OK - if it shuts off when you are throwing high level LFE movie tracks at it - then it just doesn't have enough power for you. (You are running it outside design limits)Shut off watching interstellar. The launch scene with 2 of 4 sets of speakers I own. I use that BR as a sound check for any new setup. I honestly don't want to debate this over and over. I get everyone is in love with these things. I am too to be honest. I happily recommend their products to others. I am truly disappointed I couldn't get it to work for me. My reason for leaving comments about my experience is not to argue with people over this but to just document my experience. In a hope that wiim and other manufacturers see our complaints on these forums and continue to improve their products. That's all. I will happily fork over money for the wiim amp plus or pro.
That is fine. But again, not hard to understand. I can accept that you don't need to blind test to hear this
This is not going to be relevant for most people listening to music at reasonable levels.