Hello, this is my very first post here. I have been lurking around ever since I found out about this website. I have read many reviews of the measurements and impressions that I have decided to do an upgrade based on what I have found primarily on this site.
And so here they are these two new beauties of mine.
Even bought Topping's own interconnects
I have it replacing my ancient Fiio X3 the first generation and JDS Labs C5. It's been a long time but here we are. The difference is amazing, I can tell it has upgraded the quality of sound reproduction and feeds good power to my headphones that it is worth my money every cent of it.
I like the quality of the build as well, I can't believe this is what I'm getting for my money's worth. All metal casing, with quite a heft to it, if this was what Chi-fi was back when I started 10 years ago wouldn't have believed you. Even the knob turns so smoothly though I have to say there seems to be slight give before the volume changes, but that's it.
The L30's gain arrangement, it definitely helps with running the kinds of headphones and earphones I'll get my hands on in the future.
One problem I had with my old C5 is that it pops when you turn it off or on, none of that is here.
Overall, it is a nobrainer really, barring those with their eyes on Balanced I guess. I am happy and content with my purchase. My ATH-R70X has been given the true power it needs. I can't be any more happier.
I'd like to thank Amir for the reviews and this wonderful site, JohnYang1997 for designing this great amp and everyone on this discussion helping me learn more about this beast such that I bought it and am currently enjoying myself with it now.
Here is the very first track I played on my system