i found that the circuit has different values than the Ti reference document recommends.
Ti Recommends R_fb=33k for a TPA3255, topping uses 9.9k (3x3.3k)
for R_fb_gnd they recommend 10k, but 750 ohms is being used.
the input stage is a very low noise and distortion gain stage with a gain (inverting) of about 1.77x
the output stage have a gain of roughly 1.21x
the output resistors are about 6.99k (tpa3255 has 20k input impedance, thats a gain of 0.67x)
if im not mistaken.
both in and outputs are capacitively coupled.
pretty low gain stages, very high feedback. this explains why its overall gain is so low but also why it measures so well.
i dont think heat sinking the module would help, but a softer potting compound would. im still on that thermal expansion idea with solder joints cracking.
the opa and ne5532 is rated to run at 125 and even 150°C, it wont get that hot at any time.
Ti Recommends R_fb=33k for a TPA3255, topping uses 9.9k (3x3.3k)
for R_fb_gnd they recommend 10k, but 750 ohms is being used.
the input stage is a very low noise and distortion gain stage with a gain (inverting) of about 1.77x
the output stage have a gain of roughly 1.21x
the output resistors are about 6.99k (tpa3255 has 20k input impedance, thats a gain of 0.67x)
if im not mistaken.
both in and outputs are capacitively coupled.
pretty low gain stages, very high feedback. this explains why its overall gain is so low but also why it measures so well.
i dont think heat sinking the module would help, but a softer potting compound would. im still on that thermal expansion idea with solder joints cracking.
the opa and ne5532 is rated to run at 125 and even 150°C, it wont get that hot at any time.