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Genelec 8361A vs 8351B

First two are 61’s now. Third pic was the 51’s.
It’s difficult to show in images, but my listening distance ranges from 1m to 1.5m, I slide the chair back and forth, and move around the room quite a bit too.
I love your XL. I have a SiX, not the same thing at all, I know. I'm sure it all sounds just fabulous. Cheers!
I love your XL. I have a SiX, not the same thing at all, I know. I'm sure it all sounds just fabulous. Cheers!
It’s just the regular X-Desk. The XL is too huge for me. SiX seems nice though, compact. For mine, I’m burdened with a crap ton of DB25 cables.
Long time lurker, but finally decided to make a profile and join in the discussion on this great forum!

So I currently have Genelec 8351A + 7360A Sub (GLM calibrated) - they sound as good as they can in my semi-treated studio space.

My second set is Amphion Two18 which measure very decent considering there is no DSP or correction. (I have tested with Sonarworks and Dirac, but really don't like the smearing and loss of definition/transients so deleted them and prefer to just learn the raw sound of the monitors in the room.)

I've provided some REW charts below, but empirical evidence can sometimes be pointless...

Do they sound good? I suppose they do, but what is more important to me is that much banded word in engineering: 'translation'.

Essentially, I like having different 'sonic lenses' to hear through, which is why I also have Auratone 5c, Yamaha NS-10M, Fostex 6301 at my disposal, as well as a smattering of headphones from high end Focals to cheap £7 Panasonic buds, all to check mixes on.

While I don't really need an upgrade at the moment, there's always room for improvement (or perhaps improvement of the room?!). In any case, I am considering moving to 8361A or 8351B with W371 which is what led me here.

I am also currently demoing Dutch & Dutch 8c so will report back with my findings soon.

Genelec 8351A + 7360 (GLM Calibrated)
Genelec 8351A + 7360 GLM.jpg

Amphion Two18 (No correction)
Amphion Two18.jpg
I’m about 2.5 months into using 8361A, and so far the translation has been very good for me. (I had 8040 BPM’s before that, and also worked exclusively on headphones HD800 for 8 years before that.)

Mixes back then were always ok but a little cloudy in the low mids, never could fix it. Last two months, checking my mixes in my same usual places, I’m finding the bass and low mids translating much clearer for me! I’m working faster and trusting the 8361A’s more each day.

Compared to my earlier posts above, I even added a digital out module to my Symphony I/O mk2, so now the 8361A’s receive AES Digital In directly, and no more X-Desk in monitoring path.

All this depends on what type of work you do of course. For me, I work in game audio. It was Genelec’s impressive marketing (https://www.genelec.com/game-audio) that first caught my attention, and I gotta say, I am indeed hitting results that make me very happy with my 8361A decision.
Long time lurker, but finally decided to make a profile and join in the discussion on this great forum!

So I currently have Genelec 8351A + 7360A Sub (GLM calibrated) - they sound as good as they can in my semi-treated studio space.

My second set is Amphion Two18 which measure very decent considering there is no DSP or correction. (I have tested with Sonarworks and Dirac, but really don't like the smearing and loss of definition/transients so deleted them and prefer to just learn the raw sound of the monitors in the room.)

I've provided some REW charts below, but empirical evidence can sometimes be pointless...

Do they sound good? I suppose they do, but what is more important to me is that much banded word in engineering: 'translation'.

Essentially, I like having different 'sonic lenses' to hear through, which is why I also have Auratone 5c, Yamaha NS-10M, Fostex 6301 at my disposal, as well as a smattering of headphones from high end Focals to cheap £7 Panasonic buds, all to check mixes on.

While I don't really need an upgrade at the moment, there's always room for improvement (or perhaps improvement of the room?!). In any case, I am considering moving to 8361A or 8351B with W371 which is what led me here.

I am also currently demoing Dutch & Dutch 8c so will report back with my findings soon.

Genelec 8351A + 7360 (GLM Calibrated)
View attachment 346683

Amphion Two18 (No correction)
View attachment 346684
Look forward to hearing your report. Thanks
My two cents: I went with 61 over 51 simply because I got such a good deal from a pro dealer for the 61 that the 51 made no sense. Been looking at the 2nd hand market for over a year and they hold their resale value very well. The only downside with the 61 is that it might be physically too big =P. Haven't received them yet, still in factory painting queue.
My two cents: I went with 61 over 51 simply because I got such a good deal from a pro dealer for the 61 that the 51 made no sense. Been looking at the 2nd hand market for over a year and they hold their resale value very well. The only downside with the 61 is that it might be physically too big =P. Haven't received them yet, still in factory painting queue.
Which dealer? Been looking around for pair of 61's myself
My two cents: I went with 61 over 51 simply because I got such a good deal from a pro dealer for the 61 that the 51 made no sense. Been looking at the 2nd hand market for over a year and they hold their resale value very well. The only downside with the 61 is that it might be physically too big =P. Haven't received them yet, still in factory painting queue.
how much did you pay? thanks
@Tenku please share your findings!
Owning the 8260, if I had to do it all over again... I'd go for the 8351B if I could afford it, simply because if I could afford that now, then I could likely afford a pair of W371 speakers in the future.

If the price matters to you though, and you can't afford a subwoofer with GLM, get the 8260 used for $5k and enjoy the extended bass. The S360 is also a very flat, "Genelec" sound to my ears listening at a show, but vertical dispersion and bass extension are going to be lacking.

Should have a Swarm/DEBRA subwoofer array (4 subs in parallel) soon, and for $8000 total, it should compete with just about anything if the goal is even frequency response across a wide area with excellent control of peaks and nulls.

If you're considering pairing other subs with these Genelec models for deeper bass, make sure you have a way to integrate them perfectly without GLM. I tried many positions for two PSA subs all along the front wall, and even using a MiniDSP and REW was not able to integrate them well enough for them to sound like a single unit. Might have been able to fix things with a third sub or additional tinkering, but the difference between subwoofers and Genelecs was quite apparent.
Just wondering if you still dell the same. i'm looking at some 8260's. They are getting a bit long in the tooth though and i can get some 8351B's at a reasonable price.
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