Mark S.
Active Member
I can remember when the Texas Instruments TPA31xx series chips arrived in the mid-2010's and people exclaimed that they were so much better than the Tripath TA20xx that it was a no-brainer to chuck out your Tripaths and get hold of the latter former.
A few short years later the TI TPA32xx series arrived and ... who cares about those "old" TPA31xx amps anymore? Chuck them out and get the newer ones.
I still have an Indeed TA2020 (the best of several I tried) which, to me, remains unmatched in creating space, detail and dynamics at (I would guess) sub-90dB levels in my listening space, an apartment in a converted Victorian building with nearly 3 feet of rock wool between floors and substantial masonry between me and the dwelling next door, IOW at levels which allow me to remain on good terms with my neighbours.
So my question is; APART from the "realistic" or wedding/bar mitzvah party SPL's which the newer chips can summon, in what ways have have D-class amps actually improved in the last 20 years?
A few short years later the TI TPA32xx series arrived and ... who cares about those "old" TPA31xx amps anymore? Chuck them out and get the newer ones.
I still have an Indeed TA2020 (the best of several I tried) which, to me, remains unmatched in creating space, detail and dynamics at (I would guess) sub-90dB levels in my listening space, an apartment in a converted Victorian building with nearly 3 feet of rock wool between floors and substantial masonry between me and the dwelling next door, IOW at levels which allow me to remain on good terms with my neighbours.
So my question is; APART from the "realistic" or wedding/bar mitzvah party SPL's which the newer chips can summon, in what ways have have D-class amps actually improved in the last 20 years?
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