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"Micro Bamboo Project" : 3E Audio 260-2-29A Stereo amplifier + Micro-Audio PSU

Waiting for the Micro Audio SO630 REV2 PSU. I had fun imagining an integration with my other YZX 600W LLC/PFC PSU and the Connex LPS212A module + 3E Audio Rev 2 Stereo

View attachment 361577View attachment 361578
Hello @daniboun - when you say 'imagining' I'm understanding that you have built this revised module?

There seems to be some conjecture about whether a capacitor bank is necessary. I thought you had sent that connex back?!

I'm finding it challenging to keep up ... and I haven't even got of these modules yet ... did you get your rev 2 from audiophonics?

I think you are the reason audiophonics have sold out of DIY cases for these modules !

:D ;)

I have the impression you quite like this LLC power supply - what about the 3E Audio Rev 2?
Hello @daniboun - when you say 'imagining' I'm understanding that you have built this revised module?

There seems to be some conjecture about whether a capacitor bank is necessary. I thought you had sent that connex back?!

I'm finding it challenging to keep up ... and I haven't even got of these modules yet ... did you get your rev 2 from audiophonics?

I think you are the reason audiophonics have sold out of DIY cases for these modules !

:D ;)

I have the impression you quite like this LLC power supply - what about the 3E Audio Rev 2?

To be transparent and as I had already said: I am currently collaborating with Micro Audio to be able to test the new SO630 REV2 PSU in association with the 3E Audio REV2 module + the extra caps Connex board.
Target : "Micro Bamboo V2" project )

We had already debated the non-necessity of adding an Extra caps module but it would be good to judge whether or not this constitutes added value via measurements)
Now that I have contact with this German lab which has an APx555, this gives us openings and ideas and the manufacturers are apparently sensitive to this point)

About bus pumping

PS : Yes I got the 3E Audio REV2 from Audiophonics and yes I do love that YZX PSU.
To be transparent and as I had already said: I am currently collaborating with Micro Audio to be able to test the new SO630 REV2 PSU in association with the 3E Audio REV2 module + the extra caps Connex board.
Target : "Micro Bamboo V2" project )

We had already debated the non-necessity of adding an Extra caps module but it would be good to judge whether or not this constitutes added value via measurements)
Now that I have contact with this German lab which has an APx555, this gives us openings and ideas and the manufacturers are apparently sensitive to this point)

About bus pumping

PS : Yes I got the 3E Audio REV2 from Audiophonics and yes I do love that YZX PSU.
Thank you. Yes this is very interesting what you are doing, and I am on your wavelength. The fact that your are acting on your deductions in this way is of great benefit ... I for one am following with great interest.

I was wondering about the 'completeness' of Amir's reviews in that, it would seem to me worthwhile with these class D amplifiers to be able to assess the impact of the power supply on the end measurements. e.g.: SINAD. Amir's review is of the complete package - so power supply with amplifier combined (if I am correct).

I could follow up with examples of what I mean (recent Aiyima and Fosi reviews) but are you getting these additional measurements from the German lab?

I think you are indeed (from what you have written here).

So not only the Micro Audio power supply but the Connex capacitor bank as well, AND the complete package as measured with the amplifier modules.

I'm fascinated to see how this goes. :)
Do you also need to solder an additional opamp for the SE mode for the new version?
Thank you. Yes this is very interesting what you are doing, and I am on your wavelength. The fact that your are acting on your deductions in this way is of great benefit ... I for one am following with great interest.

I was wondering about the 'completeness' of Amir's reviews in that, it would seem to me worthwhile with these class D amplifiers to be able to assess the impact of the power supply on the end measurements. e.g.: SINAD. Amir's review is of the complete package - so power supply with amplifier combined (if I am correct).

I could follow up with examples of what I mean (recent Aiyima and Fosi reviews) but are you getting these additional measurements from the German lab?

I think you are indeed (from what you have written here).

So not only the Micro Audio power supply but the Connex capacitor bank as well, AND the complete package as measured with the amplifier modules.

