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Want to buy a Marantz CD6007, advice on the DAC situation?


Aug 20, 2020
Hi folks

I have owned a Marantz CD63 MkII KI Signature CD Player for many years…it’s still working perfectly with zero issues, but I’m wanting something better and more modern..and to be able to play FLAC files via USB

I have a buyer for my old CD63 next week for £220 cash! I was going to put my money on the sale to buy the Marantz CD6007 from Richer Sounds next week, but now I’m hearing about an issue with the DAC installed not being the one advertised?!!? it is not the AK4490 as Marantz state, but an ESS ES9010 K2M??

How do I get one with the AK chip? Is there a way to tell with serial numbers?
I see you posted the same question on What Hi-Fi? forums and ended that post with "naughty, naughty Marantz!!"

So I'm a little confused. You really want the AKM version and not the ESS, but think you might be getting a bad deal if you don't get the AKM version? And somehow Marantz is being "naughty?"

They were decimated by the AKM factory fire in 2020 just like any other manufacturer, left scrambling to redesign their products for a completely different chipset or discontinue them alltogether. Not a good place for a manufacturer to be. Prices went up across the board because of this, but it wasn't Marantz' fault.

I would be gobsmacked if you could tell the difference between the AKM and ESS chips in a blind comparo.
I see you posted the same question on What Hi-Fi? forums and ended that post with "naughty, naughty Marantz!!"

So I'm a little confused. You really want the AKM version and not the ESS, but think you might be getting a bad deal if you don't get the AKM version? And somehow Marantz is being "naughty?"

They were decimated by the AKM factory fire in 2020 just like any other manufacturer, left scrambling to redesign their products for a completely different chipset or discontinue them alltogether. Not a good place for a manufacturer to be. Prices went up across the board because of this, but it wasn't Marantz' fault.

I would be gobsmacked if you could tell the difference between the AKM and ESS chips in a blind comparo.
Why on earth does it matter WHERE or how many times I’m posting my question? Are you like a stalker? What is it you don’t understand about my simple question? And yes to Marantz being underhand and not telling consumers and misleading people!
I'm not stalking you or anyone. I researched the answer to your question and your What Hi Fi? post was one of the first. Are you not taking responsibility for everything you post?

So gauging by your last response and that post, it seems like you have something against Marantz. So at the same time you want their product, you feel like they are not telling the public the truth. That's a bit of a cognitive disconnect.
I'm not stalking you or anyone. I researched the answer to your question and your What Hi Fi? post was one of the first. Are you not taking responsibility for everything you post?

So gauging by your last response and that post, it seems like you have something against Marantz. So at the same time you want their product, you feel like they are not telling the public the truth. That's a bit of a cognitive disconnect.
No it isn’t.. my entire house has Marantz products.. I don’t like being lied to Thankyou! Don’t advertise a DAC in your product and not inform consumers you’ve changed it, that is WRONG and FRAUDULENT
I would suspect the production switch may have occurred when AKM had that big fire that put their future into question (where they ceased production of all products, and there was debate as to whether they were going to just close shop)?

The 6007 was released in August of 2020. The AKM fire occurred in October 2020. So the circuits were probably designed (with associated marketing material) with the AKM chip. So there are likely some 6007s out there with the AKM chip.

So when AKM restarted and began shipping chips in early 2022. The 6007 was in production for more than a year without their chip. I don't know if they ever switched back as I don't follow/own any Marantz products.

A LOT of products from ALL industries have changed production specs/internals/etc. without changing marketing material that reflected the changes, Marantz doing, or in this case if true - not doing so, wouldn't be the first or an outlier.

Although it doesn't make it right, I wouldn't call it outright lying, since in manufacturing, the guys that design/engineer/manufacture stuff isn't always "in tune" with the guys that create the ads/marketing.
Funny that you have to open the thing to find out ;) You’d think that if there is such a huge audible difference that it would be obvious from the get-go…

I’d say: don’t worry about it. Both DACs are more than good enough to resolve CD quality at full resolution and be audible transparent with 24-bit or DSD content. You won’t hear any difference.
Hi folks

I have owned a Marantz CD63 MkII KI Signature CD Player for many years…it’s still working perfectly with zero issues, but I’m wanting something better and more modern..and to be able to play FLAC files via USB

I have a buyer for my old CD63 next week for £220 cash! I was going to put my money on the sale to buy the Marantz CD6007 from Richer Sounds next week, but now I’m hearing about an issue with the DAC installed not being the one advertised?!!? it is not the AK4490 as Marantz state, but an ESS ES9010 K2M??

How do I get one with the AK chip? Is there a way to tell with serial numbers?
I have reached out to Marantz because they should have been upfront with this change. Serial numbers should have been disclosed from the beginning. Now if they have switched back to AK4490 they should have disclosed this as well ! I am looking to buy this model but only if the retailer will physically verify it ! Crutchfield opened two boxes for me and still has the ESS chip. New shipment coming in a few weeks...the saga continues
Hi folks

I have owned a Marantz CD63 MkII KI Signature CD Player for many years…it’s still working perfectly with zero issues, but I’m wanting something better and more modern..and to be able to play FLAC files via USB

I have a buyer for my old CD63 next week for £220 cash! I was going to put my money on the sale to buy the Marantz CD6007 from Richer Sounds next week, but now I’m hearing about an issue with the DAC installed not being the one advertised?!!? it is not the AK4490 as Marantz state, but an ESS ES9010 K2M??

