
  1. Nathan Raymond

    Good multichannel amp for desktop PC?

    I use a set of Energy Take Classic 5.1 speakers for surround sound on my desktop PC, primarily for gaming: Sound comes from a Cubilux 7.1 USB Surround Sound (plug and play, uses standard USB audio drivers)...
  2. D

    Device to mix stereo sources?

    Currently I'm sing a windows pc for audio, outputting by usb to DAC and headphone amp. I picked up a Wiim mini for streaming, so I can listen when the pc is off, but then I realised I can either use the Wiim OR listen from my pc over USB. I would like to mix the outputs, so when my pc is on I...
  3. F

    Connect my PC via HDMI to AVR (Marantz), what do I set Windows sound settings to?

    For a 5.1 setup and a HTPC for movies, using MPC-HC. The AVR is connected via HDMI. Yes I see bitstreaming formats in Windows in "sound card" settings for the Marantz. Is it correct that I need the *Windows* sound settings on Stereo for the AVR (do I need to set Full Range speakers??) so it...
  4. FiftyTifty

    Electrical noise from speakers when PC is on, regardless if using soundcard/USB -> unbalanced dac/balanced dac

    Problem: When computer off, very quiet white noise from speakers. When computer on, nasty electrical noise when idle. When computer doing heavy work (CPU or GPU, probably power draw related), absolutely awful squealing. This has been a pain for years, and finally remembered to try out using a...
  5. ruidito

    Program to transfer music | Kann Cube - Windows

    Hello everyone! A few days ago I made a thread asking for help reviving an AK Kann Cube. Many helped me and I appreciate it a lot. Together with the help of you and the support of AK, I was able to revive the device and am testing it, testing to see if it is truly completely fixed. AK...
  6. Mantra

    do linux or mac play music better than windows?

    Hi Maybe it's a silly question , but sometime i use a mac with audirvana and seems for my ears it does play songs better than windows I was reading a topic about linux vs windows what hi fi forum and seems there are several users that do report that linux or macos can play music better than...
  7. J

    Strawberry. Open Source cross platform music player

    Hi all, Thought I'd share this Open Source cross platform music player. Found it while looking for a foobar alternative. I'm using the Windows version and have pretty good experience so far. It has support for Subsonic, Tidal and Qobuz too. Web page here:
  8. sweetchaos

    Automated Light/Dark Mode

    Intro: Required Steps: Optional Steps (but useful to verify to avoid problems): How to do this for iOS? How to do this for Android? Changelog: Conclusion: - After sunrise, 99% of the websites I visit will show a light mode/background. - After sunset, 99% of the websites I visit will...
  9. Mantra

    question about windows audio players output engines , are they all accurate?

    Hi I use mostly foobar2000 and sometime musicbee ,i have used aimp 4 and 5 Goldwave have the possibility to loopback record like audacity I'm not an expert , but seems the foobar2000 ,musicbee or other windows audio player output engine is different , i'm not sure about it ,but seem some...
  10. U

    Help with surround sound on Windows PC

    Hi! I have the following setup: - Windows 11 desktop PC: Motherboard Asus TUF GAMING B660M-PLUS D4 and soundcard Creative Sound Blaster Z SE. Also an optical Blu-ray drive and 1080p DLP projector. - Yamaha receiver HTR-6130, connected to five speakers and a subwoofer. Creative sound card is...
  11. S

    A technique for wirelessly transferring music library from Windows to iPhone

    For years I've used iTunes to transfer a subset of the music library stored on my Windows PC to my iPhone. I would create a playlist containing all the music I wanted on my phone, plug my phone in, select the box in iTunes to transcode lossless files to 128kbps AAC, and then sync the playlist to...
  12. J

    Smart Display

    Folks, maybe it's already available and I just haven't found it yet. I have a surface Pro 4, I'm looking to install either a windows software suite or linux distort that supports; Airplay, Spotify Connect, Tidal Connect but would also display the album art, and when not in use the weather...
  13. B

    MOTU M4/M2 Driver issues / System process high CPU / MOTUCoreUAC.sys

    Hi there, I discovered a significant issue with the MOTU M4 driver when using the two lowest buffer settings on any sample rate. When using my MOTU M4 (made in China, firmware 2.03), I noticed that when using the two lowest buffer sizes on any sample rate (regardless of "use lowest latency...
  14. A

    Warning for desktop users: SMSL stacks have issues without workarounds (PC/Mac)

    Hi, I just acquired an SMSL stack for desktop use composed of: SMSL SH-9 desktop amp SMSL SU-9 Pro desktop DAC And after a day of configuring, testing and digging, I found out issues that will make me return the stack as it's an UX downgrade compared to my old Schiit stack Modi3+Magni3...
  15. bsdinis

    route Windows audio to ASIO driver?

    I'm currently using VoiceMeeter, all other software from VB Cable produces clicks and pops. What other alternatives are there for bit-perfect gaming on Windows?
  16. Biblob

    Motu Utltralite MK4 as multichannel DAC on Windows?

    Hi all, I have had succes with using a Xonar U7 as a multichannel device after installing it's drivers. I have upgraded to the Motu Ultralite MK4, notice this is not the MK5 that has been reviewed here. Before plugging it in I installed the latest drivers from Motu. But I stumble against a...
  17. T

    Just bought AKG N700 NC M2 love the sound but volume from mic is tiny - any solutions?

    Hello all, Any thoughts about how to increase the volume of the mic for voice when using bluetooth? Note: the problem occurs on my iPhone 13 and also on my RealMe 3 Pro. Other people on the call can barely hear me, but it does not occur when connected to my laptop, where the mic volume is...
  18. R

    Windows Audio File Conversion Software

    Are there any differences between the myriad of applications out there that convert from one format to another? Specifically I'm looking for an application to convert my FLAC collection to OGG, AAF, etc. so I can take them along on my SmartPhone (FlAC collection won't fit and phones with SDCard...
  19. staticV3

    View sample rate of applications before Windows Mixing?

    Is there a way to view the sample rate of audio that applications send to the Windows Resampler and Mixer, before the Resampler? Basically, at the point marked here in orange:
  20. PaperBoat

    Apple music lossless

    Is there any free way to download lossless music from the Apple Music? I have AM active subscription but I don't know how to download my desired songs in .ALAC from Apple music and keep it forever and listen to it when I don't have an Apple music active subscription..?
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