I'm fascinated to see how this goes. :)

I don't really like to plan on the comet) But we will already see how the lab works....For the moment I have entrusted the first project "Micro Bamboo" and if I am convinced then I will do the same with the second project )

In any case thank you for the encouragement I appreciate it)
I think you are the reason audiophonics have sold out of DIY cases for these modules !
I can tell you from many years of experience with Audiophonics that it is unfortunately completely normal for parts to sell out and only be available again after weeks or months. This even applies to things as trivial as standard cables sold by the meter.
They always seem to only order when the storage space is empty. In our company that would almost be grounds for termination.
I can tell you from many years of experience with Audiophonics that it is unfortunately completely normal for parts to sell out and only be available again after weeks or months. This even applies to things as trivial as standard cables sold by the meter.
They always seem to only order when the storage space is empty. In our company that would almost be grounds for termination.
It indeed seems counter productive with DIY "collective" products because my (possibly) lovely sounding amp board won't be so safe in a biscuit tin ... especially with young kids running around (for them), so it means I postpone the whole purchase...

and then maybe end up with the option of a case/box but without the amp board because those have since run out!
I can tell you from many years of experience with Audiophonics that it is unfortunately completely normal for parts to sell out and only be available again after weeks or months. This even applies to things as trivial as standard cables sold by the meter.
They always seem to only order when the storage space is empty. In our company that would almost be grounds for termination.

I just noticed you were in Germany lol) Do you know Dresden? The lab that will carry out the APx555 measurements is there)
It indeed seems counter productive with DIY "collective" products because my (possibly) lovely sounding amp board won't be so safe in a biscuit tin ... especially with young kids running around (for them), so it means I postpone the whole purchase...

and then maybe end up with the option of a case/box but without the amp board because those have since run out!
Also from experience, buy what is there at Audiophonics and the rest later. Everything else makes no sense, even if shipping costs a little more.

Another good source for cases in Germany and the EU:
Ebay cases 1
Ebay cases 2
There are always discounts/offers and new cases. Some of them are the same housings as Audiophonics.
I just noticed you were in Germany lol) Do you know Dresden? The lab that will carry out the APx555 measurements is there)
I've been to Dresden a few times, but it's a few hundred kilometers away.
If there are problems, you come to me with a big bag of the best French cheese and then we start a rescue operation for your treasure chest...
I've been to Dresden a few times, but it's a few hundred kilometers away.
If there are problems, you come to me with a big bag of the best French cheese and then we start a rescue operation for your treasure chest...

Lol well noted ))))
If you had been near Dresden I would have gladly sent you the amplifier) BTW I asked for the German lab to listen to the amp not only to measure.
Received revised stereo board beginning of this week. powered with Mornsun PSU in my case. I wonder what others will say but for me the revised board are an upgrade sound wise as well. I don't want to comment right now on my individual impressions. let's wait and see until we have measurement results.
Received revised stereo board beginning of this week. powered with Mornsun PSU in my case. I wonder what others will say but for me the revised board are an upgrade sound wise as well. I don't want to comment right now on my individual impressions. let's wait and see until we have measurement results.

Bruno Putzeys has praised the OPA1656 (that come with the 3E Audio modules V2), which he prefers to the OPA1612. You can watch this interview which was shared by a member

RevB change info
Bruno Putzeys has praised the OPA1656 (that come with the 3E Audio modules V2), which he prefers to the OPA1612. You can watch this interview which was shared by a member

Many thanks for the hint Daniboun, watched the video already and was aware of the OPA1656. since I wanted to build another 3E Audio based amp (1st with Micro Audio PSU acc. to your recommendation) I decided to give the Rev.B board a trial. As mentioned before, Rev.B board sounds superb to my ears (as Rev.A does) perhaps a fraction punchier. I really wonder what others, having both Rev. boards at hand, will report.
Can anyone say anything about rhythmic timing when listening subjectively to this amp? Most importantly: does it make you tap your feet - often?
Can anyone say anything about rhythmic timing when listening subjectively to this amp? Most importantly: does it make you tap your feet - often?
At least for me it sounds (driving my Wilson Audios, Tannoys, Yamaha NS1000) engaging, rhythmic, airy, dynamic, vibrant, lively in one word exiting. That's the reason why my expensive gear (Dartzeel, Goldmund, Krell) is retired in the moment. Comparing to Class-D amps I prefer it to mine Nilai500. Sorry for being so euphoric...simply try it and I'll bet you will be amazed.
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