Not a catch as such but no new IEM releases seem to be designed to optimize noise isolation. There have been a few with unvented designs (e.g. using multi-BA configuration) which could be better for isolation but they haven't been marketed as such and are not affordable like these Zero models.
I would like to see anyone try to compete with Etymotic by making a completely unvented IEM designed for deep fit with double or triple flange tips for best isolation. I think Etymotics are great but after years of listening even I've decided the region 1-2kHz is too elevated and EQ it down by 3dB. I've recently been experimenting elevating around 8kHz and preferring the added treble response here too. It gets it a bit closer to Harman 2019 but not quite, like this Zero:2. So I think there is room for a company to improve on Etymotic's tuning in a highly isolating deep fit IEM.
@amirm :
On this point I'd really like to know what your take is on the impact of ear canal resonance? This could also be considered a "catch" by proponents of Etymotics, which insert so deep the resonance is pushed up into such high frequencies it becomes less intrusive (above 10khz). The argument is that the resonance peak is artificially created by creating a closed tube of your ear canal between the mic/ear drum and IEM, which isn't apparent in speaker/headphone listening, so detracts from sound quality. Hence the deep insertion to ensure it is as high frequency and least likely to be heard as possible.
With the IEMs you review is the resonance peak at 1/2 wavelength of the closed tube created in the canal something you perceive or find impacts audio quality? I believe the coupler you use has some kind of dampening so this peak isn't as pronounced as for example on
@crinacle 's coupler, though it would not match up with what is heard anyway due to the length of everyone's ear canal being different.
For reference, Crin's measurement of Zero:2 (EQ is Amir's settings), showing ~6dB peak at 8kHz :
View attachment 335185
EDIT: In fact, is it possible to use the GRAS to measure noise isolation, for example by playing white noise and measuring the SPL with/without the IEM inserted?