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WiiM Mini Streamer

It only show first unfold? 88/96khz?
Just like a Bluesound Node and iFi Zen Stream (and Roon and Audirvana and Tidal apps do it in software)

Completely normal

This is known as 'MQA Core Decode' - a license that WiiM are now paying to MQA company

What does your firmware version show?
Just like a Bluesound Node and iFi Zen Stream (and Roon and Audirvana and Tidal apps do it in software)

Completely normal

This is known as 'MQA Core Decode' - a license that WiiM are now paying to MQA company

What does your firmware version show?
My E50 is not connected on computer so I’m not sure. E50 has a optical and coaxial renderer so taking mqa core to e50 renderer will unfold what’s on mqa core to fully unfold. I’m not sure what’s going on this is why I purchase this e50.
My E50 is not connected on computer so I’m not sure. E50 has a optical and coaxial renderer so taking mqa core to e50 renderer will unfold what’s on mqa core to fully unfold. I’m not sure what’s going on this is why I purchase this e50.
Could you also try with Wiim's internal dac if it does MQA too?
Thank you
My E50 is not connected on computer so I’m not sure. E50 has a optical and coaxial renderer so taking mqa core to e50 renderer will unfold what’s on mqa core to fully unfold. I’m not sure what’s going on this is why I purchase this e50.
What firmware is your WiiM Mini now ?
.....I've seen it before with Chinese company's.... Whilst that may be acceptable practice in China, it's something that could completely destroy a company's reputation in the Western world.
To quote Takei, "Oh My".

Domestic companies are far more ethical right? Domestic audio companies are consumer advocates who could never risk their reputations by misleading and abandoning loyal customers. I'm glad I could purchase my Logitech Squeezeboxes with confidence that they wouldn't suddenly end support, development, and sales. I am grateful that once I invested in the Chromecast Audio ecosystem, that Google would support it with not just regular feature updates, but improved audio centric models featuring digital outs so I could expand my system. They would never refuse to release models that lack even a 3.5mm out to attach to my gear. I felt great knowing my two Harman/Microsoft Invoke speaker would never lose not just Cortana, but all of their Wi-Fi capabilities due to a mandatory firmware downgrade. I am grateful that Harman would never stop development and pull the Android app that is required to connect my then one year old Omni-Plus speakers to Wi-Fi. A lot of Omni Plus features never worked. They would never tell loyal customers "Just use Bluetooth". It would completely destroy their reputation.

I owned all of the above products. Not only were promised features never delivered and functions often defective, but ecosystems were abandoned and core existing features removed after the fact.

I have a lot of experience over years with LinkPlay (ie Wiim) devices. Most of my old LinkPlay compatible speakers/adapters still get firmware and feature updates through LinkPlay's own apps. The updates allow me to still use services when the provider's software changes. Linkplay supports these products (by in some cases US and European brands) years after they were discontinued, the MFG support ended, and the MFG Apps withdrawn from Play Stores.

Do you really think Wiim Mini Users are furious that they could buy an $80 streamer with more working features on release and better fidelity than higher priced products? Will they seek to destroy Wiim's reputation as a result? How many here wish the Mini was never released, or was held back for beta testing and released years later at $600 so it could do bit-perfect multi-room? Are they angry that they bought from a company that regularly asks for input from ASR users? Are they upset that Wiim's communication is more transparent about development goals and engineering frustrations than other companies?

Maybe I am wrong, but even if they are upset, what the h does this have to do with LinkPlay being Chinese?
Will they seek to destroy Wiim's reputation as a result?

No probably not BUT ... I personally wouldn't buy another of their products with the promise of what it can do in the future but would only look at what it's capable of at the time of purchase and I'm sure a lot of other people will feel the same.

At the time of buying these I had 3 Chromecast Audios doing the same job for multiroom music so in esssence these will now be no improvement on that, if I'd known that I wouldn't have bought them.

Our Priminister's just been ousted due to lies and promises of what he was going to do in the future and didn't get delivered ... it didn't take others to seek to destroy his reputation he managed to do that all by himself and is now basically gone due to a lack of trust.
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I do agree with this ALTHOUGH .... I think there's an awful lot of people that thought that's what they were going to get with the current version and bought it on that basis.
In essence if that's what you want in the future, you have WiiM mini's you paid good money for simply to be a free tester for the company and to then have to go back and pay more and losing your initial outlay as well, just to get what you thought you were buying in the 1st place.
Yeah, while I had expected multi room AMHD and it's disappointing that it now appears the current model hasn't got the memory to support it, I'm trying to be pragmatic about it as I actually don't often use multi room playback. They were bound to hit a limit somewhere along the line given the amount of features they're loading on to the device.

