Why would a discussion about this speaker's dynamic capability be irrelevant in the review thread about this speaker?I am greatly in favor of speakers with high dynamic range myself, but I think it is a bit unfair to make a big point about this in this review thread. The LS60 isn't a large speaker by any means, and no one should expect it to have massive SPL numbers. It's like buying a small car and complaining it is small. The LS60 is small by design to cater for those who want smaller speakers.
So while the topic of dynamics is an interesting discussion, I'm not sure it should take place in the LS60 review thread?
My remarks about the lack of dynamic capability had nothing to do with expectations at all. They were motivated by the tendency of many members to overlook other important metrics that's relevant for objective speaker performance.
Having a nuanced view of pro's and con's is beneficial in a review thread imo.
As long as people understand the difference between objective performance (I demonstrated my reservation vs another small speaker) and my opinion about it (overpriced toy speaker), then they can make informed decisions about whether or not this speaker fit their needs.
If somebody feels that my opinions are unfounded, I'm happy to discuss further based on objective reasoning.
But I I feel no need or desire to play nice towards manufacturers in a review thread, I only care about nuanced and relevant information for us consumers.