I have to say today I had a real eye-opener moment after I connected the KEFs to the Yamaha for the first time and started listening my test tracks.
I couldn't do a proper AB test with the Denon, but the sound is great, considering that the Yamaha receiver is worth maybe 70-80 EUR. It really wants to stay!
- I cannot set a max volume, but I am careful with it and check the top of the Yamaha often.
- Currently the KEFs are set to Large, but I will change it to Small. In that case low frequencies under 90Hz (fixed, cannot be changed) will be routed to the sub.
- Even if it's temporary (I'm still on the lookout for a new receiver, obviously the Yamaha is old and basic features like HDMI are missing), it feels great to be the only person with this awesome setup! Plus it buys me some time so I can wait for better offerings in Q4.
Look forward to seeing your REW graphs.