That is truly an excellent idea, you don't want to spend the time on a 10+ page paper that has no chance of publication from the get-go. However, JAES is a full-blown professional/academic peer-reviewed journal, so it's not one editor, it's a board. Here is the current list, with my suggestions in bold:Regarding the category of paper, maybe it's best to discuss the plan for the paper with the editor of the journal first and see what they recommend.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Editor in Chief
Vesa Välimäki (Aalto University, Finland)Deputy Editor in Chief
Robert C. Maher (Montana State University, USA)Associate Technical Editors
Søren Bech (Aalborg University, Denmark) - spatial perception and processingStefania Cecchi (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy) - digital audio processing for audio reproduction enhancement
Charalampos Dimoulas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) - signal processing, semantic audio
Christof Faller (Illusonic GmbH, Switzerland) - low bit-rate audio coding
Woon-Seng Gan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) - adaptive signal processing, active noise control
Adam J. Hill (University of Derby, UK) - sound reinforcement and electroacoustics
Hyunkook Lee (University of Huddersfield, UK) - perception and human factors, recording and production techniques
Robert C. Maher (Montana State University, USA) - analysis and synthesis of sound
Piotr Majdak (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) - spatial audio
Aki Mäkivirta (Genelec, Finland) - loudspeaker processing
Vicki R. Melchior (Technical consultant, USA) - high-resolution audio
Catarina Mendonça (University of Azores, Portugal) - perception
John Mourjopoulos (University of Patras, Greece) - digital processing of audio and acoustic signals
Juhan Nam (KAIST, South Korea) - deep learning in audio and music processing
Antonin Novak (Le Mans University, France) - electroacoustics and measurement
Francis Rumsey (Consultant, UK) - perception and spatial audio
Thomas Sporer (Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany) - psychoacoustics, perception, and listening tests
Lamberto Tronchin (University of Bologna, Italy) - room acoustics and architectural acoustics
Luca Turchet (University of Trento, Italy) - interactive and networked audio
Xiaojun Qiu (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) - room acoustics and signal processing in sound field control
Nadja Wallaszkovits (Phonogrammarchiv, Austria) - audio archiving, storage, and restoration
Toon van Waterschoot (KU Leuven, Belgium) - audio and speech signal processing