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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Hi, In my case I had to do a bit of cleaning as PCB charcoaled. Make sure you clean as well and check if you have continuity on tracks...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Glad to hear you got a better multimeter! The Zener might not be the issue. I’d suggest checking the surrounding capacitors again—there...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      It sounds like the protection circuit is activating once the amplifier section powers up. I’d recommend measuring the voltage at the...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      A blinking red LED on the PCB is part of normal operation. During my initial test, the LED was blinking as well. If you don’t have any...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Hi, If R411 is getting hot something is drawing to much current. I seen some comments that in worst cases Q211 might get damage as...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Hi, Everything worked perfectly for me, and it's been running smoothly for a few hours now without any issues. No need to do a...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Hi, Finally, I had time to complete the repair. In addition to the main fixes, I replaced three of the large electrolytic capacitors...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      I agree with FraPia-62 and issue might be a bit bigger. I am probably going to have a closer look at some other caps that are installed...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      That's what I was worried about as a charcoal area was quite big. Might be worth removing the cap and a charcoal just a bit and see if...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Hi, I checked the picture I had and indeed this is a small capacitor. I am still waiting for components so I have my speaker partially...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Thank you for the guide FraPia-62. To test that fault is only in this area I replaced capacitor with 10uF 50V and inductor from a donner...
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      MaLe20 replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Great job and amazing detail for repair. Helped me a lot in dismantle of my unit as I have exact same issue. 3 caps need attention as...
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