How do I get one with the AK chip? Is there a way to tell with serial numbers?

It seems to me that the only question you asked is how you can get a 6007 with an AKM DAC chip inside it - so first of all you deserve a response to that question.

So far it appears no one here can give you a definitive answer. And I am no different in that regard. However, I did a quick Google search and found a YouTube video where, in the comments on the video, a couple of people provide some useful information:

1. One commenter says, "Marantz cd6007 with AK4490 DAC are models where fifth number from the serial number counting from the back is below 7, so all CDs with above 7 are with ESS9016 DAC." So it sounds like the 5th digit from the end of the serial number (not the 5th digit from the beginning) should be lower than 7. They say AKM must be below 7, but they also say ESS is above 7, so it's not clear which DAC chip it would have if that digit were exactly 7. And of course neither I nor anyone else here can verify if that commenter is correct - people make definitive-sounding assertions on the internet all the time, and they truly believe they are certain, but then if you scratch the surface you find they've made some undisclosed logical leaps to arrive at that certainty. So this might be a dependable way to find an AKM 6007, or it might not.

2. Another commenter says that the first 4 numerical digits of the serial number - the first numbers after the initial letters in the serial number - will be the month and year of production. The example they give is a serial that starts "ABCD0221..." In that example, the 0221 means manufactured February of 2021. The AKM fire was in October of 2020. Marantz presumably had a stockpile of AKM chips and so probably was not forced to change to the ESS chips until sometime after that. Another commenter says their unit has a 1021 date code and has the ESS chip, while another commenter says theirs has an 0521 date code and has the AKM chip. So it appears sometime between May and October of 2021, Marantz made the change.

With all that said, a quick perusal of this forum will show that the underlying premise or motivation for your question - "how can I get the better sounding DAC?" - is not one that most folks here agree with. The idea that these two DAC chips - which both provide measurable performance that exceeds human hearing thresholds for frequency linearity, noise, distortion, and so on - would have audibly different "sound signatures" is an idea that has no valid evidence to support it.

If you feel that others' uncontrolled, subjective listening impressions are valid and useful, that's your prerogative. But whatever your opinion or view, the fact is that you're not going to get much agreement about that around here, and so you should be prepared for folks to make the kinds of comments they've made above that the two DAC chips are not going to make a difference in the sound that ends up coming out of your speakers.

Good luck with your search!
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I would suspect the production switch may have occurred when AKM had that big fire that put their future into question (where they ceased production of all products, and there was debate as to whether they were going to just close shop)?

The 6007 was released in August of 2020. The AKM fire occurred in October 2020. So the circuits were probably designed (with associated marketing material) with the AKM chip. So there are likely some 6007s out there with the AKM chip.

So when AKM restarted and began shipping chips in early 2022. The 6007 was in production for more than a year without their chip. I don't know if they ever switched back as I don't follow/own any Marantz products.

A LOT of products from ALL industries have changed production specs/internals/etc. without changing marketing material that reflected the changes, Marantz doing, or in this case if true - not doing so, wouldn't be the first or an outlier.

Although it doesn't make it right, I wouldn't call it outright lying, since in manufacturing, the guys that design/engineer/manufacture stuff isn't always "in tune" with the guys that create the ads/marketing.
It's deceiving. I expected a company like Marantz would be more forthright. I understand when the AKM fab caught fire they needed to act fast. I get it ! It still does not justify the lack of disclosure of something they advertised as being one thing when it is actually something different...here comes the haters !
While this may have changed in the past 4 months, I can find nowhere where Marantz *currently* identifies the specific DAC used in the CD6007.

As far as publishing the SN cut-off, unlike its consumer-focused sister brand Denon, I would be shocked if Marantz ever did this. It would imply that the CD6007 is the equivalent some off-brand unit that's less than the sum of its off-the-shelf components.

You're not deciding on an off-the-shelf DAC. I guarantee you can find gods-awful products that shelled out to be able to tout their inclusion of one sought-after component. You're deciding on a Marantz CD player. Marantz has the same 3P component options everyone else does right now.

The question is, if you're buying based on brand, is Marantz one of the brands you trust to maintain quality on the low end of their product line? In my limited personal experience, they're the only brand of audio equipment I've encountered that does so.
It's deceiving. I expected a company like Marantz would be more forthright. I understand when the AKM fab caught fire they needed to act fast. I get it ! It still does not justify the lack of disclosure of something they advertised as being one thing when it is actually something different...here comes the haters !
I don't think it's deceiving. Usually companies tell that specs can be changed at any time without any anouncement. I haven't check my Marantz CD6006 user's manual if it says this but users are not expected to feel deceived whenever Sony or LG changes some IC in one of their TV sets. OTOH i wouldn't be bothered in the slightest about the DAC inside. My Marantz CD6006 sounds exacly like my NAD or like my SONYs or like any half decent CD player I have ever used. But then again I have no golden ears so ymmv.
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