I gave a couple of minor critiques on the Roon site (note that the thread has been moved to Off Topic: Audio Science Review if you get confused). I mostly enjoy trying different styles of argument and perspective on places like Roon and Audiogon, to see what has some staying power. I also like to try to learn from various voices and found these ideas worth a bit more of an intellectual dive:
(1) There might be signal hiding in the noise. This is a curious concept. If the noise is correlated enough to be a signal, it shouldn't be stochastic grass.
(2) Pre-echo is evolutionarily bizarre to our ears because it's a time reversal or something. Sure, we know it has effects in certain audio compression codecs, but I'm not sure where he is going with this line of discussion other than to build a fusillade of smart talking points that mean "trust me, not those other guys."
He claims we slowpokes don't know all the deep AES science. I admit to being careful (if not slow) but I don't see much evidence for these kinds of discussion points.