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Help Shape Our Next Innovation: The ZA5 Balanced Power Amplifier!


Active Member
May 29, 2021
Id be fine w/ A stereo balanced PFFB ZA5 for about like $200-$250, but high frequency distortion needs to be significantly better, and fix the issues w/ Mono mode



Oct 20, 2023
Zurich, Switzerland
Hi @Fosi Audio,

Is it even realistic to ask for a Purifi-based amp with decent power within the suggested price range? Regarding Hypex modules, we do have access to really well built NC252MP-based amps from Audiophonics for around 400-500 dollars. Getting something similar for half the price would be an easy win.

IMHO, a well implemented TI TPA3255-based stereo system for 200 dollars would be disrupting. It would be great to have two independent amplification modules with PFFB and better high frequency distortion. RCA and XLR inputs, 12V trigger or signal auto-sensing and adjustable gain. What about an internal power supply for once (this is an unexplored market niche for @Fosi Audio)? It's just two V3 monos in a high quality box with some performance improvements.

I guess that some other requested features, such as subwoofer managing options, volume control or a good DAC could be taken care of by your pre-amp in the making.


Vi Hermens

Mar 21, 2024
Hypex. $300. 500wpc. In a nice fat case with VU meters (like the speaker switcher). XLR and RCA in. Maybe even.... HDMI ARC. Mmmmmmm.

Hunter Mike

Apr 4, 2024
I agree with some of the above.

I currently am using five ZA-3 amps for wide/height/surround duty. Four in the back of the room on top of the speakers, and one in front for wides. XLR cables to all and short speaker wire. Monolith HTP-1 for processing. If the amount of boxes and PSU's could be reduced without making them much larger it would be great.

My particular need would be 2-4 channel amps with no volume control, 12v trigger in, locking XLR in, selectable gain would be nice, no knobs or buttons on the front of the unit. Upgraded terminal connections with more space between them, choice of PSU for 1-4 channels. Maybe a stacking kit to maximize heat rejection.

I'm ok with TPA3255 power with PFFB. Just keep working on load dependency, seems to get better with every release.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2024
Hello everyone, we are back seeking opportunities to co-create products with you.:D

Thanks to your continuous support, our ZA3, launched a few months ago, has been widely recognized by users. We greatly value the opportunity to discuss and develop new products with you. Now, we have started preparing the design for the next balanced power amplifier and hope you can continue to provide your valuable insights.

The new balanced model is ZA5, and we would like to get your opinions on a few aspects:
1. Choice of amplifier chip:
A. Hypex NCOREx
B. Purifi
C. TI TPA 3255
D. MOSFET class D amplifier (Do you have any recommended MOSFET brands?)
E. Other options

2. Based on the above options, what would be your price expectation for this product?
A. Around $200
B. Around $250
C. Around $300

If you have more suggestions, please let us know.
It is exciting to see Fosi Audio's success following the crowdfunding model and asking potential customers on ASR what they want. I bought 2 ZA3s to have the capability to flex between 2 stereo systems or 1 stereo system using them as monoblocks. I appreciate your high current power supply option and others, like Samsung, who do.

You really need a Western-experienced consumer product manager or VP of product to guide your products and growth. Find one who loves audio who can do it as a side project for equity.

What is product management? Here is a good chart https://www.pragmaticinstitute.com/...roduct-management-belong-in-the-organization/.

One thing you need to do is to have a discussion with the Texas Instruments TPA/Class D product manager to understand their product roadmap. Then ask them how their product roadmap competes with other class D suppliers. TI product engineers should be supporting your product development with their chips.

A product manager would undertake a competitive analysis of your competitors and their suppliers. You would then have discussions with all the class D suppliers. You would construct your own (secret) product roadmap.

Fosi industrial (case, knob, etc) design is not bad. The industrial design is part of the company image which should be consistent and evolve. It is a challenge to get unique case design in China you can protect.

I would suggest thinking about two things. What is your company growth path narrative and image? What are your industrial design/brand identity aspirations - who do you want to be thought of next to in consumer product design? That is sometimes called total branding.

I know you are in China where this question is not as much discussed. But you are also selling into the audio market with dozens of tiny Western vendors who do not understand what I am saying.
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Active Member
May 29, 2021
That would need certification to be sold in western countries,is not the same with the pre-certificated external PSUs.
Is this true? Cause i've def bought things from China w/ internal PSU's installed and I live in the US.


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Feb 10, 2020
Is this true? Cause i've def bought things from China w/ internal PSU's installed and I live in the US.
I think it’s needed to sell a product on US listing portals, however aliexpress type routes are always there which create a loophole.
Problem is one could get a potentially unsafe product unintentionally like that.

