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Tekton M-Lore Speaker Review

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  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 297 59.8%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 178 35.8%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 15 3.0%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 7 1.4%

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We've entered the world where "extremely linear" is a marketing term. Personally, I think the guy should just send a set to Dannie Ritchie so he can add a couple of $500 caps to the crossover, and declare them a bargain, and true state of the art.

In any case, I don't know what the guy is so exorcised about. His market and ASR readers would be a Venn Diagram showing two circles with no points of tangency let alone intersection. He should just continue to cash the checks of anyone who thinks it's cool to own a speaker with multiple domed tweeters arranged like the "Seven Sisters of the Pleiades." Gotta be lotsa people who are down with that, especially when combined with a cabinet whose material looks like it was stolen from one of those places that sell unfinished dressers and bedside tables in the parking lot of a strip mall. How thick is that baffle? Easily in excess of 3/16"! Yeah, and seems I've seen them spray painted day glo orange more times than I care to remember. They reek of quality.
Personally, I think the guy should just send a set to Dannie Ritchie so he can add a couple of $500 caps to the crossover, and declare them a bargain, and true state of the art.

Actually it dawned on me what what's missing in TipTones, ...Tube Connectors.
Before the invasion of really cheap (to import) and really good far eastern made speakers (even if designed in the UK or US), these M-Lore speakers would be part of a STARTER SYSTEM, arguably owned by students I suspect for pop/rock music and used with a low powered integrated amp and in a smaller room. I bet they're a real fun listen (as the Rega Juras used to be - not as squeaky and up-themselves as the Ela/EL8/Alya floor models could sound - those in the UK who lived through it may understand, apologies to the rest of you).

We've been spoiled internationally in more recent times by some cheaply imported wonder-boxes costing under a grand that perform very well objectively (port issues aside methinks in many) and which can arguably sound good too (not all superbly measuring speakers do this I gather, due to inappropriate crossover points and so on). Sometimes, I'd like to return to an easily 'communicative' speaker from the more genteel if 'great in midrange timbres' models I currently use and maybe a good active not too small model is where I'd ideally be looking...

One UK maker despairs of the fact that almost none of the international reviewers of his products (they usually come out well in objective and subjective tests) ever reach out to ask what the products are about and how they are what they are. I mean, good dealers will hopefully explain as best they can when demonstrating the speakers and suggest how to set up and use them for best potential, but it seems that many reviewers feel they're above this kind of communication. If the maker doesn't provide proper instructions as a guide to use and siting, well that's something else and a printed A4 sheet with basic setup details can't cost a lot to slip in with the speakers, surely?

I made a comment earlier about maybe the best listening axis vertically, but the Klippel vertical dispersion plot shows the general listening axis in the near to mid-field I think.
I get the feet thingy. I also understand the need to use them. What I don't understand is the omission of some sealing cap over the nuts so when they aren't inserted there is no leakage.

My speakers-before-last were slim floorstanders with solid aluminium outriggers that bolted through. One bolt was missing (they were ex-demo and disassembled in-store to re-box so presumably one was misplaced) when I re-assembled. It was certainly audible, like a tiny chuffing port, when volume was sufficient. So yes you would certainly redo the measurement sweep/s.

Of course, when you remind people and know you did, give them a chance to re-measure with feet and even show what happens when they are accidentally or purposely omitted. The latter is something you could even show. Why is there no such info ?

Mine certainly had instructions* to assemble correctly, they were German after all. I don’t recall a warning about sonic consequences. Seems redundant perhaps, but would be informative, so a good idea, especially as not everyone would diagnose correctly. The store people were surprised when I reported the noise, but replaced the missing bolt without hesitation. As they should.

*and yes they did include instructions on speaker placement in the room
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Before the invasion of really cheap (to import) and really good far eastern made speakers (even if designed in the UK or US), these M-Lore speakers would be part of a STARTER SYSTEM, arguably owned by students I suspect for pop/rock music and used with a low powered integrated amp and in a smaller room. I bet they're a real fun listen (as the Rega Juras used to be - not as squeaky and up-themselves as the Ela/EL8/Alya floor models could sound - those in the UK who lived through it may understand, apologies to the rest of you).

