How did anyone know which numbers to put into the DSP?
We still don't know.
All we gained in knowledge is about this particular amp into a resistive load.
What that taught us that it has an unexplained treble roll-off in a resistive load that is a-typical of SET.
The distortion seen and recorded is more 'typical' and could be simulated in DSP when the amp's transfer characteristic would have been known. It isn't because not enough measurement data.
A second effect, that will be harder to replicate, is the output impedance per frequency. This changes the FR load dependent so could only be replicated in DSP for a known speaker load.
Leaves the roll-off which, given the teardown, is most likely due to used line-transformer.
I have read a lot about sparkle, but I have never seen anyone make the comment that there is a dynamic treble boost that occurs with a variety of common bookshelf speakers.
There is no dynamic treble boost. There is only a substantial high output impedance that is likely frequency dependent as well.
The used bookshelves, acc. to several SET specialists, are not intended to be used with these kind of amps.
To my knowledge, my review at ASR is the first to articulate this effect.
You did make the first recording so that people could hear the difference such a type of amp (but not totally representative of expensive SET) that this type of amp does in a resistive load. Had it been a SET amp without that input transformer most likely the audible results would have given a smaller preference as there would not have been an audible treble roll-off which was a give-away.
Maybe this is also a characteristic of other Chinese made SETs like the Willsenton that was popular among the popular YouTuber’s and absent from the very high end 300B SET designs.
The characteristic of such amps is just caused by tube distortion (easy to simulate that aspect), power output but above all the unusually high output Z that can cause tonal changes to the sound that is speaker dependent. This can be a positive effect or a negative effect.
So then you are getting into semantics.
1) There is a feature of the 300B that separates it from straight wire with gain. This makes it “special”
As stated this is distortion profile and load dependent frequency response modification. The effect can be 'special' for certain and is not easy to predict when the speaker impedance and amp output Z/frequency is not known.
2) Through the measurements of this SET 300B, we have potentially translated 300B sparkle into this treble boost. We have found and measured on element of that difference.
The only thing that was found was how the amp in your possession reacts to the 3 speakers you used and a resistive load.
It is quite likely, however, that other speakers will have a similar 'tonal modification' to similar speakers when connected to this particular amp and that indeed the amp will add 'sparkle'.
That is not what the blind test showed here as there were no files with the extra treble instead there were non representative comparisons with a tube amp that rolled off the treble.
When that is your goal then you should do a new recording and not use a resistive load but one of the speakers.
I think that would be far more representative of what you hear. After all you listened to speakers and not to the resistor.
Or stated differently, through these efforts of
A) acknowledging that subjectivists hearing the 300B SET’s “special sound”
That, however, was not shown. Besides this is acknowledged because 'we' know that the output Z is unsually high and harmonic and IM distortion is added which modifies the original (intended ?) sound.
B) investigating with available hardware at personal expense
I would recommend to invest a bit more time and also make available recordings with speakers as a load.
Recorded at the actual listening levels you listen at.
Make these available to
@danadam who can level match the files to the recording of the D90 output (basically the input of the amp)
You now have gained new knowledge about one secret of the sound signature of this particular amp.
Don't get me wrong. This is not to make any less of your otherwise great effort to review this amp by adding this audible experiment. It would be more representative to what you heard as special IF you re-did the comparison with 1 or 2 speakers as actual load.
Then we can actually hear the modification the amp makes to the input signal of the speakers you intended us to hear.