It was working after a fashion a few firmware versions ago in that I could group my gen 2 Echo Show with the WiiM and at least enjoy HD playback as confirmed on the Alexa app, as well as having album art and lyrics on the Show. However, the latest firmware that has the SD multiroom constraint seems to have broken that earlier capability.

And who knows, there might still be good resale values for the Mini if anyone wishes to recuperate part of their initial outlay. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford relatively cheap 'things with a plug' (as my family calls them) and enjoy playing around with new tech.
Playing together on Amazon, they currently do 24/48k because (I think) Amazon won't let UHD play on both in sync with my single-user account.
Sounds like you have a single stream Amazon Music plan which shouldn't differentiate between a single device or a grouped set of devices. In this case, I'd say it's the WiiM firmware that's differentiating.
......Our Priminister's just been ousted due to lies and promises of what he was going to do in the future and didn't get delivered ... it didn't take others to seek to destroy his reputation he managed to do that all by himself and is now basically gone due to a lack of trust...
I guess I missed the allegation that Boris is Chinese.

My issue is not whether you should support companies that make statements about future features that later prove untrue. Everyone can make their own decisions on that.

My issue is your assertion that western companies do not do this (or worse) because of inevitable customer retribution. From my personal experience with streaming products I own, that is just not true.

My issue is you judging Wiim/Linkplay based on racial/cultural stereotypes. I personally have a lot of experience with LinkPlay and their support of the technology. It has been far superior than my experience with Logitech, Harman, Google, and Microsoft. I bought products from those folks that did not work from the start, that they removed from support when they were near new, and ones where they eliminated core existing features because they did not want to pay for ongoing firmware mods that would keep them working.

I am ignorant on one thing. Did Wiim's published advertising or Amazon listing state that Bit Perfect Synced Multi Room Reproduction is a current feature?.

I thought that it was brought up as a future planned enhancement in their timeline. We should all be skeptical of future features promised. My neighbors Tesla should be totally self driving by now, right? I still like to know what an R&D department is working on, and take any promises/timelines with more salt than my doctor recommends.
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No probably not BUT ... I personally wouldn't buy another of their products with the promise of what it can do in the future but would only look at what it's capable of at the time of purchase and I'm sure a lot of other people will feel the same.
I could say I feel the same, but I wouldn't buy from ANYONE on promises of what it can do in the future. Given the record of 'reputable' companies removing capabilities with pushed firmware updates, or soft-bricking otherwise functional products, I don't trust the future behavious of anything I can't stick community-maintained software on.
Yeah, and I think there's an old buggy whip around here somewhere, so I want my WiiM to include a horse cart.
And a telephone dial interface for my dead grandpa. When will we get a WiiM with some digital vacuum tubes? And dial-up.?
I'm not buyin' one 'til then.
(I already have two WiiMs and no MQA fantasy. No Roon. craving either. I can't imagine how my music sounds so good at 24/192k.)
they just enabled MQA, its stuttering so much , I asked them to turn it off :facepalm::D now i cant use the thing with tidal at all
I received MQA firmware and tidal connect does the first unfold and my E50 has optical renderer. It only show first unfold? 88/96khz?
is it not stuttering like crazy? i asked them to turn MQA off, and yup only 88/96 ha ha , this is not beta, this is alpha and we are unit testing :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
I'm trying to be pragmatic about it as I actually don't often use multi room playback.

I think it's probably this I find most annoying thing as I regularly go between the 2 and keep switchicng HD/ULTRA on / off in the Alexa App not just once but for each device which is a pain. I wouldn't mind if it auto detected as multiroom which isn't so listening critical and believe they're working to try and achieve that which would make a lot of difference.
is it not stuttering like crazy? i asked them to turn MQA off, and yup only 88/96 ha ha , this is not beta, this is alpha and we are unit testing :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Well wait for the public release, nobody is forcing you to use the beta...
Expecting issues is almost a given with non production releases, and given that it might even be DAC dependent, the more people who do report back issues, the better the public release will hopefully be.
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