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Tekton M-Lore Speaker Review

Rate this speaker:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 295 59.6%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 178 36.0%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 15 3.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 7 1.4%

  • Total voters
All this fuss over one of Tektons cheapest models and a two way at that. While not condoning or agreeing with anyone's behavior I do think this is all a bit much. All these threads are starting to feel like a pile on. People here seem more upset over this than I was when I was actually sued by a patient once (they lost BTW) ;) .

I have a few Tekton models and another pair I purchased for a friend. They are to my ears very nice speakers. I have the older version Dynamite with 4 tweeters, an Electron SE with central Be tweeter and I purchased for my friend a perfect set 2-10. Everyone who as listened to them has said complementary things. I also own KEF meta speakers, Paradigm Persona and used to own ML electrostats. Of them all the Electrons are my favorite. I don't measure speakers or have any expertise on speaker design for what its worth - and I dont at all doubt those who have taken measurements of some Tekton models. I hope the manufacturer does indeed post measurements as he has promised and a productive dialogue can continue.
It's been pointed out several times that several tekton speakers measure decently, and Erin liked the speakers he reviewed. That's what makes the entire incident so bizarre.

There has been so much attention because this is really the most egregious behavior many of us have witnessed from a manufacturer. I agree there's been some adhominem pile-ing on and some exaggerated claims, which I pushed back on on earlier. But at the same time, this is about as close as it gets to reality TV for the audio world, so I can't blame people for bringing out the popcorn.
Erin said that Eric said he lost a $3000 order.

He also sent this to erin shortly after the $3k claim.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 112334.png
There has been so much attention because this is really the most egregious behavior many of us have witnessed from a manufacturer.

Believe it or not there’s been worse.

Ask Gene from Audioholics.
We all think Tekton has shot itself in the foot.

I wonder…. because erin will not review tekton anymore, and gene from audioholics says he won’t either. How many other klippel reviewers does that leave who would be willing to do so now? That just leaves the puff reviewers (we know who they are).

I’m sure Eric would be fine with that as his products would never be measured and only reviewed by said puff reviewers.

Consumers are the ones who ultimately lose in this scenario,

If Amir gets sued every reviewer and consumer should absolutely contribute a class action and take litigation as high up the judicial system as necessary to ensure that reviewers are only NOT sued but also protected by the law.

@AdamG and @amirm , I'm wondering if there's any way to prevent @Eric Alexander from editing or deleting his comments in this thread similarly? I'm not saying he should be removed from this group (though I certainly wouldn't oppose such a move either, given the seriousness of his threats and the egregiousness of his unsupported assertions that have now been confirmed to be incorrect). I'm just wondering if there is a way to keep his username (since removed members' usernames are automatically changed to "DeletedUserXYZ") while preventing him from trying to "rewrite history" here.

Just a thought; please feel free to disregard.
I just posted this summary of Erin's new video on the "other thread":

The measurements with the feet in place were essentially no different. And Erin spends about 10 minutes going through the communications with Eric Alexander -- Eric definitely threated him with litigation if the review wasn't pulled and demanded Erin post up a mea culpa video. He was also very derogatory about Erin's expertise (much like he was here with Amir), claiming the cabinet resonance at 250 Hz was due to the missing feet, etc. With the feet in place, nothing changed with the 250 Hz resonance.

Update: Eric suggested that litigation would be avoided if he brought a set of Troubadors in person to Erin and witnessed the Klippel testing in person and then film a joint video(!). He also was continually emailing Erin saying that he had now lost $3k in sales, then $6k in sales, etc. He also claimed he was going to send Erin measurements but then demanded that they have a conversation with lawyers again. It's a mess.

Update #2: Hard to watch the end as you could tell Erin was struggling with his emotions...this whole incident really caused him a ton of stress and anxiety. Eric Alexander is a real piece of work.
I read the "litigation" discussion from Eric, where he says he's not suing anyone, but insists on a lawyer-to-lawyer discussion, and that's his interpretation of "litigation". Since I'm married to a US litigation attorney, I asked her for the definition of the term litigation, and she responded: "An action initiated in a court of law." Erin and Amir apparently have no legal obligation whatsoever to respond to Eric's demand that their respective lawyers have a discussion, because no one has filed a lawsuit. Worse for Eric, since both Amir and Erin used similar state of the art scientific measurement equipment to support their conclusions, Eric and his attorney would run the risk of a judge deeming any lawsuit to be "frivolous", which would have "consequences" for both Eric and his attorney. Attacking Amir's credentials looks really dumb, because he was a recent presenter at an AES conference regarding DAC measurements. While DACs are not speakers, it would still be convincing evidence, along with Amir's investment in Klippel equipment, that he is serious about an objective measurement approach, and not slander. So it is a stretch to believe any attorney would agree to file the lawsuit, though I have no doubt there are many attorneys who would not mind a bunch of billable hours for phone calls and "demand letters".

