
  1. Pinox67

    Physics and perception of low-order nonlinear distortions

    Introduction In the engineering of electronic devices for music production or reproduction all designers are faced with the problem of minimizing the different forms of distortion inexorably introduced by their creations on the audio signal. They are commonly classified into two categories...
  2. Hasan Aydin

    Measurement MacBook Pro Output (Newbie)

    hello, I want to measure my MacBook Pro headphone output with my ADI-2 Pro using the REW software. This is the first time I measure something and I'm a beginner. My question is: Can I use a simple 3.5mm jack to XLR cable for this or would that be a problem because that is unbalanced to balanced...
  3. M

    Bizzare REW issue?

    Hello, recently acquired MOTU M2, here is the noise floor measurement along with the settings, using ASIO drivers: Looks nice. Lets switch to Java drivers Device is the same, computer is the same, everything identical except drivers and it does this. Tried messing around with buffer size and...
  4. S

    Procella P815,P6 and V21 measurement from Trinnov training

    Here is the in-room measurement from Trinnov itself during ISE 2020 , The measurement below is the P6 and V21. Here is P815 with V21. Warning: The showroom has room acoustics treated What do you guys think? Maybe that's why there is no measurement online for procella. lol
  5. dougi

    What mechanism is causing feedback in this setup?

    The other day, when performing near-field measurements of my study speakers (as part of designing a crossover for them), I started getting feedback when measuring close to the tweeter (Seas D2010/8513) with no test signal being generated. Measurement setup was: PC USB->Scarlett 2i2 audio...
  6. Fraxo

    In IEMs - Is there a scientific proof that BA Timbre is a real thing? What about "Speed"?

    This whole topic is getting annoying. I don't need people to repeat the same facts about different technologies of drivers, Planar\BA\DD etc.. But can someone actually prove that there are differences beyond FR? An actual audible proof or something that impossible to refute? Debates about this...
  7. R

    Behringer Truth B2031A - how truthful is it? (review / modding)

    I bought one speaker out of curiosity. I wanted to see the value the speaker delivers for just $199. What a great first impression unboxing and taking it apart! These things are designed (thanks, Genelec!) and built (thanks, Behringer!) really well: the cabinet is dense and solid, the driver...
  8. JeremyFife

    Audio Science review of Music ... any options or standards?

    Hi All, I'm new here - so let me know if this is wildly off topic or has already been dealt with. This site is messing with my head (re-educating me) about equipment; gone are my dreams of beautiful class-A valve monoblocks costing more than my car and instead I'm thinking about teeny little...
  9. 1niltothe

    SoundID Reference Measurement Procedure... Really?

    Apologies if this is a discussion which has been had elsewhere. I will delete the post if so. I just went through the calibration and measurement process on the latest SoundID Reference programme. I wanted to check: -> the process which locates the microphone in 37 positions. The programme...
  10. sweetchaos

    Erin posted the Emotiva Airmotiv T2+ tower speaker review

    Erin just posted the Emotiva Airmotiv T2+ (3-way) tower speaker review! Retails for US$1000/pair. Look at the size of these bad boys! Overall conclusion from Erin: Thanks to @hardisj for measuring this beast of a speaker. :D Discuss!
  11. B

    Polk Reserve R100 Measurement Interest

    I have an extra Polk Reserve R100 bookshelf speaker sitting in a box, so I wanted to gauge the interest on having it measured on a Klippel NFS.
  12. dominikz

    Revel M16 - quasi-anechoic spinorama and misc measurements

    This is a quasi-anechoic spinorama measurement of the Revel M16 passive bookshelf speaker. Although this speaker was one of the relatively early ones measured in high precision using Klippel NFS in a review by @amirm (link), I figured it is always nice to have another independent data point so I...
  13. J

    Which measurement microphone to choose for measuring and calibrating rooms?

    Hi! I have been doing some research on some measurement mics and have been interested in 4: dbx RTA-M Behringer ECM 8000 Dayton emm-6 Presonus PRM 1 My question is: Which one is the best for measuring rooms (home studios mainly) and calibrating studio monitors?
  14. Oddeeo

    Apple Music iPhone EQ Measurements

    Has anyone ever attempted to measure the effects that the stock iPhone EQ’s have on frequency response? For people on the go, I think it would be super handy to know which frequencies the stock eq’s like Bass Boost, Bass Reduction, etc. boost and/or buck. Especially for people that are...
  15. L

    About how to read masurements of all kinds of equipments

    I've been here at ASR for a while and I really appropriate the work Amirm is doing. But I just can't find any tutorial threat about how to read and analyze the measurements he has been presenting. There is a YouTube video about headphone measurements, but I didn't found anything about DAC and...
  16. K

    PreSonus Firebox 24bit/96khz loopback measurments

    I acquired this interface cheaply and have performed some measurements to evaluate its suitability for measuring amplifier etc. This is an example of a several generations old budget audio interface. Measurement setup is with a 3 conductor jack lead...
  17. Kadent

    Correctly measuring bookshelf speakers nearfield

    Hello everyone Recently, I ventured down the rabbit whole of measuring stuff. Got a cheap measurement mic (which is really quite accurate) and some cables/adapters for use accordingly. My question is however, how to roughly measure speakers while bypassing the room variable. I used to measure...
  18. xykreinov

    miniDSP UMIK-2 vs. Dayton Audio OmniMic V2

    Hi, I'm looking to get a speaker measurement microphone. But, I am unsure what all the specific benefits/downsides are between the UMIK-2 and OmniMic V2, besides the difference in price and Dayton's software. I would appreciate some help. I likely would not be using Dayton's software, which...
  19. M

    Accuracy of phone base SPL meters?

    In another thread there was some discussion of matching levels for test tracks, and the topic of how to measure levels came up, so I tried a quick comparison. The phone was balanced on top of the UMIK, so it's mic was only about a centimetre away from the UMIK's capsule: In a quiet room I get...
  20. M

    B&W 705 Signature Measurements | Stereophile At a $1000 premium over the $3K 705 S2, it features a higher end finish and an optimized crossover. Stereophile measured the original 705 in 2004, where the price was $1500 (inflation calculator puts...
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