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Audio Engineering Society Paper and Help?

Conferences have specific themes and come up fast. Themes are announced at the beginning of the year; then researches go crazy to get their stuff done and written up. Some folks starting their research from scratch. Papers submitted have to fit the theme and often sub-themes of the conference. Conferences peer reviewers are generally given a month to review, which is no time at all. That's a fast turnaround. Then there is extra time for several rounds of revisions by the author, according to feedback from the reviewers. On cutting edge topics, it usually takes twice or three times to get the paper accepted. You are looking at up to 4-5 months to for the process to end. Conferences - everything is super fast to make sure the conference happens on time and is successful. The deadlines are hard and can't be moved. No flexibility in the tight schedule. Journals on the other hand, accept papers anytime of the year, and depending on the topic, may be published as soon as they are approved, or anytime in the future when your topic rolls around. There is no real deadline. Therefore, research can take months (usually years); reviews of journal manuscripts are given much more time (as much as about 10-12 weeks) because the papers are usually lengthy. Journal's: Relaxed, research over months and years, reviews can be long, multiple reviews if needed; published at any time at the discretion of the Editor.
These are the ones I am aware of on here (besides the obvious ones previously mentioned):

@Thomas_A and
It's true that I've published a lot of academic papers, including in high profile journals like Science and Nature. Trouble is that I'm too busy with my own work, supervising my graduate students, teaching, hosting visitors and workshops, behind working on papers with collaborators, perpetually late in submitting solicited peer reviews, etc.. The fact that I took this long to notice this post and respond is a sure sign that I am not a suitable collaborator.

I will just say one thing here, for posterity: The peer review process is a good way to run your work past other experts, and gain valuable feedback to improve it, and maybe some new ideas in the process. However, this is all it is really good for, everything else about the process is commodification of your work for the benefit of the eventual copyright holder (i.e., publisher). Furthermore, you can solicit peer review without submitting a paper to a publisher/conference, and have the same benefit...and you keep the copyright, as well. I think Amir's work may have a much higher impact/attention hosted here at ASR than it would anywhere else...
Furthermore, you can solicit peer review without submitting a paper to a publisher/conference, and have the same benefit...and you keep the copyright, as well. I think Amir's work may have a much higher impact/attention hosted here at ASR than it would anywhere else...

I essentially agree with you.

One (nice?) alternative would be to prepare and publish "ASRF comprehensive e-book series" under the name of Amir (and ASR Forum) keeping the IPR (copyright) by Amir; in such e-books, Amir (and ASR co-authors) may/can have many flexible hyperlinks to any thread and post in ASR Forum.

One of the nice aspects of "e-books" would be easier corrections/revisions, and (periodical?) new editions can be rather easily "published on-line" without physical paper-book publication. We know so many online-only scientific journals (with or without peer review procedures) and scientific e-books have been already published and widely available.

Amir and our coordinators may/can invite suitable e-book publisher(s) (hire, appoint, with some costs?, voluntary participation/cooperation?), skillful individual persons and/or publishing companies. If this would be the case, I myself assume professional (or semi-professional) publisher(s) and designer(s) should be appointed for many reasons.

What would be the title for each of the possible "ASRF e-book series"?
Yes, Amir, as well as other coordinators, even many of the ASR Forum members, can suggest so many suitable and proper titles for the possible e-books.

What would be the cost coverage?
Various measures can be implemented, I believe. For example, to have new dedicated "Donations" page/thread to start "e-book series" project, and also to establish some subscription payment system for each of the "ASRF e-book series", an so on. Again, I assume we need to appoint professional publisher(s) in this regard for safe and rigid payment system/mechanism. We can learn a lot from the existing online journals and e-books for suitable cost coverage platform (with proper profits to Amir and ASRF?).

Please note that this is still only my personal naive thought and suggestion, but publication of such "ASRF e-book series" would be nice and exciting new endeavors of Amir and whole ASR Forum.
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I don't know, I still think publishing a 'real' paper is a good idea. How would you get peer review without submitting for publication?
As mentioned before, it could be a short form paper, and one more references could be links to all the additional online info (including e-books) one could want.

