Did you measure the resistance levels accurately beforehand? Were the values of the new resistors exactly identical to the old ones?
If not, the sound change is most likely due to slightly different resistor values (depending on the tolerance values of the resistors) and not due to the different "residual inductance" of the resistors.
Here the measurement of two selected resistors, both have almost exactly 6.8V.
Once an ordinary 20W "sand cast" resistor
View attachment 55129
and a low-inductance 4W MOX resistor
View attachment 55130
Attention, the measurement of resistance value against frequency follows

Pay attention to the scaling.
The measured difference comes from the slightly different resistance values despite selection.
(the slight resistance increase above 10kHz is caused by the meter)
View attachment 55140
This is the reason why also well-known manufacturers use the low-priced "sand cast" resistors.
UPDATE: Most resistors have a tolerance range of +- 5%. This means in our example with 6.8 Ohm that the values may lie between 6.46-7.14 Ohm at purchase.