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Aiyima A07 Max - Aiyima's new TPA3255 amplifier with mono/stereo output

I don’t know why would you take my advice on this, but if you do and if you have got 100$ spare then just get A07 Max.
Amazon will have good return period safety, but I highly doubt one would return this amplifier unless get a really broken piece.
Thx - In the Cyber Monday promotion, I got it for $74.50 with a 48V/5A power supply, but the delivery is only around December 20th... plenty of time for better/worse/the same speculations :D
Has anyone properly measured whether changing the op-amps does anything? I see a lot of people swear by it but it smells a lot like typical audiophool bs to me.
I saw it before in A07 MAX .
I also should have added that if you tend to prefer a slightly more bass and upper-mid presentation then ZA3 is fantastic amplifier.
For a more perceived neutral presentation, A07 Max.
The source for A08 PRO in my case is the Aiyima T8 preamplifier with a GE5760 Triple Mica lamp, which gives a pretty nice midrange and unobtrusive low frequencies.
What is the real deal with op amp replacement, are the effects merely cosmetic or, as some claim, almost revolutionary? And what kind of costs are we talking about? (I’ve been playing with tubes for T8 in the range of $6-25…)
Has anyone properly measured whether changing the op-amps does anything? I see a lot of people swear by it but it smells a lot like typical audiophool bs to me.
You'll see a range of opinions represented here. Most experienced EE folks say to leave the stock 5532s alone. I swapped for 4562s in my Aiyima A04 and A07 amps just to be sure the parts were genuine (Fosi has shown good documentation for the V3 that they are using real 5532s). Some op-amps if not correct for the amp circuit can cause oscillation and bad things can happen. My advice is that if you do try a swap, use a test setup with low cost/sacrificial quality speakers first.

I continue to experiment a bit. Burson Audio is sending me some of their Vivid op-amps to try out. Cost for op-amps can range from $3 apiece for chip ones up to $80+ for discrete ones. And you need two for most of the Aiyima and Fosi amps.

I did not hear any difference really between the 5532s and 4562s. One set of good graphs here indicated it might lower the noise floor a tad bit.

So, be advised that "your mileage may vary" and it's something that's at best a "fun to try" thing rather than a game-changer.

P.S. Also, on the A07 MAX specifically, be advised that the screws on the bottom of the case are in there very, very tight. I was afraid I'd strip the screws so left the case look alone for now. (May try again eventually as I'm curious if I have the 50v large caps in there or the 63v ones.)
Has anyone properly measured whether changing the op-amps does anything? I see a lot of people swear by it but it smells a lot like typical audiophool bs to me.
I have change several times change opamps like 50 times in Aiyima 07, Aiyima07 Pro and Fosi V3, they do sound different and make improvements in sound, since the are made for different voltage and applications, I have the Sparkos labs SS3602, Muses02, lme49860, lm4562, opa1692, opa2604, opa1656 ect. Never have a problem they have to be dual or mono to dual opamp and can only be place one way otherwise booom
Has anyone properly measured whether changing the op-amps does anything? I see a lot of people swear by it but it smells a lot like typical audiophool bs to me.
I can only advice to replace it with same ones if you want to be double sure that opamps aren’t limiting anything.
This doesn’t mean that I have any doubts whatsoever on amplifier manufacturer.
Thx - In the Cyber Monday promotion, I got it for $74.50 with a 48V/5A power supply, but the delivery is only around December 20th... plenty of time for better/worse/the same speculations :D
You are going to get 63v, congrats.
I have change several times change opamps like 50 times in Aiyima 07, Aiyima07 Pro and Fosi V3, they do sound different and make improvements in sound, since the are made for different voltage and applications, I have the Sparkos labs SS3602, Muses02, lme49860, lm4562, opa1692, opa2604, opa1656 ect. Never have a problem they have to be dual or mono to dual opamp and can only be place one way otherwise booom
Unless you did double blind tests or measurements I don't trust anecdotes like this. Too many variables, and our brains are easily tricked into hearing differences if it expects to hear differences.
Not crazy, just human. Controlled listening tests are needed to avoid the well documented tricks the brain plays, revealing whether you can _really_ hear a difference, or if it's just in your head. There are measurements in a few threads (search opamp rolling in titles) that show little to no difference for opamps in the input stages of headphone amps. A rare counterexample was traced (IIRC) to an implementation error - missing caps on the power rails leading to insufficient filtering, so the opamp with the better PSRR gave measurably lower noise at the output.
I think ZA3 is going to be released soon for sale on all platforms, probably in 2 weeks or so.
I know this isn’t Fosi ZA3’s thread, but still

I received the A07 MAX with a 36v 6 amp power supply right before Thanksgiving and Rolled the Op Amps to the Sparko SS3602. The SS3602 provides an enhanced sound stage with better definition between the two channels. I also have the original A07 with the Sparko SS3602; it also sounds awesome. If you roll the Op Amps on the A07 MAX be careful of the two LEDs on the front by the power on/volume switch as they can get misaligned and break off. I also changed out the hex head screws on the heat sink as others have said they strip out pretty easily.
Otrzymałem A07 MAX z zasilaczem 36v 6 A tuż przed Świętem Dziękczynienia i przetoczyłem wzmacniacze operacyjne do Sparko SS3602. SS3602 zapewnia ulepszoną scenę dźwiękową z lepszą rozdzielczością między dwoma kanałami. Mam też oryginalny A07 ze Sparko SS3602; Brzmi też niesamowicie. Jeśli przetoczysz wzmacniacze operacyjne na A07 MAX, uważaj na dwie diody LED z przodu przy przełączniku włączania/głośności, ponieważ mogą się źle ustawić i zerwać. Wymieniłem również z sześciokątnym na radiatorze, ponieważ inni powiedzieli, że dość łatwo się zdejmują.
A07 MAX~80,00 $
2x Sparko SS3602 = ~160,00 $
~240,00 $
A07 MAX~80,00 $
2x Sparko SS3602 = ~160,00 $
~240,00 $
You are correct that the cost is expensive for the amp and the op-amps, but the outcome you get for audio clarity and sound stage presence is unbelievable. I will say that the small form factor for the amps is a plus for a garage or small office system which is what I use these two Aiyima A07 and A07 MAX for. I haven't heard a $240 amp put out that kind of sound and I do have a Yamaha RX-A3080 that doesn't sound as good as the two Aiyima A07s.
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I don't know how people's likes the unnatural sound of sparkos OP amps, it's most overpriced amps with terrible sound .Most relevant OP amps OPA 1656 and 2604,and price is very cheap for good sound. But I say many times, the MAX is the first amplifier what I can listening with stock OP amps.
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