Edit: You are right, seems like non-certified electronics being sold on Amazon US and other platforms.
So it’s buyers risk after all.
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Major Contributor
Aug 20, 2021
i've bought a fair few wall plugged consumer electronics direct from china via taobao or ali or whatever

eg. i have a chinese class a/b power amp and i think it's probably one of only a handful in this country

its never been tested obviously but customs didnt care - came straight thru

i always found countries being so fussy about CE certification is kind of hilarious

99% of our electronics come from china

if i order a Fosi 240v product (if they chose to make one) are they suddenly going to be unsafe???

literally a $5 plastic kettle from china i get from our costco passes

surely at least in China they've perfected how 240v (and 110v) devices work??


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Feb 10, 2020
i've bought a fair few wall plugged consumer electronics direct from china via taobao or ali or whatever

eg. i have a chinese class a/b power amp and i think it's probably one of only a handful in this country
Most of us do the same, I have many such electronic working fine while many didn’t.

if i order a Fosi 240v product (if they chose to make one) are they suddenly going to be unsafe???
Unsafe - probably yes, or probably not. But these Certifications are for compliance, no harm in desiring for peace of mind.
IF we desire tests & measurements done and seen before we buy amplifier, DAC, etc. then why not PSUs.

Personally I would not avoid safety certification.


Aug 7, 2020
Hello everyone, we are back seeking opportunities to co-create products with you.:D

Thanks to your continuous support, our ZA3, launched a few months ago, has been widely recognized by users. We greatly value the opportunity to discuss and develop new products with you. Now, we have started preparing the design for the next balanced power amplifier and hope you can continue to provide your valuable insights.

The new balanced model is ZA5, and we would like to get your opinions on a few aspects:
1. Choice of amplifier chip:
A. Hypex NCOREx
B. Purifi
C. TI TPA 3255
D. MOSFET class D amplifier (Do you have any recommended MOSFET brands?)
E. Other options

2. Based on the above options, what would be your price expectation for this product?
A. Around $200
B. Around $250
C. Around $300

If you have more suggestions, please let us know.
Hello everyone, we are back seeking opportunities to co-create products with you.:D

Thanks to your continuous support, our ZA3, launched a few months ago, has been widely recognized by users. We greatly value the opportunity to discuss and develop new products with you. Now, we have started preparing the design for the next balanced power amplifier and hope you can continue to provide your valuable insights.

The new balanced model is ZA5, and we would like to get your opinions on a few aspects:
1. Choice of amplifier chip:
A. Hypex NCOREx
B. Purifi
C. TI TPA 3255
D. MOSFET class D amplifier (Do you have any recommended MOSFET brands?)
E. Other options

2. Based on the above options, what would be your price expectation for this product?
A. Around $200
B. Around $250
C. Around $300

If you have more suggestions, please let us know.
XLR, and remote control are a necessity!


Jan 17, 2023
I am all set up with the V3 monoblocks, although I could certainly make use of them in my theater see and see myself upgrading.

I would be interested in either the purifi or ncore options. If you are somehow able to make that happen for $300(that was the highest priced option you mentioned) you will be unstoppable!
Other points of interest would be differentially balanced input/output, built in power supply, variable gain settings, and I personally would rather see a strict amplifier as opposed to an integrated. Basically a more affordable, larger scale production of other ncore/purifi amplifiers at a better price.

What ever you do, you have cought my attention and I will be watching and cheering.


Lee T

May 4, 2024
I'd rather see Hypex or Purifi power amps along the lines others are producing but with higher production volumes driving the prices down.

That said, there still seems to be demand for another 3255 based design. Hopefully, you can pull something off so that nobody would ever want a different 3255 based amp from you in the future. This is what I get the impression people are asking for, with a couple of my own ideas thrown in too.
1. Most seem to want 2 channels with PFFB, XLR and RCA, gain options, sub out, high pass, and either trigger in/out or auto sensing.
2. Opinion seems divided on the inclusion of a volume pot. I'd say include a volume pot that can be defeated with a switch.
3. I think a good motorised volume pot with a simple remote might make the amp more user friendly.
4. Remote could perform power, input switching and volume control.
5. Use speaker binding posts that take thicker cable.
6. Try to keep the input impedance high enough for passive and tube pre amps.
7. Utilize the clipping detection and add a clipping LED.
8. Publish "real" power output specifications with a range of power supplies.
9. Add ballast so the unit doesn't tip over when cables are added. This might work alongside an improved cooling solution.
10. Better feet for improved airflow under the unit.
11. Be subtle with LEDs. The blue V3 LED is too bright near a monitor or TV in a dark room.
12. Maybe offer it in silver or black or even black with silver fascia and controls.
13. If there is a new pre-amp or DAC coming soon, trying to match case design across the range is going to help.

Adding a volume pot might confuse the appearance and function for users with any future DACPre or Pre amp but are handy for those without them. Also, the remote could be a more systemwide one that operates functions on the DAC and Pre too. If you can get people to buy into the Fosi stack like they do the Schitt stack, you'll be off to the races.
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