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AIYIMA A70 Stereo Amplifier Review

Rate this amplifier:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 12 3.5%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 38 11.0%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 171 49.4%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 125 36.1%

  • Total voters
For those looking for an alternative to the A70, here is a quick review of the 3E Audio Rev B Module with APx555 measurements)

The pain of being an early adopter! Which is why I like to wait for a long while and see how products do in the real world.

Aiyima is not as polished in their responses to me as Fosi, but they have come through in the end. I expect the delay is due to the production refinement that you mention.
I guess so,Especially looking forward to the first PFFB amplifier
Fyi, I got a response last week saying they are shipping amps this week
They have not even borthered to keep me informed about further delay. I did put my order 11th of March and asked them four weeks ago. They told me the delay was two weeks and the shipping time two weeks, so according to that it should arrive by now, but since it still not shipped, it obviusly will not happen.
I'm realy disapointed about this poor comunication, but not surpriced.
They have not even borthered to keep me informed about further delay. I did put my order 11th of March and asked them four weeks ago. They told me the delay was two weeks and the shipping time two weeks, so according to that it should arrive by now, but since it still not shipped, it obviusly will not happen.
I'm realy disapointed about this poor comunication, but not surpriced.
They didn't initiate the follow up. I wrote them for the third or fourth time.
They didn't initiate the follow up. I wrote them for the third or fourth time.
Thats actualy what I expected, but It's still poor custom service anyway.
They simply ignored my first mail, then I contacted them again a week later.
How hard would it be to just keep all customers informed about the progress, same text to everyone? I think it would be more easy than answering same questions hudereds of times.
I think they are closing up towards start sending out units, I am seeing some posts on their FB related to A70.
If they have rectified the pop issues, then I would think buyers would be happy enough to ignore the wait time. I have tested almost every new such amplifier coming into the market and they all have pop sound with ON/Off/Auto operation, some have so much that I don't even like to just try those out with my speakers.
You don't realize this until you get such a product, and you see something like this every day multiple times.
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I think they are closing up towards start sending out units, I am seeing some posts on their FB related to A70.
If they have rectified the pop issues, then I would think buyers would be happy enough to ignore the wait time. I have tested almost every new such amplifier coming into the market and they all have pop sound with ON/Off/Auto operation, some are so much that I don't even like to just tried those out with my speakers.
You don't realize this until you get such a product, and you see something like this every day multiple times.
Yes, AIYIMA has prioritized the start of delivery for the previous pre-sale orders
Aiyima A70 Novos Produtos Grande Retorno

Atenção todos os fãs da Aiyima Audio! Nosso A70 está pronto para o lançamento de um novo produto e estamos distribuindo três A70 para os amantes de áudio experimentarem e experimentarem!
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Detalhes do prêmio:
Este sorteio terminará no dia 18 de maio. O vencedor será escolhido aleatoriamente e anunciado em nossa página no Facebook.
(Complete as três etapas acima para participar do sorteio)
Não perca esta rara oportunidade!

#hifi #amp #amplificador #aiyima #audiófilo #presente #giveaway #dado #brindes #AiyimaA70 #amor

I was lucky enough to participate in this AIYIMA giveaway before I won a T9 PRO, I'm participating this time too, but I don't know if I was as lucky last time, I'm really looking forward to it!
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Just got a e-mail about, thats my order is being shipped.
I think the shipping process seams to be faster than expected, custom clearance released in Belgium, so it's now in the European Union, not far from Sweden. Hopefully I will get it quite soon.
Mine arrived today. The build quality feels substantial. The 48 watt power supply is an absolutely massive brick. I need to figure out how to position the brick before I can start using the amp. I think I need it outside the cabinet. The A70 itself is tiny
I really like it. I went from a Yamaha RX v750 to a FOSI DA 2120C and haven't liked the FOSI since the first day I got it. While it has a great feature set, it sounded lousy, anemic and you absolutely had to find an EQ that you could tolerate to make it listenable. But it was hundreds of dollars less than the Yamaha and it's form factor was what I needed, something small for a new TV cabinet. This A70 sounds great and is pushing my old Thiels to greater clarity than the FOSI. I bought the bigger power supply and it is the size of a real brick. I played with for an hour tonight at volume and I'm very happy. I do miss having a remote control.
I really like it. I went from a Yamaha RX v750 to a FOSI DA 2120C and haven't liked the FOSI since the first day I got it. While it has a great feature set, it sounded lousy, anemic and you absolutely had to find an EQ that you could tolerate to make it listenable. But it was hundreds of dollars less than the Yamaha and it's form factor was what I needed, something small for a new TV cabinet. This A70 sounds great and is pushing my old Thiels to greater clarity than the FOSI. I bought the bigger power supply and it is the size of a real brick. I played with for an hour tonight at volume and I'm very happy. I do miss having a remote control.
It's getting pretty hot considering I don't have it anywhere near the power supply. That said, it's very natural sounding and I like it. I'm using it with an Apple dongle
Mine arrived today. The build quality feels substantial. The 48 watt power supply is an absolutely massive brick. I need to figure out how to position the brick before I can start using the amp. I think I need it outside the cabinet. The A70 itself is tiny
Hi how many volts did you get from the power supply, 48V 5A or 48V 10A? and how is the heat dissipation, before the forum said that GaN power supplies have no heat problems
I got the 10A. I'm not feeling much heat from it but the amp itself is getting very warm and it's no where near the power supply
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