We've been spoiled internationally in more recent times by some cheaply imported wonder-boxes costing under a grand that perform very well objectively (port issues aside methinks in many) and which can arguably sound good too (not all superbly measuring speakers do this I gather, due to inappropriate crossover points and so on). Sometimes, I'd like to return to an easily 'communicative' speaker from the more genteel if 'great in midrange timbres' models I currently use and maybe a good active not too small model is where I'd ideally be looking...

One UK maker despairs of the fact that almost none of the international reviewers of his products (they usually come out well in objective and subjective tests) ever reach out to ask what the products are about and how they are what they are. I mean, good dealers will hopefully explain as best they can when demonstrating the speakers and suggest how to set up and use them for best potential, but it seems that many reviewers feel they're above this kind of communication. If the maker doesn't provide proper instructions as a guide to use and siting, well that's something else and a printed A4 sheet with basic setup details can't cost a lot to slip in with the speakers, surely?

I made a comment earlier about maybe the best listening axis vertically, but the Klippel vertical dispersion plot shows the general listening axis in the near to mid-field I think.

A classic case of RTFM.

Take the Wharfedale Diamond for example. Not the IAG Chinese disasters- the real ones. (versions I,II and III)

They specifically tell the purchaser, even on the rear panel sticker (and owners manual) exactly how to place them with respect to a boundary wall.


And yet, most people didn't listen did they? They stuck them on stands, halfway out into a room... :facepalm:
A classic case of RTFM.

Take the Wharfedale Diamond for example. Not the IAG Chinese disasters- the real ones. (versions I,II and III)

They specifically tell the purchaser, even on the rear panel sticker (and owners manual) exactly how to place them with respect to a boundary wall.

View attachment 362009

And yet, most people didn't listen did they? They stuck them on stands, halfway out into a room... :facepalm:
...and manic dealers drove them with a NAD 3020 (not a bad match I remember) and used a 'top quality' Linn LP12 source to prove a point of 'source first' (which I still find appropriate in a vinyl sourced system even today, but not to this extreme ;) ).
Theta - Great to see this. Sound is subjective... we have different tastes in music, listening levels, equipment opinions, and we each have a unique and individual HRTF [head-related transfer function]; the perfect loudspeaker doesn't exist and cannot be produced.
Wait what? What does individual HRTF has anything to do with speaker design? Are these in-ear speakers?
The FACTS are Amir didn't measure the loudspeaker correctly and placed the loudspeaker in a false light.
Again, with all due respect, however little there may be, you have provided no reasoning to your claims, you have continued throwing a temper tantrum over a product review. Just keep that in mind: you are a victim blamer.
Theta - Great to see this. Sound is subjective... we have different tastes in music, listening levels, equipment opinions, and we each have a unique and individual HRTF [head-related transfer function]; the perfect loudspeaker doesn't exist and cannot be produced.
Sound is about as subjective as light. That is to say not at all, really.

Maybe read a book on psychoacoustics, you seem quite confused on the topic
Given that tiny chuffing ports resulting from unoccupied bolt holes may result in FR resonances and distortion, it was reasonable to ask for a retest and either take down or flag the issue in Erin’s video, pending an update.

Better for everyone (especially Tekton) if that was done without all the flouncing, surely?
Given that tiny chuffing ports resulting from unoccupied bolt holes may result in FR resonances and distortion, it was reasonable to ask for a retest and either take down or flag the issue in Erin’s video, pending an update.

Better for everyone (especially Tekton) if that was done without all the flouncing, surely?

Most of us wouldn't knew this level of incompetence was possible without the Streisand'ing,
Better for everyone (especially Tekton) if that was done without all the flouncing, surely?
I did not know there was such a thing called Tekton last week. I do know now, and I know they manufacture speakers.
I am sure quite a few people will also be sympathetic to Tekton's accusations at Amir and Erin. Enemy's enemy..

Attacking public figures has always been a popular method to increase public's awareness of your own name. Tekton seems to be quite good at doing that. By mistake or by design, yet to be seen.
Attacking public figures has always been a popular method to increase public's awareness of your own name. Tekton seems to be quite good at doing that. By mistake or by design, yet to be seen.

there's also the other way that Tekton are infamous for

get the new youtube media on your side... besides andrew robinson you got the usual suspects

i mean there's something made very very clear by Mr. Alexander and further expounded by quite a number of people here... even in the international community.

Tekton believes in 'authorised reviews and tests' and 'partner evaluations' like old faithful Steven Guttenberg, who in my mind should have retired after Police Academy V...

