What you described was a fundamental misunderstanding of digital audio.
Please be more specific. Because I am quite entertained by this discussion. And we are getting off-topic.
It's very simple. You don't understand that the transients are in the waveform. If the Transient is of a lower frequency than the bandwidth limit then it will be captured.
I don't understand that the transients are in the waveform?!? What do you think I am? One of those lowlife trolls that have attacked you in the past? Sorry, but have you worked with the Qualcomm DDFA team, just for mentioning something? I was even asked whether I knew what a Fourier transform was, FFS.
Show me where do I doubt this.
But, does this address a non-linear function applied to the whole spectrum? Mind you, with mathematics you have to be careful, I have been a university professor of mathematics (a real one, not a lecturer at a community college in the US), and I can tell you that if F is a non linear function, then F(A+B) in general is not equal to F(A)+F(B), where A and B are spectra, which can be also single frequency spectra. So measuring a sudden single sound change evaluated on F does not tell anything about F in general.
Again, just as Otala's work showed us that IMD is important, I am just asking does anybody care about the influences of several transients close in time to each other, when they may even partially overlap.
Your comments about distortion linearity are irrelevant. Non linearity will be seen in measurements. Are you under the impression that a sine wave is a constant signal? And yes we test complex signals not just constant amplitude sine waves.
Oh god. I already spoke of signal that are constant in the spectrum domain, SO yes, a sine wave in that domain is obviously constant. But it is not constant in the amplitude domain. And if complex signals are tested why are not they often published? (one of the issues is synchronisation, and maybe audio people should learn some science for real and talk to the guys that in my main field, security, do side channel analysis).
So if it doesn't surprise you where does that leave your claim that R2R is better than DS?
To the risk of being banned, where did I f*cking say that R2R is better? I just said that Soekris' DAC 1541 is an excellent DAC (and since nobody has measured it in ASR nobody can disprove it, I was only shown the measurements of a DAC 1421, OTOH the measurements on SBAF of the DAC 1541 show full 21 bits or linearity which is SotA). Then some people jumped at me in a trolling way. Cool down.
The two (subjectively) best DACs I heard are a Sabre based and a Soekris R2R based. Both measure well (the Sabre better). You are just assuming I am saying things I never claimed or even implied. I understand there are trolls here, and many attacked you as well. But, please.
Recordings do not and cannot sound like what you hear personally in the venue. That's your first error.
As a person with a composition diploma that has also done some conducting, I fricking know this well. Have you hands on experience with orchestras? how well do you know what to expect from live sound?
Also your auditory memory is very poor.
I am aware of that. But I am also very accustomed to live sound, and I perceive some characters I expect of sound.
Moire effect is visual not audio.
Wrong. It is also audio. It is basically noise induced by quantisation, it is used in some circles to describe what in the high time of synthetisers was called a "phase" filter.
You did not perform your dac comparison blind and accurately level matched. Massive error. Your conclusions will be faulty.
I did not claim my conclusions were not faulty. I just claimed that measurements are incomplete, and the stubborness in refuting the mathematically obvious shows me that there is some uneasiness in all this. Ok, fine. I have more important things to do in my day job than wasting my time with people that think having an oscilloscope means they can measure everything. If anybody wants to do what I do for a living, come and listen to me at Columbia University tomorrow.
If it's big enough an effect to hear its big enough to measure.
I never said it is not, but how? You guys apparently claim to know how to measure everytying. I am not sure. This is all all I am asking. In my job, that includes hardware security, we are disproved every single day, we think we get it, and somebody finds what we missed. This actually teaches us some humbleness I see missing here.