@3eaudio Are those specs opamps compatible with some of your amplifiers line?
Bipolar Input Operational Amplifier
Ultralow Distortion: 0.000015% at 1 kHz
High Slew Rate: 27 V/μs
Voltage supply +- 5V to +-18V
Work Temperature - 70*C
I think that these heat sinks won't fit the A5/A7 case opening, to start with. The depth might fit with these (contrary to Akliam LC5), but the width and height will not.
If you are looking into the 3e Audio DIY boards, the opamps are non-replaceable, as far as I know.
Generally speaking, the "technical data" you could provide is by no means sufficient to judge their compatibility. But just the fact that they will draw 170 mA of current would rule them out for me, sorry. Also remember: Without exception,
any manufacturer who files off the type designations of ICs is dubious. Period. This explicitly includes Virtual HiFi. Some other guy who does so (he usually goes by the name of "Honest Tom" Evans) is into some kind of trouble with the community right now:
This is a classic, perhaps the most entertaining of his videos that I've seen, and of particular interest to the ASR membership, so I hope the mods won't remove this thread. I laughed at the rubbed-out markings on the internal components, a practice that many other high-end audio...
mirror of video mend It Mark that was taken down elsewhere for reference Repairing The Questionable £25,000 Tom Evans Audiophile Pre-Amp
At least back in June
@3eaudio suggested that the default opamp will be OPA1656.
Hi Amigos: It has been for around 2 years after we release TPA3251 and TPA3255 series amplifier DIY kits with post filter feedback design that improve the overall performance of the single chip itself. With many buyers(diyer) enjoyed our diy kits and having so many fun from their own diy...
OPA1656 is not even in the official compatibility list of the Hypersonic. Better ask them first.
They sound better than anything I Heard before and I have a bunch of opamps here.
I am sure that you are sure of what you heard. Please, still ask yourself these questions: How did you evaluate those opamps? Why and how would the "sound" a certain opamp "generates" always be the same, regardless of the circuit it is used in?
You might be a victim of confirmation bias. Spending 170 bucks on an amplifier expected to be sold for less then 300 bucks doesn't sound very economic.
Just let him know you're holding up his pay until he delivers the completed review.
Why didn't I think of that myself so far? Sometimes it's so easy!