I believe the following observations may be useful to some people who are wondering why anyone's Purifi amps do not match Purifi's datasheets, at least for the 1ET9040BA module.
1. Nowhere in the 1ET9040BA datasheet is the power supply module used for the datasheet specs listed.. For all we know, they could have used an industrial beefed up lab bench power supply for their tests! But no Hypex PS listed anywhere in the
datasheet. This is a serious and glaring oversight imho. It could explain why no vendor is able to get the datasheet spec'd 1% THD 1400W of power in 2 ohms using the recommended Hypex PS.
March Audio says the Hypex PS are able to produce ~1100W in 2 ohms, hence they use a different non-Hypex power supply in the mono amps. Not sure if its from MicroAudio or other PS vendor.
2. The 1ET9040BA specs are only achievable in mono configuration, i.e. one power supply per module. If you a Hypex (or even MicroAudio) PS is shared among two 9040BA modules, a stereo configuration, you will never see the rated datasheet power specs. Simple math guarantees that will never be the case.
3. I see VTV Amplifiers rates one of their 9040BA monoblocs
@928W continuous into 2 ohms per their AP measurements. But not sure why they managed to measure their dual mono amps with 2 power Hypex supplies at
1.35kW rms into 2 ohms @1% THD. The math is not mathing right, imho.
@Buckeye Amps , can you please help put this conflict to rest? How much power is available from the 1ET9040BA using the recommended Hypex A180 power supply at 2 ohms with 1% THD. Thanks!
EDIT .. the datasheet says the 9040BA achieves 1400W into 2 ohms at
0.1% distortion. This doesn't sound right and maybe its a typo. They rate all their other old and new generation amps at 1% THD for 8, 4 and 2 ohms, when applicable. The 0.1% implies its capable of even higher than 1400W of power at 1% THD.