Not sure if people have seen the latest announcement from openai which is that you can provide plugins directly into the GPT4 which can basically allow the AI to analyse raw datasets and allow easy "interactions" with the RAW data, providing visualisations etc. Specifically If people are interested there is a small section inside the "interpreter" plugin video near the bottom on this page where they show pretty nice analysis music data, this IMO looks like the classic data science tool Juypter Notebooks plugged into ChatGPT.
So one idea I had looking at this was that maybe we can get the raw data from the various spinorama measurements plugged in and allow people to play around with comparisons between speakers in new and potentially useful ways. The big advantage of this is that it cuts out the big complaint about "ChatGPT" which is it can be just "making stuff up". So what do you think
@pierre or
@amirm ? I signed up for developer access so would be interested in assisting when I get access.
Note: Its obviously not just speaker measurements where this might be useful any raw audio dataset e.g. like headphone measurements would benefit from this so would be interesting if say
@crinacle would also be interested.