The same topic (the "kidnapping" of his children) was referenced by Eric A. in a Tekton company blog post in 2015 which was cited very early in this thread.
Based on the perpetual lying of Eric (exposed in his various emails and videos here and on Erin's site) I'm inherently skeptical of anything he says. But I do believe his claim that his ex-wife requested and received a legal restraining order against him, an assertion he proactively makes in the blog post. My intuitive guess is that Eric lost custody of his children during a divorce situation; they were
not "kidnapped." This is pure speculation on my part. Given all we've seen here of Eric's behavior, its not hard for me to imagine this happening to him, or to imagine him misrepresenting that situation, casting himself as the victim (claiming the FBI and prosecutors and police etc etc all ignored the "kidnapping" in some wholesale mistreatment of him).
He proactively refers to this topic, which most could consider highly personal and not for public consumption, in his own videos and blog posts which have absolutely ZERO relationship to his children or ex-wife! I perceive it as an apparent attempt to solicit sympathy from his customer and/or prospective customer audience. Really, really incredible behavior. Customers were apparently complaining about delayed or ignored orders of grilles, and he cites a years-old divorce, custody and restraining order as the explanation?? Like the saying goes,
you couldn't make this stuff up.
The statistical odds are that Eric is unlikely to change. So while my inherent empathy leads me to hope he can change, my objective realist thinks that is very unlikely to happen.