Tekton also is very stringent about 'non authorised non approved reviews' by UNVETTED people of UNKNOWN educational background and NON ALIGNED persuasions.

This is a very new concept to me and certainly one thing I will make sure I'm aware of in the future.

When you buy a product, you are NOT free to give out your views willy nilly on a website or youtube.

This is a new fact. New America. Not old America. see Stan Marsh vs. US Supreme Court.
If sound is subjective as you say, why are you so dead hostile to those measuring your speakers? Erin's review for instance was likely a good thing for your company as it was hardly negative and actually was reassuring to potential customers as it shows that multi tweeter designs can actually work.

I'm curious as to how this speaker or the one Erin measured should look like when plotted, can this be provided seeing as you are calling people out on this? Strikes me really odd the attitude of some manafacturers claiming a speaker doesn't need to measure flat to sound good, which can certainly be very true, yet go all out defensive or aggressive when somebody points out measurements using an industry recognised standard and equipment. I fail to see how people such as yourself are like this if you genuinely believe that what you are selling is a good product.

Perhaps you could at least point out how the Klippel is wrong and maybe show some measurements to the same scale and smoothing using the same device as any person in the industry will know it's a fair standard. Normally I wouldn't call someone out like this, but your/Tekton's attitude to this method seems highly strange. Nobody trashed your speakers, nobody said they sounded bad, in fact Erin's review likely actually appealed to potential buyers as he commended the quality and other areas but just stated what was measured and his subjective opinion which he is entirely right to express. You are damaging your company by railing against any review you don't feel meets your exacting outcome with aggressive moves which is pretty damning.

Why not make it right, maybe explain to Emir or Erin how and where to measure from so you can validate your view of what was wrong, given the debacle over this and calling them out that's about the only way to save face right now.

Not everything is an attack, even the very best have to except criticism, nothing and nobody is perfect, we can only learn and grow.
Nothing odd about a speaker measuring poorly under Erin's and Amir's method and yet not only sounding good but world class exeptionaly good. When all the sparks and insults stop flying over the Tekton files, I will post exeptional speakers by exeptional acoustical engineres who are also scientist and have produced speakers decades ago that are yet to be outclasted.
Theta - Great to see this. Sound is subjective... we have different tastes in music, listening levels, equipment opinions, and we each have a unique and individual HRTF [head-related transfer function]; the perfect loudspeaker doesn't exist and cannot be produced.
is this a joke?
You and I both have brains that work differently, yet a red apple is a red apple and not a yellow banana... Even though your perception of "red" differs from mine, we use the same references to describe our world with our senses.
At what point does what applies to sight, touch, etc. not apply to your ears?
Your TV is calibrated on a test bench and complies with colorimetric standards. It doesn't matter if your eyes don't see exactly as mine do, a well-calibrated TV will still be better than another, since it will better reproduce the color of the red apple..
How many hours of labor do you think it will take for him to make a Golden Egg example of the same speaker in question and measure it to get it just exactly perfect. I'm guessing the new video will not come out for some time. Just a guess.

always a hoot.
Nothing odd about a speaker measuring poorly under Erin's and Amir's method and yet not only sounding good but world class exeptionaly good. When all the sparks and insults stop flying over the Tekton files, I will post exeptional speakers by exeptional acoustical engineres who are also scientist and have produced speakers decades ago that are yet to be outclasted.
Only insults are coming from Tekton. One minute he's measurements don't matter because they are tuned for how they sound at a listener's point of view which is fair enough. Then in the next breath starts railing against the measurements and attacking people claiming they are flat and of monitor grade... it can't be had both ways, makes absolutely no sense, the guy is a walking contradiction.

As for Tekton in general, sadly it doesn't matter how great they sound or measure in future, they have literally destroyed all credibility and brand image.
Nothing odd about a speaker measuring poorly under Erin's and Amir's method and yet not only sounding good but world class exeptionaly good. When all the sparks and insults stop flying over the Tekton files, I will post exeptional speakers by exeptional acoustical engineres who are also scientist and have produced speakers decades ago that are yet to be outclasted.
Judging from the reaction of the engineer of these speakers, I don't think your view that measurements have little correlation with sound quality is shared by him. Otherwise, he would not claim measurements are incorrect, and create all this commotion would he.
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