Great....I just wanted to make sure my Topping DX3pro+ and BD DT1770 get the best audio signal data from Windows 11, now I went down this rabbit hole, spend hours reading through this whole thread, and A/B testing things

In the end I am absolutely ,100%, totally confused now, of what is happening in the windows 11 audio stack, as my test seem to conflict a lot, with what has been written here
I was under the impression to have no "audio enhancements" active in Windows (there is no tap for those in the device propreties) but toggling the setting "Enable audio enhancements" makes a very noticeable difference. Is there any way to find out, what could be the active "enhancer"?
Then installing Eq-APO and un-toggelling the "Use original APO" I was hoping to de-activate all unwanted Windows sound processing, as described in the original post. But still the "Enable audio enhancements" makes a VERY noticable difference. (no active filters in EqAPO).
Does this mean, that Eq-APO "changes" the sound even though all filters are inactive?
Or does it mean, that there is a windows/system/driver/original APO active, that Eq-APOs "Use original APO" is unable to deactivate?
Now what puzzles me the most: It was stated here, that Eq-APO requires the "Enable audio enhancements" to be active in order to function (Even its own Device Selector setup, states "Enable audio enhancements" will be activated, when it has been manually deactivated), as basically windows sees it as just another APO....BUT: even though toggling the "Enable audio enhancements" in Windows makes a big difference in sound, all Filters in Eq-APO are working, whether "Enable audio enhancements" is activated or not and whether its set up with "Use original APO" or not, so clearly Eq-APO does NOT require "Enable audio enhancements" to be active in order to apply its filters...right?
BTW: I am just listening to mainly Spotify with no fancy ASIO or WASAPI drivers, but I have installed the Topping DX3pro+, using the latest driver ( from their website.
Is it possible, that the Topping driver uses some kind of APO to "improve" the signal in any way for their DAC chip?
I hope you will understand why I am totally confused as nothing seems to make any sense to me
Maybe someone more experienced might have a tip as to what Windows is doing here