Regarding copyright: The AES seems to be able to waive copyright transfer for open access papers; see https://www.aes.org/openaccess/policy/ .
Relating to our present discussion on this thread, may I ask about "robustness" of our whole "ASR Forum"?

I assume @amirm has already kindly described somewhere in ASR, but if possible I would like to know/confirm the outline of backup policy and actual practice thereof for entire ASR Forum.
I current have a quick and expensive solution. The entire site is snapshot on daily basis. This means we can be up and running extremely quickly. Disadvantage is cost.
There is no question that we have far more reach and impact publishing content ourselves than any other outfit. AES included. The reason to do a paper there to build up credibility in that arena and spread the word beyond our current borders as to impact some change. So I still like to publish a paper or two and see how it goes.
Well... what do you know, my proposal to AES got accepted! :)

"Dear Amir Majidimehr,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your proposed Express Paper #21 entitled “Comprehensive Objective Analysis of Digital to Analog Conversion in Consumer and Professional Applications” has been accepted for publication at the AES New York 2023 Convention as a non peer-reviewed (Category 2) paper. Mode of presentation: Lecture."

Now I have to actually write the paper. :) :)
Well... what do you know, my proposal to AES got accepted! :)

"Dear Amir Majidimehr,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your proposed Express Paper #21 entitled “Comprehensive Objective Analysis of Digital to Analog Conversion in Consumer and Professional Applications” has been accepted for publication at the AES New York 2023 Convention as a non peer-reviewed (Category 2) paper. Mode of presentation: Lecture."

Now I have to actually write the paper. :) :)
Well... what do you know, my proposal to AES got accepted! :)

"Dear Amir Majidimehr,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your proposed Express Paper #21 entitled “Comprehensive Objective Analysis of Digital to Analog Conversion in Consumer and Professional Applications” has been accepted for publication at the AES New York 2023 Convention as a non peer-reviewed (Category 2) paper. Mode of presentation: Lecture."

Now I have to actually write the paper. :) :)

Congratulations, Amir great
Many many Congratulations, Amir!!
@amirm I'd like to volunteer! I've been doing all kinds of design and marketing for almost 20 years, so if you need help designing the paper, or designing charts, graphs, tables, etc., I'd love to contribute.

And if it's a lecture, does it mean you will be presenting? I'm pretty good at designing slides too.
Well... what do you know, my proposal to AES got accepted! :)

"Dear Amir Majidimehr,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your proposed Express Paper #21 entitled “Comprehensive Objective Analysis of Digital to Analog Conversion in Consumer and Professional Applications” has been accepted for publication at the AES New York 2023 Convention as a non peer-reviewed (Category 2) paper. Mode of presentation: Lecture."

Now I have to actually write the paper. :) :)
Congratulations and as an ancient and Wise Elder once told me. Be careful what you wish for! ;):oops:
Great, nice to see our community taking active participation in AES. The objective approach to the understanding of the audio gear is now available to the general public , exposing the inacuracy of many imaginative and feel good spec shests. In my opinion, this is a a quantum leap in the hobby, making manufacturers responsible to release products that perform as advertised or loosing a segment of the market. The people that cares about real performance vs look and brand, maybe be is small in numbers ,but it's is growing. Better products are being released.ñ; a minimum of 96dB sinad with 16bit, that should be the low end standard of any full resolution audio DAC, it's becoming the norm in the equipment tested and for the longest time binge the releade of the CD it has been the exception.
Well... what do you know, my proposal to AES got accepted! :)

"Dear Amir Majidimehr,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your proposed Express Paper #21 entitled “Comprehensive Objective Analysis of Digital to Analog Conversion in Consumer and Professional Applications” has been accepted for publication at the AES New York 2023 Convention as a non peer-reviewed (Category 2) paper. Mode of presentation: Lecture."

Now I have to actually write the paper. :) :)
And prepare a lecture.
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