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Neumann MT 48

Monitor mission is foucs on multichannel Monitor.
This is assuming MT48 will following Anubis functionality, as Music Mission in MT48 has some differences with Aunbis, I don't know what MT48's Monitor mission will be like.
Neumann don't know the conversion either?
No, it's following the Anubis, and Anubis is following the Pyramix software's EQX, all from merging tech.
I can confirm is the Q value is affect by both gain and frequency, I get a estimation formula by measure loopback and calculate, but still with variant and small errors.
I recommend Neumann team to add the precise equation to REW since they recommend to use it with no MA1 speaker.
No, it's following the Anubis, and Anubis is following the Pyramix software's EQX, all from merging tech.
I can confirm is the Q value is affect by both gain and frequency, I get a estimation formula by measure loopback and calculate, but still with variant and small errors.
I recommend Neumann team to add the precise equation to REW since they recommend to use it with no MA1 speaker.
There was discussion of a conversation factor of 4, but clearly this not true
Replaced my RME Babyface Pro FS with the MT48 - been using it the last 4 weeks connected to my KH120ii. I love the intuitive onboard display, seamless connection plug-n-play to my Mac Studio M2. My only complaint - it gets hot compared to the Babyface Pro (which remains lukewarm at worst). In a smaller studio (10'x10'x9') like mine, you really need to have some air circulating out or A/C otherwise it warms up the room quicker than you expect. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for Mac users.
So, I had a Babyface Pro original. Just sold it. Was considering a RME Babyface Pro FS / UAD Twin X Quad / RME UCX 2.

JUST stumbled onto the MT48. From what I can tell, it is superior to the UAD in terms of sound quality / clarity / conversion.

How does it (MT48) compare to the Babyface Pro FS, sonically? Is it noticeably better?

I’m an artist/writer, recording just vocals / acoustic / DI electric, bass, and keys.

Thanks so much!

So, I had a Babyface Pro original. Just sold it. Was considering a RME Babyface Pro FS / UAD Twin X Quad / RME UCX 2.

JUST stumbled onto the MT48. From what I can tell, it is superior to the UAD in terms of sound quality / clarity / conversion.

How does it (MT48) compare to the Babyface Pro FS, sonically? Is it noticeably better?

I’m an artist/writer, recording just vocals / acoustic / DI electric, bass, and keys.

Thanks so much!

I haven't had a chance to record on it yet, but music playback workflow is easier. That said, without thorough testing I cannot say it's better audibly. MT48 is definitely easier and has more complete i/o for me, and I definitely prefer the display! On paper it's "better" if that helps lol
The MT48 must be the ideal building block, if and when it gets the same functions as Anubis, as it gives more "common" input and outputs with USB than the Anubis.
I have the Anubis in conjunction with the Hapi for multi way speakers with FIR filters. The AES67 / Ravenna connection is what gives this setup its flexibility with regards to multi input and outputs through multiple units.

It would be nice to see the measurements of the MT48 at some time.
Diagram 13 suggests ESS IMD hump
You reckon? Not sure. I can see the teeniest bit in line out THD over level around -10 dBu though (diagram 9).

The input side with its composite ADC is clearly the most impressive part. With the two pad settings, you can cover a global dynamic range in excess of 160 dB(A) up to +24 dBu. Basically, if this thing can't record it I don't know what can.
EIN is fine.
The line output is good and of low distortion, though given the high +24 dBu 0 dBFS level I would have liked to see better dynamic range on that side. If you just have monitors that top out at +4 dBu, what remains is about adequate but nothing special. It's not exactly RME grade flexibility.
I ordered the MT48 and 5 Nuemann KH150 AES for a 5.1 setup. However, the dealer just informed me that this is not really suitable for a 5.1 setup. They also suggest me to switch to the Merging instead. Can someone please help me as I'm new to 5.1 setup.

As per the Quick Guide, the MT48 is suitable for 1 or 2 pairs of monitors, so the dealer is correct. There's obviously plenty of pros working with surround setups, so there has to be something to connect them to, but in this price class, no idea. What else do you need to connect?
I am using it for my movie composing studio. It will just connect to the Cubase running on a PC. I would also like to play Netflix and dolby surround on the same PC. The dealer mention something about the future possibility of using the MT48 headphone output for extra speakers but they are not too sure...
Do you even need recording facilities then? The primary motivation for considering an MT48 should be its outstanding "capture the full dynamic range of a quality LDC in one fell swoop" mic/line ADC section. The DAC side is good, and there's not that much choice if you really do need +24 dBu of maximum output like a Hollywood studio, but other than that it isn't super special either. Knowing Neumann monitors, they are quite flexible with input levels and should run well on a multitude of interfaces... even a lowly Behringer UMC1820 or similar (there's a whole bunch of mid-price interfaces with a bunch of output channels, unfortunately the "official" I/O classification is kind of rubbish since it includes digital I/O, but you generally want whatever x 10 upwards to get 6+ analog outputs). Or a Topping DM7. Or an Okto DAC8 Pro if you really do want to spend that much money.

You may want to open a thread in our Pro Audio section.
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I currently have an MT48 audio interface and I'm really happy with it.
I'm going to restart my speakers with active filtration.
Filtration and equalization will be done on my computer which will be connected via USB to my MT48.
I will also need a subwoofer.
Can I connect my MT48 2x2 way and 1 subwoofer???
I made a diagram to be clearer.
Thank you for your answers

I also asked Neumann the question, I'm waiting for their response...

Well, no news from Neumann despite two reminders...
I also asked the question about a future update with Monitor Mission... Total silence!!!

I'm abandoning my project (I sold my horn speakers).
I'll keep it simple with good active speakers :)
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I currently have an MT48 audio interface and I'm really happy with it.
I'm going to restart my speakers with active filtration.
Filtration and equalization will be done on my computer which will be connected via USB to my MT48.
I will also need a subwoofer.
Can I connect my MT48 2x2 way and 1 subwoofer???
I made a diagram to be clearer.
Thank you for your answers

I also asked Neumann the question, I'm waiting for their response...


Oops sorry I missed this

The answer is yes you can - subwoofer can use the front headphone output.

Everything else in your diagram will work.

Monitor Mission is said to come - maybe next month, maybe 2024, maybe 2025.

I wouldn't buy it (or any product) based on a promise. I've been let down by promised upgrades to various products over the years, updates that never came in some cases
Well, no news from Neumann despite two reminders...
I also asked the question about a future update with Monitor Mission... Total silence!!!

Well, everything happens, even late...
As a reminder:

I currently have an MT48 audio interface and I'm really happy with it.
I'm going to restart my speakers with active filtration.
Filtration and equalization will be done on my computer which will be connected via USB to my MT48.
I will also need a subwoofer.
Can I connect my MT48 2x2 way and 1 subwoofer???
I made a diagram to be clearer.
Thank you for your answers

I also asked Neumann the question, I'm waiting for their response...


Neumann's response:
"My apologies for the delay here, due to an influx with support tickets we are quite backlogged at the moment.

At present moment this configuration is not possible, though this may change with the addition of a monitoring mission coming to the MT48. As of now the MT48 operates as a mixer with four independent stereo mixes based on each output pairs.

In the case of the Neumann KH750 sub, the interface's main output (1-2) is wired directly to the sub, which then outputs to the satellite monitors. The sub is the intermediary between the monitors and the audio interface outputs. That may be an option to consider.

Best regards,
Philip Slopak
Neumann Customer Support"
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