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    • solderdude
      solderdude reacted to Mulder's post in the thread OLLO S5X Headphone Review with Like Like.
      All OLLO's models seem to be discontinued. The S5X is now sold at a lower price. All current models including the S5X appear to be...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Making thick RCA cables.
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Making thick RCA cables.
      The guy wanted thick interlinks and thought thick speaker cable would do just that. So... if he wants thick interlinks he should use at...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Closed headphones below 500.
      I am not a gamer but HD620S is closer to HD560S. Sennheiser support is well known. FT1 does not even sell parts like pads. HD620S is 2x...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Optical cable.
      For Toslink yes, 650nm (visible red) For glass fiber it can be LED (820-850 - 1300) or laser (1260-1360nm window and 1490-1625nm in...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Optical cable.
      POF is not intended for longer distances. You can get much lower damping using a bunch of glass fibers instead of POF and bridge longer...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Optical cable.
      Yep. And just like glass fibre they hate abuse but glass fiber (with Kevlar sleeving) can handle a bit more abuse other than being bent...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Optical cable.
      I have made fibre optic sensors that rely on the bending of (MM) optical fibers...
    • solderdude
      Here is a HD600 I measured (2015) that appears to have some difference in bass extension. Never seen it this 'bad' in other (Sennheiser)...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Optical cable.
      Typical end reflection of a straight (glass fibre) surface to air is around 0.3dB (4-7%) as there are 2 you end up with a 0.6-1dB loss...
    • solderdude
      solderdude replied to the thread Best headphone open with EQ ?.
      There is no single 'best' headphone (outside of the HE1 :D) but there are quite a few 'best' headphones at many price classes for all...
    • solderdude
      EQ not an option ? Passive filter removing the 'mount Beyer' treble peak not an option ? HD650 will do fine on an OTL and is more...
    • solderdude
      In that case the Sundara and both Beyers also should not be on your list ? Next best thing would be Sundara (slightly more expensive)...
    • solderdude
      FiiO FT1 ? It has too much bass (there is a cure for that) but treble is at the correct level. Cheaper than the others too.
    • solderdude
      When you want to get ASR members on-board you will have to find an audio sample that has a really fast rise-time. Cymbals usually aren't...
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