I'm also wondering what discussions Eric has actually had with an attorney, since I'm also told that "slander" is not a modern legal term in the US, and that the legal issue is called defamation.
I’m sure Eric would be fine with that as his products would never be measured and only reviewed by said puff reviewers.

yea, he might actually end up winning here in the long run. he avoids objective reviews in the future, and future subjective ones will come into the foreground again. the subjective crowd and brand fans will probably not care about all this in the future.
yea, he might actually end up winning here in the long run. he avoids objective reviews in the future, and future subjective ones will come into the foreground again. the subjective crowd and brand fans will probably not care about all this in the future.
That's fine. Subjectivists are gonna be subjective and they can stay in the cave looking at shadows. To each his own.
Believe it or not there’s been worse.

Ask Gene from Audioholics.
I think Gene alluded to something in his own video!

Honestly, I can only think of a handful of incidents where another party was so upset over coverage in my own career. There was that one time North Korea was mad with us for writing about The Interview...

Anyway, I'm curious to see how things proceed now that Erin has posted his video. I don't really expect a positive outcome -- at best this will fizzle away -- but hopefully Eric sees an opportunity to make his speakers better. Even if most of the people here wouldn't buy his speakers, perhaps future buyers unaware of this drama will get better speakers for it.

Even though again, it seems several of the speakers weren't that bad in the first place! Like other's I'm puzzled by how some of the speakers have quite solid directivity and on-axis while at the same time Eric has shared woofer-only responses as if they were full measurements.
@AdamG and @amirm , I'm wondering if there's any way to prevent @Eric Alexander from editing or deleting his comments in this thread similarly? I'm not saying he should be removed from this group (though I certainly wouldn't oppose such a move either, given the seriousness of his threats and the egregiousness of his unsupported assertions that have now been confirmed to be incorrect). I'm just wondering if there is a way to keep his username (since removed members' usernames are automatically changed to "DeletedUserXYZ") while preventing him from trying to "rewrite history" here.

Just a thought; please feel free to disregard.

after some quick googling it doesn't seem like xenforo supports that option at a post level.

However that doesn't prevent someone taking a screen shot of all 42 of his posts.

I'm not familiar with xenforo, but I bet someone with direct db access, could probably change his password and associated email address. That would prevent him from logging in, and prevent him from being able to reset his password.

I left as comment on the vid where he's back peddling on the usage of the litigation term, and it appears he removed the vid after no one was buying his version of it in the comments. Hmmm. For myself, I'd always been interested in that brand until now. He's cost himself far more biz with that behavior than any review, negative or not, could ever cost him.
after some quick googling it doesn't seem like xenforo supports that option at a post level.

However that doesn't prevent someone taking a screen shot of all 42 of his posts.

I'm not familiar with xenforo, but I bet someone with direct db access, could probably change his password and associated email address. That would prevent him from logging in, and prevent him from being able to reset his password.
This forum is open and free (until now), so democratic rights should be respected.
In this case the right of digital amnesty amnesia.
after some quick googling it doesn't seem like xenforo supports that option at a post level.

However that doesn't prevent someone taking a screen shot of all 42 of his posts.

I'm not familiar with xenforo, but I bet someone with direct db access, could probably change his password and associated email address. That would prevent him from logging in, and prevent him from being able to reset his password.
He can be banned and still left in place - with all his posts.

As it is, the moderators/admin have said they don't wish to block him as that might be seen as controlling the situation, so you can understand their position.

Eric can edit his posts, but they will show as "Edited". I think all of his posts have been quoted by others, so his edit's won't have any effect on the quotes of his posts - they will remain as they were when they were quoted, so everyone can see what he said originally - making it pointless to edit your post to try and change the narrative afterwards.
He can be banned and still left in place - with all his posts.

As it is, the moderators/admin have said they don't wish to block him as that might be seen as controlling the situation, so you can understand their position.

Eric can edit his posts, but they will show as "Edited". I think all of his posts have been quoted by others, so his edit's won't have any effect on the quotes of his posts - they will remain as they were when they were quoted, so everyone can see what he said originally - making it pointless to edit your post to try and change the narrative afterwards.

Very good points - 100% agree with not blocking him for precisely the reason you say - and yes, you're right; as long as each of his comments has been quoted by someone else (and I'm sure all the important ones have), then that establishes a record right there.

He can be banned and still left in place - with all his posts.

As it is, the moderators/admin have said they don't wish to block him as that might be seen as controlling the situation, so you can understand their position.

Eric can edit his posts, but they will show as "Edited". I think all of his posts have been quoted by others, so his edit's won't have any effect on the quotes of his posts - they will remain as they were when they were quoted, so everyone can see what he said originally - making it pointless to edit your post to try and change the narrative afterwards.

I'm a developer by trade and some ask if something was possible, so i responded with a couple options, nothing more!
yea, he might actually end up winning here in the long run. he avoids objective reviews in the future, and future subjective ones will come into the foreground again. the subjective crowd and brand fans will probably not care about all this in the future.

Oh there could always be leaks of objective data. That and anyone wanting to discuss their products on the internet is going to run into those of us who have witnessed this and we'll gladly offer the history lesson. They are not going to come out on top one way or another and I think we'll see Eric double down because of this.
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