamics a lot, I had no choice but to deduct a point especially in closed mode which is my favorite mode of listening to this speaker.

I should say the support from the company has been incredible. They reached out to me to offer the speaker for testing -- something that I have yet to see other companies do. And I was give full access to designer and other staff. I couldn't have asked for more.

I am happy to put the HEDD Type 20 MK2 on my recommended studio monito list.

As always, questions, comments, recommendations, etc. are welcome.

Any donations are much appreciated using: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-support-audio-science-review.8150/
I do agree with Amir and hope that many more speaker manufacturers send in their gear for testing. Although highly appreciated we have seen enough “near perfection” DAC tests..
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