Major Contributor
We've entered the world where "extremely linear" is a marketing term. Personally, I think the guy should just send a set to Dannie Ritchie so he can add a couple of $500 caps to the crossover, and declare them a bargain, and true state of the art.
In any case, I don't know what the guy is so exorcised about. His market and ASR readers would be a Venn Diagram showing two circles with no points of tangency let alone intersection. He should just continue to cash the checks of anyone who thinks it's cool to own a speaker with multiple domed tweeters arranged like the "Seven Sisters of the Pleiades." Gotta be lotsa people who are down with that, especially when combined with a cabinet whose material looks like it was stolen from one of those places that sell unfinished dressers and bedside tables in the parking lot of a strip mall. How thick is that baffle? Easily in excess of 3/16"! Yeah, and seems I've seen them spray painted day glo orange more times than I care to remember. They reek of quality.
In any case, I don't know what the guy is so exorcised about. His market and ASR readers would be a Venn Diagram showing two circles with no points of tangency let alone intersection. He should just continue to cash the checks of anyone who thinks it's cool to own a speaker with multiple domed tweeters arranged like the "Seven Sisters of the Pleiades." Gotta be lotsa people who are down with that, especially when combined with a cabinet whose material looks like it was stolen from one of those places that sell unfinished dressers and bedside tables in the parking lot of a strip mall. How thick is that baffle? Easily in excess of 3/16"! Yeah, and seems I've seen them spray painted day glo orange more times than I care to remember. They reek of quality.