See iam german. The klippel system makes me proud about german engineering. But hiding measurements and using all that marketing blabla makes me feel ashamed. Thats not what i understand from good german engineering.
They are more like paid ADS for the audio industry.Their texts might be, but they offer measurements of their lab which are serious and comparable. Also the reviews of Malte Ruhnke (used to be in Audio and now chief editor of Stereoplay) can be quite trusted as he was a knowledgeable loudspeaker guy who was even criticising the German magazines in the past.
Did Darko ever produced any data?Stereoplay and Audio magazines are same league like Darko.
As said their measurements expose the truth hidden under the poetic audio fairy tales texts.They are more like paid ADS for the audio industry.
Did Darko ever produced any data?
As I had answered before that is not just a German but world wide problem or do you expect German hifi manufacturers and magazines to act differently than the rest of the world just because Klippel is a German company?See iam german. The klippel system makes me proud about german engineering. But hiding measurements and using all that marketing blabla makes me feel ashamed. Thats not what i understand from good german engineering.
As I had answered before that is not just a German but world wide problem or do you expect German hifi manufacturers and magazines to act differently than the rest of the world just because Klippel is a German company?
The "other" German Speaker Manufacturers (Canton, Magnat, Heco, Quadral, ...) - Where do they stand?
On this site and other US-focused communities you read a lot about ELAC, Neumann, Kii, and (to a lesser extent) about Adam, Hedd etc. - and rightfully so, as their speaker designs are usually well-engineered and highly regarded. In the case of Neumann and Kii they are even regarded as SOTA
My German speakers, bought them because they are so darn cute.
Heco Direkt Dreiklang: TEST -
Nach der »Direkt« bietet Heco jetzt mit der »Dreiklang« das neue Spitzenmodell an. Technisch und klanglich soll sie Maßstäbe setzen, optisch sowieso. Gelingt ihr das?
I bought a pair of 890DC for 450 Euros, It had some scratches but drivers were good. Recently I sold them back on ebay for 400 after 6 months of use. To me it lacked bass extension and everything else was superb. says that all cantons have the 'nachschwingen' but against a KEF R series I never could hear a difference in timing.imo 896DC is the only speaker we need. At its price its flat, has decent extension and huge drivers for very SPL. Since the drivers are big, I felt 89x series are superb for home theatre usecase with a projector. The sound 'objects' still stays connected and fullbodied even when the speakers are kept like 3meters apart giving us that huge wall of sound. Upon pulling the Speakers 1,25 meters away from the back wall, the soundstage is extremely holographic in my room. Things just float around the space and speaker totally disappears. I dont understand why we need a higher end speaker sometimes when the flatness is already acheived by this.The good thing is as well that the german second hand market is flooded with them. I bought a pair of 890dc for 650 eur and to my ears it was one of my best hifi investments has atleast graphs. So I ignore their rating, and look at them to see what I need. Also distortion figures. I recently bought their review of A45 to see what the distortion figures are. Sadly that was missing but the freq resp of that thing is mindblowing, its -3db at 20hz and its more or less flat all around, !! if their measurements are right.You speak out of my sole.
I have Quadral Aurum Montan 9 speakers and they indeed are way better (and more expensive too) than Chromium Style 8 that I used to own for a while. Montan 9 are really impressive speakers provided you have a room big enough for them and position them properly (the twin woofers can go very low and the bass can easily become too dominant). They also love power (with a Naim Nait 5i 50 W per channel integral they sounded shrill and underpowered).The dealer assured me that Quadral Aurum is much better, although he had none in stock to verify this claim, and even the cheapest Aurum, with all possible discounts and good will, was outside my budget, so I didn't pursue it.
Distortion graphs? I guess KEF still has the edge here , Also none are coaxial. Coaxial has coherent tweeter and midrange wave reaching our ear, which isnt possible for normal speakers. None of the German companies have good coaxials . As of today, in my books r11 or R7 from Kef beats every speaker under 5k euros or dollars in terms of perfect technology.What about Elac? They get good measurements and reviews.
Elac have a coaxial but it's only in their expensive lineDistortion graphs? I guess KEF still has the edge here , Also none are coaxial. Coaxial has coherent tweeter and midrange wave reaching our ear, which isnt possible for normal speakers. None of the German companies have good coaxials . As of today, in my books r11 or R7 from Kef beats every speaker under 5k euros or dollars in terms of perfect technology.
ME Geithain makes quite competent coaxials, though they may not be as perfectly computer modeled as Genelecs, they have some other pros like cardioid bass in certain models.None of the German companies have good coaxials .